Friday, 25 October 2024

ABC, CBS OMIT Biden Family Criminal Referrals By House Committees

The networks appear to have filled their allotted Biden family scandal with continued coverage of the Hunter Biden federal trial on gun charges, leaving them with no room for the criminal referral to the Department of Justice filed by several House committees against both Hunter and Uncle Jimmy, for lying to Congress.

Below you’ll find the sole mention of that referral across the dial- these 8 seconds on NBC Nightly News, a tack-on to the trial recap filed by correspondent Ryan Nobles:

RYAN NOBLES: And back in Washington, House Republicans say they’ll file a criminal referral to the Department of Justice against Hunter and James Biden for lying to Congress.

Yep, that’s all of it. 8 seconds on NBC. But that’s 8 seconds more than the giant donut that CBS and ABC threw on the board.

Per the House Oversight, Judiciary, and Ways and Means Committees, this seems like a fairly big deal that warranted significantly more than 8 seconds on the network evening news. Had the accused parties been named Trump, I am certain that the networks would have made time to air the related details.

Over on its X feed, the House Oversight Committee put it this way:

Our Committee, along with @JudiciaryGOP and @WaysandMeansGOP, today sent criminal referrals to the DOJ recommending Hunter and James Biden be charged with making false statements to Congress about key aspects of the impeachment inquiry of President Joe Biden.

These false statements implicate Joe Biden’s knowledge of and role in his family’s influence peddling schemes and appear to be a calculated effort to shield Joe Biden from the impeachment inquiry.

During his deposition, Hunter Biden made false statements about holding a position at Rosemont Seneca Bohai (RSB), a corporate entity that received millions of dollars from foreign individuals and entities who met with then-Vice President Biden before and after transmitting money to the RSB account that then transferred funds to Hunter Biden. After deposing Hunter Biden, the Committees obtained documents showing Hunter Biden represented that he was the corporate secretary of RSB.

There’s more both within the extended X thread, and within the actual referral letter (which you can view here). The referral alleges, in sum, that Hunter and James Biden gave false testimony to Congress in order to hide the current president’s involvement in a scheme to sell influence. The allegations plus the referral make for a major story that merits significantly more network newscast time than 8 throwaway seconds.

Once again, the Regime Media protect Biden rather than report on him.


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