Friday, 14 March 2025

Danlboon: Canada as a US State?

Danlboon: Canada as a US State?

Wednesday, 8 January 2025, 22:34 PM


Operation Disclosure Official

By Danlboon, Contributing Writer
Submitted on January 8, 2025

What is your point of view as Canada becoming a US State or we just wait till we are officially recognized as the ‘Republic for the united States of America’?

  • Tues. 7 Jan. 2025: In response to Trump’s invitation for Canada to join as a US State (which evidently four out of five Canadian Provinces support) Deep State Cabal Canadian politicians were now threatening to annex California, Washington and Oregon, integrating them into Canada.”
  • I surely don’t want the need for a passport just to travel to Nevada or Arizona if we annexed into Canada as I’m from California, and for truckers there would be a major hassle if passports are then required by law as with my last job I could not travel to Canada as I did back in 1994 without one.

    There are 7 provinces and 3 territories in Canada and not just have Canada as one state as they would have a larger population than California with 39 million as presently Canada is assumed to have over 41 million in population and 6 million (km2) in area.

    There should be some type of voting on this by every participant of states and provinces per the Constitutions and not just by Trump’s executive order.

    Maybe we would have 60 stars on our flag or maybe even 61 if we have Greenland entered into the Union. This would also cut down the number of representatives of California in Congress as well as the number of election delegates.

    Let’s get the proper Constitutional Republic put in place before we start working on this as then it would be an incentive for Canada.






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  • Canada
  • Danlboon
  • Donald J. Trump
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