Friday, 18 October 2024

About Last Night: Paris Olympics Opening Ceremony Sparks Outrage Over Anti-Christian and Satanic Imagery

The 2024 Opening Ceremony of the Olympics in Paris was supposed to be an event that drew the world together as one, united with the common goal of celebrating the best athletes on the planet. Instead, it was a highly offensive ceremony filled with satanic and anti-Christian imagery.

From scenes that appeared satanic to moments that could have come straight from The Book of Revelation in the Bible, the creators laughingly claimed the symbols were just rock music, volcanoes, the “Olympic Spirit” or wings of a dove. However, when put all together and added to the outright mockery of Christianity in a disgusting portrayal of The Last Supper with a female DJ Jesus, their excuses weren’t believable in the least.

Near the beginning, a man with angel wings plays the accordion on a bridge above the Seine River where the ceremony took place, already hinting at a Christian theme.







The satanic imagery started during a rock segment as a creepy decapitated Marie Antoinette appears in several windows and chants while a hellish atmosphere with pitchforks, fire, and red colors flash by:







Kelly: What? Can we talk about all the different styles of music and dancing? This is incredible.

Michael: You mean we don't mix "Les Miz" with heavy metal every day?

Kelly: Yes, we do. Incredible. Oh my gosh. We just had metal after "Les Miz," after can-can.

Michael: And that image representing Marie Antoinette, and this section is called Liberty, exploring the Paris political emancipation over time.

Oh, okay. It’s just rock and roll and freedom. Gotcha.

During a segment featuring a ménage à trois, the three lovers are first seen in a library reading books. As they pull various tomes from the shelves the camera focuses on the titles. One book, ‘Diable Au Corps,’ which translates to “Devil in the Body,” is about a 16-year-old child who has an affair with a married woman who is fifteen years older than her while her husband is at war.

The creators weren’t sly about their true messaging when it came to a runway/fashion show segment on a foot bridge during the "Festive" section of the show, as a group that included drag queens, a female Jesus DJ, and a child (who later walks the runway, as well), portrayed The Last Supper at the opening:








Michael: Look at Snoop's reaction when he heard that. He's visiting with us from up on that perch at the Plaza de la Concorde. This is the bridge very close to the Eiffel Tower. If we talk about food, we talk about music, we also talk about fashion. So many of those things, so ingrained in French culture. Little bit of a party time now.

Kelly: Yeah!

Michael: We saw a red carpet earlier. When you think of red carpets around the world, nothing matches the red carpet in Paris. The fashion show in France in the spring brings the beautiful people from around the world. Every designer comes here, so you knew, Kelly, in the opening ceremony, the tribute to the fashion show.

Kelly: And on the bridge? This is incredibly cool. And that is a wet floor. Do not slip. That was going to be my outfit, but I heard she was going to wear it, so I was like, okay. 

Michael: I'm looking. This is a footbridge. This is a bridge that people traverse all the time, and what they did to all the monuments and all the places in Paris to bring it alive as a stage above the Seine.

Peyton Manning: It's just not normal to turn a bridge into a runway walk. There's a great documentary on Peacock about the creation of the show. It shows how many people were involved in this ceremony. It's pretty stunning. The rain has probably forced them to audible a little bit, and you know, the fact that they had to keep so many things secret. Kelly was talking about how hard it is to perform live when there was no rehearsal. It was no, like I said, live reps. It's incredible what Paris and this entire opening ceremony is pulling off. 

Kelly: It's so cool, just involving all the different avenues of their culture. I mean, we have heard dance music, can-can, Lady Gaga. I think we've heard everything. Hard, heavy metal, opera.

Michael: It's hard enough to pull off in a stadium, but in the rain, especially, it has not rained in a summer Olympic opening ceremony since Helsinki in 1952. So, now Paris in 2024.

Peyton: It's me. It's my fault. I bring the rain.

X users also noted a naked, blue man being served on a platter at the supper, and a person who appears to be a transgender woman with a beard singing on the runway, all which weren’t aired on NBC’s broadcasts. (They may have been featured on the streaming version via Peacock.)

Kelly Clarkson gushed about the runway segment, stating, “…that runway, Mike and I, we have been talking about this. Everyone is included at this table. Like, every -- it doesn't matter who you are. They have -- represent all ages, all ethnicities, everything is represented on that runway, and I think that's so important that Paris did that. It's very cool.”

Her co-host Mike Tirico agreed, saying, “That's the spirit of this city, isn't it?” Kelly added it was “inspiring.” No mention of the Christian mockery whatsoever.

More satanic imagery came during a dance that was supposed to be, “representing the turmoil of the evils affecting the world,” but the creators claimed the hell-like floor the dead bodies were dropping on was a… volcano.

Michael: ...part of what has happened over the years at the Olympics is a call for peace around the world, and this dance is representing the turmoil of the evils affecting the world. These young people are dancing on a volcano. And this will morph into a more reflective moment of what has been a big part of this opening ceremony.

Kelly: Wow.

Mike: And after the celebratory mood thus far at the opening ceremony, a change of tune in the City of Light.

Wink, wink, it’s just a volcano, folks! Nothing to be concerned about here!

Towards the end of the ceremony, a mechanical horse “gallops” over the river with a rider wearing a cape with the Olympic symbol on it. The vision reminded many of The Book of Revelation in The Bible, which states in chapter 6, verse 8, “I looked, and there before me was a pale horse! Its rider was named Death, and Hades was following close behind him...”

However, the creators claimed it was just representative of “The Olympic Spirit”:

Michael: Translated to solidarity, a call to the world. If you recognize that bridge, that's Pont de Austerlitz where the parade and flotilla of boats down the Seine started. 3.7 miles and a few hours ago. And we have a rider on horse galloping on the Seine, which the creators tell us is a representation of the Olympic spirit carrying the Olympic flag.

As the horse rides under each bridge, the bridges light up with what appear to be angel wings. But, continuing their plausible deniability tactic, the creators claimed they were the wings of a dove.

If anyone might have dismissed the mechanical horse being representative of Revelation because it wasn't technically white or pale, a real, white horse ends up taking over on land, at which point the Eiffel Tower lights up with another pair of wings. The wings appear to be coming from the back of the rider. But, sure, yeah. They’re just wings of a dove. #eyeroll

Kelly: All right.

Michael: So, here in Paris, the horse began its journey with the Olympic flag where the parade started 3.7 miles ago. It has now made its way not only on land but into the Trocadero Stadium to be joined by the flags of the nations competing in these games.

As of this writing, #BoycottOlympics, #BoycottTheOlympics, and #BoycottParis2024 were trending on X, with many people outraged by the outrageous and offensive displays. One citizen of France even apologized to the world on behalf of her country:

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