Friday, 18 October 2024

NewsBusters Podcast: How Is It 'News' That the Obamas Endorsed Kamala?

The networks cover a plane crash, but they don’t cover the planes that land safely. So in politics, did anyone think it was shocking that the Obamas were going to endorse Kamala? They're world-famous and adored by Democrats, but it's still the opposite of surprising.

What the networks hyped was a very phony, very staged fake phone call (notice Kamala wearing a microphone on her lapel, like everyone does when taking a phone call). They delayed this video until the morning of the beginning of the Olympics. Squeeze it in now! 

They loved that, and they love celebrity endorsers like Beyonce...when they endorse Democrats. Kamala is using a Beyonce song to insist the theme of her campaign is "Freedom." Are you kidding? A socialist candidate in 2020 who supported the most severe Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates is the "Freedom" candidate? 

One of the themes we are sort of dreading over the next 100 days or so are being accused daily, even hourly for spewing sexism and racism just by speaking negatively about Kamala. Even mispronouncing her name drew a full segment on CNN. Kasie Hunt was having a cow, and she turned to an actual Karen, Karen Finney to fuss and whine that it’s not hard to pronounce! It's Comma-La! You can call Trump Hitler or an existential threat to democracy, and that's not rude. Mispronouncing it "kuh-MAHL-a" is deeply racist. 

Bobby Burack at Outkick revealed a Democrat memo instructing their minions to claim the term "border czar" did not exist until Republicans invented it. Kamala was not given any authority to stem the tide of immigration. All of this is plainly false. Read the "mainstream media" in 2021. Bill D'Agostino made a video displaying how supinely the media repeated the talking-points memo.

We also dig in to how the networks and major papers sanitized the violent and ugly protests against Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress this week. Leftist protesters fought and shoved police and burned the American flag near the Capitol. They pulled down the American flag and replaced it with the Palestinian flag. Some flew the Hamas flag and vandalized monuments with spray-painted slogans like “Hamas is comin’” and “I commend Hamas.” 

But the leftist media can't describe the protesters as ideological in any way, or as "extremists." That's not the way they handle conservative protesters.

Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen. 

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