Monday, 17 March 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 19, 2025

Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 19, 2025

Wednesday, 19 February 2025, 1:05 AM


Judy Disclaimer: Please be aware that I can only report the news as I find it, try to credit articles with their original author and am not responsible for the content, which may or may not be true. I encourage you to do your own research and make up your own mind as to what is happening in this great War of Good Against Evil.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 19 Feb. 2025

Compiled Wed. 19 Feb. 2025 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: Inside the Extraordinary Life of Jenny Hill and Her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities.”

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Andrea Bocelli – The Lord’s Prayer (Live From The Kodak Theatre, USA / 2009)

A Revolution is coming – A Revolution which will be Peaceful if we are Wise Enough; Compassionate if we Care Enough; Successful if we are Fortunate Enough – but a Revolution which is Coming whether we Will it or Not. We can Affect it’s Character; we Cannot Alter it’s Inevitability.

How To Save America | Republic for USA About Republic for USA. The Republic for the United States of America is the actual de jure government that our founding fathers gave us, and which was abandoned in 1871 when a corporation took over Washington DC and eventually every level of government in the country. More information on the Republic at #R of this Update




Judy Note: On Tues. 18 Feb. Musk took cameras into Fort Knox to do an audit of the Federal Reserve, where the privately owned by foreign bankers US Inc. claimed there was tons of gold to back the fiat US Dollar. No one has questioned where that gold was since 1974.

Gold was there, but it wasn’t the Fed’s gold. It was placed by Trump in 2020 when he took 650 plane loads of gold back from the Vatican, which was holding it for the Cabal.

Musk was auditing the privately owned by foreign bankers Federal Reserve, which was now exposed as a fraud, having stolen US Taxpayer monies while using a fiat and collapsed US Dollar backed by nothing.

Musk’s DOGE audit had already shown that since 1918 with the beginning of the privately owned by foreign bankers Federal Reserve and IRS, foreign fraud rings infiltrated the IRS, using fake Social Security numbers and fabricated identities to steal billions of the US Taxpayer’s dollars.

The expected result of Trump and Musk exposing all this Federal Reserve and IRS Fraud: Wall Street would implode, inflation would skyrocket, the World’s Economy would implode and the Deep State would be finished.

Though, knowing Trump and his Three D Chess Game that was playing Good Against Evil, a gold/asset-backed Global Currency Reset of 209 nations including the gold-backed US Note of the Republic of the USA, would already be in effect to save the US and World’s Economy.

Another item that the Deep State Elite have hidden for themselves were the high technology of Med Beds. Med Beds work with your DNA and Body rthymns so it can heal itself  from all health problems. Trump headed the manufacturing of Med Beds when he first went into office in 2016. Medical personnel were presently being trained on how to use Med Beds.  




Trump put the Military in charge of Med Beds, where treatments are free. Don’t allow any business to charge you for their use. Trump has said they will be in all hospitals and in special Med Bed Centers by around March 15 2025.

Speaking of the Global Currency reset: it involved people who have bought Zim Bonds which will be used to heal the World with Humanitarian Projects. The Alliance recently revealed the amount of monies actually received on a Zim Bond Redemption: Your Primary Principal—the face value times the rate—is NOT what goes into your account. What you actually get—the Secondary Principal—feeds your payouts for decades. Controlled by the Alliance, out of your reach, but fueling your mission.

What We Think We Know as of Wed. 18 Feb. 2025:

  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Trump has deployed the Military to replace hospital equipment with Med Beds. The MedBed rollout, suppressed for years by Biden and his corrupt Big Pharma cronies, is finally unleashed! Trump is smashing the medical-industrial complex that profited from keeping you sick and enslaved. Med Beds were expected to be available to the general public by mid March 2025. Med Beds would be in all hospitals and treatments would be free.
  • Med Bed Scams: Do not fall for any private corporation or organization which says they have Med Beds, but charge you for their use. The Military is in charge of Med Beds, they will be in all hospitals and in special Med Bed Centers across the World by around March 15 2025 and all treatments are free.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 18, 2025 – The US Military News
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Mass Arrests Underway. Over 700,000 Indictments Being Served. Special Forces, Navy SEALs, Delta Force, British SAS Deployed. . . – – American Media Group
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Mass Arrests Confirmed: Obama, Clinton, Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates at GITMO | Politics | Before It’s News
  • Possible Timing:

  • In 2016 it was confirmed that the Military would be in charge of a transition from the privately owned by private bankers US Inc. to the Republic for the United States of America through passage of the Military Justice Act of 2016, which states:

