Tuesday, 15 October 2024

TOP 10 reasons why proposed amendments to International Health Regulations are UNACCEPTABLE

The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) are a real doozy, threatening to unleash a medical martial law nightmare on the world.

James Roguski says he obtained what appears to be an unofficial updated version of IHR that threatens to destroy the world through medical tyranny – check out the video below for more.

Roguski looked through the document and came up with 10 primary reasons why the United States and the rest of the world need to reject it, the first reason being 1) a three-stage fearmongering protocol that allows the director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) to unilaterally declare an Early Action Alert (EAA) and Pandemic Emergency (PE), as well as a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC).

The WHO director-general will have full authority under the updated IHR to 2) quarantine the entire world with no oversight or outside checks and balances on his power. This is unconstitutional, for one.

Furthermore, the updated IHR will force world travelers to present 3) health documents showing that they were "tested" for whatever "virus" or other health threat the government and media say are circulating at any given time.

Perhaps the scariest element of the updated IHR is the 4) vaccination mandate component that allows for "emergency use" injections to be forced on the world at warp speed, i.e., Operation Warp Speed.

Non-state actors will also be forced under the updated IHR to 5) comply with public health measures as defined by the WHO.

(Related: Some people believe that these updated International Health Regulations will usher in full-scale medical martial law as soon as 2024.)

Mass medical surveillance

In order to ensure absolute compliance with whatever the WHO dictates during the next "public health emergency," the updated IHR will require 6) mass surveillance, meaning a total invasion of people's privacy.

The WHO also wants to create a 7) Pathogen Access and Benefits Sharing system to share and spread pathogens with alleged "pandemic potential," along with their respective genetic sequence data, with government officials all around the world.

Since individual countries have their own rules and regulations, i.e., the Constitution in the U.S., the updated IHR will establish a 8) National IHR Authority to synthesize rule implementation as well as allocate equitable human and financial resources to every nation of the world.

In order for any of this to work as planned, there will also have to be 9) full disclosure of private data, which Roguski warns is unacceptable in countries like the U.S. where the Constitution guarantees one's right to privacy.

Finally, one of the most obvious threats of the updated IHR is its 10) censorship component, which aims to limit free speech and freedom of expression under the guise of countering "misinformation" and "disinformation."

Roguski shared a more in-depth summary on his Substack of each offending element of the updated IHR, as presented to him in unofficial form – have a look to learn more.

"This is totally unacceptable and the horror of our days!" lamented one of Roguski's followers after perusing the IHR plan.

"Nothing that WHO does is ever acceptable, no matter how they try to reword their tyranny," said another. "There is nothing they could every say or do that will be acceptable to me. I'm an anti-WHO-er."

"This is to ensure they have control," wrote another about why the WHO used the word "shall" in many sections of the document concerning the new dictates. "In a court of law, the word 'shall' is binding! This is sneaky and the WHO is up to no good!"

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