Friday, 14 March 2025

Ariel (Prolotario1): Disinfo Masquerading as a Warning

Ariel (Prolotario1): Disinfo Masquerading as a Warning

Wednesday, 8 January 2025, 23:34 PM



Disinfo- Masquerading As A Warning

This is absolutely not the reason. Because if you knew you would have provided the details necessary to not come off as a loosh to play on people’s fears about something that can not even be accomplished unless the Middle East was still under the control by Western interest.

Which is why they tried to assassinate Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud in Las Vegas because he was ending the dominance of the fiat US dollar in the Middle East. The NWO that you speak of needed 8 critical things that the Cabal no longer has in order to establish the North America Union.

Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBs) – Seized or Destroyed

Compromised Leadership – The Fall of Cabal Operatives in Canada, U.S., and Mexico

Thule Air Base and Northern Surveillance Grid – Eyes in the Sky

Central Banks and Federal Reserve Interference – Economic Control Lost

Canadian Land Bridge – The T*********g Highway




U.S.-Mexico Border Corridors – Disrupted Human T*********g Operations

The Fiat Printing Machine by the Federal Reserve – Confiscated By US Treasury

Not to mention they needed the C***d-19 Pandemic in order to create the premise to warrant a believable scenario where they can remove all paper money out of circulation in Western countries so they could implement the CBDC/RFID system.


By convincing the general public that your paper USD is a conduit for the virus to be carried and is unsafe to use therefore all business must not accept physical cash and must implement the Fed-Reserve digital currency system to prevent the spread of the Corona Virus as a containment measure to save lives.

Why do you think Klaus Schwab suggested this before the mandates were lifted? He knew they were running out of time. Because the Red Dragon Family is one of the factions that were financing the Cabal. And they pulled all their funding a few years ago. Benjamin Fulford of all people even mentioned this.

The number one thing for the Deep State to establish their New World Order was getting America off the Gold Standard. And they accomplished that which took decades to do. Now you have over 45 states implementing policies that makes Gold/Silver legal tender again. And the Supreme Court ruled in favor of local banks creating their own policies outside the control of the Fed-Reserve.




I already listed 40 Reasons why the Deep State is no longer able to carry out this objective. Do you all still have that post?

This was a post meant to direct those who want to look into these things.



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  • Deep State
  • Donald J. Trump
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