Friday, 18 October 2024

CRASS! Harris Hailed as ‘Heartbeat of Hope’ But Trump Told to ‘Tamp It Down’ After Shooting


It’s not even over yet but the month of July has been one chaotic event after another that have exposed not only leftist journalists’ lack of credibility but also decency. 

In the past few weeks we’ve seen network and cable anchors, reporters and pundits attack RNC speakers (see here) while proclaiming President Joe Biden a modern day George Washington for stepping aside to let Kamala “heartbeat of hope” Harris save democracy from Donald Trump. Never mind the fact that Trump literally “took a bullet for democracy.” 

In the immediate aftermath of the attempt on Trump’s life, some journalists couldn’t show a basic level of decency by holding back their criticisms for even a few hours. 

In the moments after Trump’s shooting, CNN’s Jamie Gangel actually chastised Trump: “After he was hit, former President Trump got up and said ‘fight, fight, fight!’....That’s not the message that we want to be sending right now. We want to tamp it down.”

Even worse, Hollywood elites actually made light of the attack on Trump with sick jokes. Tenacious D band member/actor Kyle Gass celebrated his birthday onstage and right before blowing out the candles on his cake, made this wish: “Don’t miss Trump, next time.”

HBO’s Insecure actress Amanda Seales didn’t even believe the shooting was real as she suggested the attack was “staged.” 

The following are the most obnoxious outbursts from leftist journalists and celebrities during the month of July:


Kamala Harris is a “Heartbeat of Hope” for Democracy



“We spent three weeks sitting outside the ICU with a death watch for democracy watching what would happen after that debate if Donald Trump were able to get back in the White House and it was terrifying…Then suddenly a crack open of hope. One little heartbeat of hope. Kamala Harris raising her hand and saying ‘I’ll take care of this,’ and you saw an explosion of support and energy.”
— Contributor Van Jones on CNN Newsroom, July 23.


Harris Must Win Or It Will Be a “Very Dark Place for This Country”

“It’s historic. It’s also, many people believe, all that’s standing between the United States and a very, very dark place for this country.”
— Co-host Joe Scarborough on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, July 23.


GOP’s Racist and Misogynist “Scare Tactic” 

“For years it’s been a Republican scare tactic. A vote to reelect President Joe Biden, the GOP often charges, is really a vote for Vice President Kamala Harris. It’s an attack line sometimes tinged with racist and misogynist undertones and often macabre imagery. But after Biden’s dismal performance at last week’s presidential debate, which has sparked Democratic calls for him to step aside, what was once dismissed as a far-right conspiracy — Harris replacing Biden — could now have a chance of coming to pass. And Republicans, including Donald Trump, are ramping up their attacks.”
— National political reporter Jill Colvin in a July 5 AP story. 


Joe Biden “In the Company of George Washington” and…

“Mr. Biden has spent a lifetime trying to do right by the nation, and he did so in the most epic of ways when he chose to end his campaign for re-election. His decision is one of the most remarkable acts of leadership in our history. An act of self-sacrifice that places him in the company of George Washington, who also stepped away from the presidency.”
— Former Newsweek editor/presidential historian Jon Meacham in July 22 New York Times column “Joe Biden, My Friend and an American Hero”

“This moment puts him….with a bunch of American greats….The sort of George Washingtons of the world.”
— Anchor Abby Phillip on CNN’s live coverage of President Joe Biden’s address to the nation, July 24.

“This was selfless on a level — I think — that’s important in a way that we talk about George Washington being selfless.”
— MSNBC host Joy Reid on MSNBC’s live coverage of President Joe Biden’s address to the nation, July 24.


…Lincoln, FDR, Cincinnatus



“Remember how eerily empty the Capitol was once the protesters, the rioters, the insurrectionists were gone? He stood in that strangely quiet West front to step into a moment in which democracy itself was under the greatest siege it’d been since FDR had been there in 1933. And before that, since Abraham Lincoln had been there, both of them on the other side of the Capitol in 1861. And that’s not overly grand. That’s not hyperbolic, as President Biden would say. It is, I think, a cold-eyed assessment of the reality of the history of the moment….We are a more perfect union because of President Biden. I think history is going to laud him for it.”
Former Newsweek editor/presidential historian Jon Meacham on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, July 22.



