Monday, 21 October 2024

Utter Cringe: Kamala Phones in Charity Dinner Appearance With Lame Skit

Utter Cringe: Kamala Phones in Charity Dinner Appearance With Lame Skit

It was bad. Really bad.

Kamala Harris failed to show up to the Al Smith charity dinner in New York City, and instead phoned it in with an excruciatingly cringe ‘comedy’ skit that’s likely to be one of the unfunniest things you’ve ever witnessed.

No presidential candidate has skipped the dinner since Walter Mondale in 1984, but Harris snubbed her nose to the organizers and instead chose to attend a campaign event in Wisconsin.

In place of actually being there, Harris recorded a dreary short minute speech, which included one of the most unfunny ‘comedy’ routines ever produced.

During the bit, an ugly woman pretending to be a Catholic interrupts Harris to announce that she sticks her fingers under her arms and sniffs her own sweat.


The character, Mary Catherine, then blathers how, “We need a woman to represent us” and how smart Kamala must become to “become a top contender in a field dominated by men.”

“It’s time for a woman, bro, and with this woman we can fly!” proclaims the character, who is presumably a comedian, although you wouldn’t know it.

It gets worse as the ‘comedian’ talks about the “fact checker” present at the charity dinner being “Jesus” before she recites some Taylor Swift lyrics – “haters gonna hate hate hate” – in reference to Trump saying mean things about Kamala.

Catherine then tops out on the cringe by telling Harris, “Don’t forget to say superstar!” before referring to her as “Mamala”.

Harris then proceeds to deliver a glib 2 minute speech where she can barely take her eyes off the teleprompter and doesn’t appear to be even looking directly at the camera.

After the crowd at the dinner responded by groaning, comedian Jim Gaffigan, who introduced the event, responded by saying, “As I watched that, I couldn’t help but think of now I know how my kids felt when I facetimed into a piano recital they were at.”

Meanwhile, Trump gave a near 30 minute speech after actually bothering to turn up to the dinner, some parts of which were actually quite funny.

Gaffigan also had some good moments, like this one where he joked about the ‘party of democracy’ being the same one that staged a coup to get rid of their own candidate.

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