Friday, 25 October 2024

DESECRATION: Not Even D-Day Is Spared From ABC’s Pro-Biden Sycophancy

The solemnity of the 80th anniversary of D-Day, which in 1944 marked the beginning of the liberation of Europe from the clutches of Nazi tyranny, was generally observed throughout the Regime Media. Except for ABC, which chose the occasion to promote President Joe Biden’s speech in a manner more befitting a campaign comms shop.

Watch the full report on Biden’s speech, if it can be called that, as aired on ABC World News Tonight on Wednesday, June 5th, 2024: 

DAVID MUIR: Meantime, President Biden is here in France tonight, set to deliver an address tomorrow here at the D-Day commemoration. The White House tonight saying he will defend freedom and democracy around the world, and America's leadership on the global stage. ABC's Chief White House Correspondent Mary Bruce is traveling with the president, and Mary, the president expected, of course, to honor the American heroes who died here, who fought here, and who made it home. And why what they did is so important and timely, with what the world is facing right now.

MARY BRUCE: Exactly, David. President Biden arriving here in France today to honor to veterans but, also to underscore the important of American leadership and protecting democracy. Biden is trying to rally allies to help defend Ukraine against Russia, which has been gaining ground. And he will meet with Ukrainian president Zelenskyy while he is here. Ukraine has been using U.S.-made weapons to strike inside Russia. Vladimir Putin today stressing that Russia, a nuclear-armed country will use all means to respond to the west, saying, quote, “if someone's actions threaten our sovereignty, we consider it possible for ourselves to use all the means at our disposal”. And while President Biden's remarks will not be a campaign speech, he has put preserving democracy at the center of this race, and David, he will make clear the sharp contrast with Donald Trump.

MUIR: Mary Bruce, traveling with the president. Mary, thank you.

It is on the hallowed ground of Utah Beach, and with the crosses honoring those who gave their last, full measure of devotion in the background, that Muir tossed over to Mary Bruce for some premium Biden apple-polishing. 

Everything that Bruce said after “And while President Biden's remarks will not be a campaign speech” was essentially the promotion of a campaign speech- not unlike the disrespect that usually follows the utterance of “with all due respect”. Otherwise, why did Bruce have to inject that Biden “...will make clear sharp contrast with Donald Trump”?

ABC’s reportage shows that there is no institution that the left won’t hollow out for its own self-serving purposes. So it is that D-Day is now shamelessly appropriated for the purpose of furthering the electoral prospects of Joe Biden. A vile desecration of the memories of those who fell on that day, and blatant disrespect to those heroes who made it to Normandy potentially one last time. Shame on ABC.

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