“He [Joe Biden] will be remembered as a great President. He will be mentioned in the same sentence as George Washington. Why? Because selflessly leaving power and the circumstances of him clinging to it in the last three weeks will be forgotten. The basic decision to leave power which started with Cincinnatus in 439 B.C.E., and then George Washington picks up from Cincinnatus, and the city of course is named for this. Why Cincinnatus? Why is he still so well known? Because this selfless act of leaving power — which in human history is an extremely rare thing to do — elevates you. And in combination with the record of genuine achievement, it will put Joe Biden in very, very good stead in terms of history.”
— Former MSNBC contributor Jonathan Alter on NBC Morning News Now, July 22. 



“President Biden….will be honored and revered and beloved and have a large place in American history because he did so much to save democracy….George Washington in 1795 said, ‘If democracy is going to work, political leaders have to leave power even if they can have more, so, therefore, I’m retiring to Mt. Vernon.’ Joe Biden is doing exactly the same thing….He said, ‘The stakes for democracy are so great this year. Donald Trump could make this into a dictatorship, steal all of our rights, that I’m going to do what the toughest thing a politician perhaps can do, which is to walk away from power.’”
— NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, July 22. 


Hailing Heroic Joe for Stepping Up “When Democracy Needed It”



“Here is somebody giving up power, okay, somebody who their whole career was counted out, so it’s giving up power and moving against personal instinct, which is ‘I’m going to show ‘em when they count me out’ and it’s worked for him. And that’s quite a contrast to Donald Trump, who was so desirous to hang on to power that according to the leaders in his own party, he inspired an attack on the Capitol. So to the extent you celebrate this decision by Joe Biden in this period of time and don’t immediately get on to [Kamala] Harris, it actually works to the Democratic party’s benefit.”
— Correspondent John Dickerson on CBS News’s live coverage of President Joe Biden dropping out of the presidential race, July 22.

“Tonight gratitude is the word for so many people in this country, pointing to Joe Biden now and calling him a patriot who stepped in when democracy needed it.”
— Anchor David Muir on ABC’s live coverage of President Joe Biden’s speech, July 24.

“Most heroes, they fight to the bitter end. He fell on his sword. He’s an old guy but the heart’s still there….You had a guy [Donald Trump] sitting in that chair and he wouldn’t give up power, no matter what….You got somebody sitting in that same chair showing that character does matter. Showing that you can have grace. You can put the people first. You can pass the baton and you are a bigger person for it. You’re gonna be more loved for it. So you got two examples of what men with power do and how they act at the end. And you couldn’t act any better than Joe Biden. That kid with the stutter grew up, he did a great job for this country and he’s doing a great job tonight. And I love that man!”
— Political commentator Van Jones on CNN’s live coverage of President Joe Biden’s speech, July 24.


He Just Got Shot But Trump Really Needs to Lower “The Temperature,” “Tamp It Down”



“He is recovering from these injuries now. This was a traumatic event no doubt for him, but I did notice there was no call for lowering the temperature, condemning all political violence, and really trying to signal to his supporters as well not to retaliate or to have any kind of escalation here. I just am looking at these [Trump’s Truth Social] statements.
— CBS Face the Nation host Margaret Brennan on CBS News live coverage of the Trump assassination attempt, July 13. 

“There was one thing that — when I watched the tape — I found odd, because of all of the heated rhetoric. And that is that after he was hit, former President Trump got up and said ‘fight, fight, fight!’ I think what we’re hearing from people is that’s not the message that we want to be sending right now. We want to tamp it down.”
— Correspondent Jamie Gangel on CNN’s live coverage of the Trump assassination attempt, July 13.


