Tuesday, 15 October 2024

Congressional Republicans introduce LIABLE ACT to hold COVID vaccine makers accountable for mass injuries, deaths

U.S. House Representative Chip Roy (R-Texas) just introduced a new bill that would eliminate the liability shield that has protected the COVID vaccine makers from lawsuits. The new bill -- Let Injured Americans Be Legally Empowered Act (LIABLE ACT) -- would allow Americans to sue Johnson &Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna for vaccine-related adverse events. Millions of Americans could seek recourse and compensation if the LIABLE ACT became law.

Roy said, “The American people deserve justice for the infringement on their personal medical freedom and those medically harmed deserve restitution.”

In 2020, the COVID jab was given emergency use authorization through the Department of Defense and did not go through the standard FDA approval process. To make matters worse, when the COVID vaccine makers contracted with the U.S. government, they were granted a liability shield. The Public Readiness and Preparedness (PREP) Act, enacted by then-President Donald Trump, and renewed several times by the Biden Administration, has paved the way for the COVID vaccine makers to operate above the law, with impunity. The PREP Act is set to expire by Dec. 31, 2024.

If Congress does the right thing and revokes the PREP Act, and initiates judicial accountability, then the country can begin to address the vaccine injury crisis.

COVID vaccine makers could face millions of new lawsuits

Since the rollout of the COVID jabs, millions of people have suffered from serious adverse events, as recorded in the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS). This pharmacovigilance system has also captured tens of thousands of deaths following the COVID shots. Independent studies conducted on the VAERS database estimate that the FDA and CDC system only records 1-10 percent of vaccine-related adverse events. Injuries and medical complications from the covid vax could easily be in the tens of millions and deaths from the shot are likely significantly higher than the system indicates. If Americans had a legitimate path to suing the COVID vaccine makers, then their voices would finally be heard, and accountability could begin to ensue.

It's important to note that these VAERS records do not even include the millions of reoccurring breakthrough covid-19 infections and acute illnesses that have followed vaccination. These covid infections were supposed to be prevented by the “vaccine” but they were made more severe because the vaccine can damage the endogenous and humoral immune system and cause autoimmune issues and blood/circulatory problems.

If followed through, the LIABLE ACT would inevitably bankrupt COVID vaccine makers

If the Liable Act became law, the COVID vaccine makers would quickly go bankrupt. For thirty-six years, the federal government has been required to compensate victims of vaccine injury under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. This law set up the Office of Special Masters of the U.S. Court of Federal Claims and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). During its tenure, over $4 billion has been paid out to families afflicted by vaccine injury or death. However, this special payout system has dismissed countless vaccine injuries and turned away hundreds of parents who watched their child suffer from seizures, become nonverbal or disabled right after taking a childhood vaccine.

Historically, the VICP has not set aside enough money or required enough excise tax from vaccine makers to cover the thousands of vaccine injuries caused by traditional childhood and adult vaccines. Many people have been turned away by this system because it is designed to ignore evidence of harm to protect the current supply of faulty vaccines.

This corrupt system has historically protected the vaccine industry and continued the distribution of unsafe and ineffective vaccines. Under the law, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is required to hold vaccine makers accountable and require further testing and improvements to the vaccine supply when one is found to be injurious. The HHS has admitted that these safety studies have not been conducted over the past three decades.

So far, the PREP Act’s liability shield has only allowed eleven COVID-19-related claims to be compensated under the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP). This program has denied 98% of all claims and paid out a meager $3,700 per claim. This system, like the VICP, is a mockery of justice.

If Americans are finally allowed to bring suit against these COVID vaccine makers, then Pfizer and Moderna would soon cease to exist. But under this bill, it’s likely that these mRNA pioneers would be granted some form of immunity under the VICP or CICP, so that lucrative mRNA experiments can be continued into the future.

In the end, will taxpayers have to foot the bill for millions of Covid vaccine injuries, while vaccine makers continue to skirt criminal charges? Will the CICP program continue to ignore and mock victims of vaccine injury? Will the VICP program continue to dismiss and shortchange Americans whose lives have been disaffected by vaccine injury, unlawful mandates and medical tyranny?

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Sources include:


Roy.House.gov [PDF]





Digital.AHRQ.gov [PDF]





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