Bringing Back the “Bloodbath” Hoax Right After Assassination Attempt



Moderator George Stephanopoulos: “President Trump and his supporters have contributed to this violent rhetoric as well.”...
Correspondent Martha Raddatz: “He warned last March of potential death and destruction if he were charged by the Manhattan District Attorney….Trump in January warned of bedlam in the country if the criminal charges against him succeeded. And, of course, in March he said ‘Now, if I don’t get elected it’s going to be a bloodbath.’....You have heard it from supporters as well and supporters are certainly, in some parts, angry.”
— ABC’s This Week, July 14.


WashPost Art Critic: Iconic Trump Fist Pic Aids “Darkest Forces” in America

“[AP photographer Evan] Vucci’s photo will create a reality more real than reality, transforming the chaos and messiness of a few moments of peril onstage in Pennsylvania into a surpassing icon of Trump’s courage, resolve and heroism. Densely packed with markers of nationalism and authority — the flag, the blood, the urgent faces of federal agents in dark suits — it will encourage some of the darkest forces in American civic life.”
Washington Post art critic Philip Kennicott in a July 14 article.


PBS “Conservative” Proclaims: No Reason to Dump Joe, He’s Just Like Reagan



“It [Joe Biden’s press conference] reminded me when I used to watch Reagan….back when I was a young Reaganite. And I would, like, watch the press conferences through closed — like my hands up, like, what’s he going to say now? I hope it’s not bad. I hope it’s not bad. But when you looked at the judgments that he made about world history and historical events, in my view, Reagan’s judgments were sound about the Soviet Union. And I felt that way with Biden….which is a little mentally slow, a little cumbersome in his articulation, but basically with sound judgments.”"
New York Times columnist/PBS contributor David Brooks on PBS’s NewsHour, July 12.


MSNBC Cites Founding Fathers in Defense of Stormy Daniels

“She [Stormy Daniels] is a brave woman and I don’t want to tie her immediately to early American history, but I almost can’t help but do it. Because the Founders and early Americans, we fought for independence from England so that we would have a system unlike England. No one could ever stand up to the king. You couldn’t criticize the king without destroying your life. The whole idea of America was that this would be a society where we would benefit from everyone’s criticism….The Founders said the humblest person could stand up to the President of the United States, criticize him, you know, say that he had done things wrong. He might not like it, but that person would not have their life destroyed. And that’s what happened to Stormy Daniels.” 
— NBC News presidential historian Michael Beschloss on MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, July 2.


Trump’s “Blueprint for a Fascist Regime”



Co-host Joy Behar: “Has anyone out there heard of Project 2025?...It’s a far-right plan for destroying democracy that Trump’s team wants to implement on day one….They want to ban abortion, starve schoolchildren, eliminating breakfast and lunch for school kids, they want to have mass deportations of immigrants, they want to gut health care….They’re dismantling a lot of stuff about the environment already….It’s the blueprint for a fascist regime.”... 
Co-host Sunny Hostin: “It’s a very dark, dark vision of what America could look like and would look like under a Trump administration. I mean, it becomes a dictatorship and he becomes the king, the Supreme Court has already anointed him as king.”
— ABC’s The View, July 12.


Now That He’s on the Way Out: Joe Was “One of the Greatest Presidents” 



“I think it shows what a statesman he is. I think it show what a patriot he is. I think it shows he can put his country before his ego, because he had such a great record as president….I think that history will note him as one of the greatest presidents that we’ve had.”
— Co-host Sunny Hostin on ABC’s The View, July 22.


Sick Joke! Comedian Wishes Shooter Doesn’t Miss Trump Next Time



Actor/musician Jack Black: “Make a wish!”...
Actor/musician Kyle Gass, before blowing out birthday cake candles: “Don’t miss Trump, next time.”
— On stage exchange between Jack Black and Kyle Gass at their band Tenacious D’s July 14 performance in Sydney, Australia. Black apologized and canceled the tour. Gass initially apologized then deleted it.


Trump’s “Rhetoric” Created Environment of “Political Violence” That’s Not “Safe for Him”



“You can condemn what happened to Donald Trump on Saturday, but you have to be honest and say that the rhetoric that Donald Trump has been spewing since 2016 has been creating an environment of political violence that’s not even safe for him.”
— Radio/Podcast host Charlamagne tha God on CBS’s The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, July 18.


RNC “Worst Thing to Happen to Milwaukee” Since Serial Killer



“We’re going to jump right into our main story tonight, which concerns the Republican National Convention, the worst thing to happen to Milwaukee since [serial killer] Jeffrey Dahmer.”
— Host John Oliver on HBO’s Last Week Tonight, July 21.


Colbert Warns His Audience of GOP’s “Blueprint” for a “Christo-Fascist Future” 



“Project 2025 is an obvious and chilling blueprint for a Christo-fascist future, and Trump knows that that is toxic to voters. So he has denied any knowledge of or connection to it. But no matter how hard Trump tries to distance himself, he can’t change the fact that it’s run by more than 200 former officials of the Trump administration and that the GOP platform has been crafted and influenced by individuals with deep ties to Project 2025 and I just hope that once voters learn everything that Trump and his cronies stand for, they will turn out in massive numbers to vote for Joe Biden or Kamala Harris or whoever the Democrats nominate and we’ll finally be able to kick Donald Trump out of our lives forever.”
— Host Stephen Colbert on CBS’s The Late Show, July 10.


Project 2025 is the “Mein Kampf” of Trump’s GOP “Minions”

“Project 2025 is the GOP’s version of Mein Kampf. The difference is Mein Kampf is only 700 pages. Project 2025 is 900 pages, wants to control all of our lives….If Trump wins, we’re doing this show in a camp somewhere….[This election] is Trump versus democracy. It’s Trump versus freedom….It’s Trump versus us having a right to decide our future or Donald Trump and his minions in Project 2025.”
— Comedian Dean Obeidallah on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, July 2. 


Crazy Conspiracy Time: Shooting Was “Staged”

“That shit was more staged than a Tyler Perry production of Madea Runs for President. I lived in Harlem long enough to know that gunshots do not sound like making popcorn on the stove….Where did the blood come from? So in theater, in movies they have what’s called blood pellets….People use them in Halloween. It’s basically a pellet of fake blood that’s in your mouth….To be frank, small hands Trump would not respond by raising his fist in the air triumphantly were an actual attempt made on his life. This was I believe done to try to show his strength, to counter Biden’s fragility.”
— HBO’s Insecure actress Amanda Seales in July 13 social media post.


Electing Trump = “End of America As We Know It”

“This election is of crucial importance to our fundamental way of life & freedoms & rights we take for granted as human beings. If you think, I’m gonna vote for DT bc my taxes won’t go up & he’s funny, you are literally contributing to the end of the American Experiment as we know it. For people of any faith, especially Christians who believe he’s their man, how can you elect such a hedonistic, dishonest, dangerous man, who builds a platform on whipping up hatred of the immigrant- (classic Hitler play, whom he admired) when Jesus talks of loving the foreigner?...Electing him for a 2nd term will be the end of America as we know it.”
— From July 10 posts by actress Mira Sorvino.


Blame Opie! Variety Slams Ron Howard Movie for Creating “Monster” J.D. Vance

Hillbilly Elegy wasn’t written for readers of [J.D.] Vance’s political persuasion. Rather, it served to explain to liberals why Trump would get elected that fall, inspiring waves of parachute journalism as reporters rushed to such communities to make sense of the strange turn national politics was taking.…It was that dimension of Vance’s narrative that clearly attracted director Ron Howard and producer Brian Grazer — both self-avowed liberals, who may have created a monster by legitimizing his origin story, much as The Apprentice producer Mark Burnett did by giving Trump a reality TV spotlight back in 2004.”
Variety chief film critic Peter Debruge in a July 17 article.

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