    1. Military law surpasses civilian.
    2. President and Commander-in-Chief are separate.
    3. Military rules above federal government.
    The military leads this transition.
  • In 2020 President Trump had 650 plane loads of US Taxpayer’s owned gold removed from the Vatican. The 1871 Corporation Act (of the privately owned by foreign bankers US Inc.) was dissolved in 2020. The gold was not placed in the privately owned by foreign bankers US Inc. Treasury at Fort Knox, but President Trump had it taken to it’s rightful owners – the new Republic for the United States of America Treasury located on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada.
  • [Content Redacted]
  • In 2020 Trump ended the Illuminati power by taking over the Fed.
  • 31 Oct. 2023 marks the expiration of the State of Israel. Dual-citizen politicians lose power. The Rothschild Empire begins to collapse.
  • “On Sun. 16 Feb. the Iraqi budget was ratified and was expected to be published in the Gazette on Mon. 17 Feb, along with Kurdistan resuming oil exports through Somo and Kash Patel becoming the 17th confirmation on a drop dead Q Drop Feb. 17 that has to be a blunt ‘Game Over’ Q Drop (3872).” …Ariel on X
  • On 31 Oct. 2024 the Charter for the State of Israel, the Cabal’s last holdout, expired and now faces collapse. Dual-citizen politicians of the US and Israel has lost their power. The foreign banker Rothschild control over the US Taxpayer Dollar has been shattered.
  • Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: The Trial for the Crimes Against Humanity has begun. The experimental spike protein jab rollout is in violation of all 10 Sections of the Nuremberg Code.
  • The Global Military Alliance has confirmed that Mass Arrests were in progress and Trump has given the Green Light for the Emergency Broadcast System to be activated.
  • On Thurs. 30 Jan. 2025 the privately owned Fed and IRS officially dropped dead – when the US Treasury withdrew from the Cabal’s Bankrupt Central Banks across the World. President Trump has said he will replace the IRS with the ERS (External Revenue Service) where taxation on goods will replace taxation on The People and their income.
  • Since Friday 3 Feb. 2025 all Basel 4 Compliant banks have gone public with the new Gold / Commodity-backed currency International Rates as required by the GESARA Law. This is the Re-evaluation of all the global currencies (meaning the global currency reset).
  • Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 Official Notification: Leaders in the Global Currency Reset received signal payments authorized by the Quantum Network
  • This week the Quantum Financial System was said to be fully operational for completion of that Global Currency Reset.
  • The use of the FIAT US Dollar will be used for up to 90 days Feb. / March / April parallel with the new United States Note (USN), they may cut it off of by April 30th or soon thereafter. …Bruce
  • Global Currency Reset:

  • Mon. 10 Feb.: Liquidity was released to the 12 platforms that then funded the 38 platforms beneath them (Tiers 1 and 2). …JR Truth
  • Tues. 11 Feb. 2024: A military Intel contact said they released everything for the Global Currency Reset at 3pm PDT on Tues. 11 Feb. 2025 to start the shotgun release of liquidity & notifications …Carolyn Bessette Kennedy on Telegram
  • Wed. 12 Feb. Funding released to Bond Holder accounts. Banks could no longer see or have access to individual bank accounts. Some private groups were paid out on Wed. 12 Feb, while others will be paid on Thurs. 13 Feb. …Bruce
  • On Thurs. 13 Feb. Nesara funds started going out. Redemption Center leaders went into work at 10am on Thurs. 13 Feb.…Bruce
  • Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: Tier 1 and Tier 2 have been paid, I was just told.  …Mike Berra
  • Fri. 14 Feb. 2025: I’ve been told my platform (that has currency and bond holders in it) started today Fri. 14 Feb. and will start payments on Tues. 18 Feb. I expect currency notifications around same time. …JR Truth
  • On Sun. 16 Feb. the Iraqi budget with the new Iraqi Dinar Rate was ratified and expected to be published in the Gazette soon.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Bruce:

  • A Redemption Center Leader told Bruce he received an email this morning that said “be prepared to go into the Redemption Center at a moment’s notice.”
  • An Iraqi contact said that Iraq was told they were to have the official new Dinar Rate in the Gazette tomorrow Wed. 19 Feb.
  • Another contact said we would have appointments by Thurs. 20 Feb.
  • On Fox and Newsmax there were short reports about the R&R allowances coming very soon. R&R is your restitution for the Cabal selling your birth certificate, divorce and marriage certificates.
  • If you are under age 61 you have to have a job in order to receive your R&R payment.
  • An Open Letter to President Trump

    February 17, 2025

    Donald J. Trump
    1600 Pennsylvania Ave
    Washington DC

    RE: The Board of Prison’s Implementation Failure of the First Step Act, Diversity – Equity – Inclusion, and the Fiscal Train Wreck of Human T*********g

    Dear President Trump:

    As one of the many inmates here in Englewood FCI, we were delighted when you were inaugurated and NOT surprised by the resignation of the Director of the BOP, Colette Peters.


    We have been watching with great interest the concerns of Senators Dick Durbin (D-Ill) and Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) over the implementation of the First Step Act dated November 2022.

    A Forbes article dated January 3, 2025 acknowledged that “the BOP has struggled in implementing FSA, which allows thousands of mostly minimum-security prisoners to both reduce their sentence and spend more of their sentence in prerelease custody in the community.

    “The American Civil Liberties Union filed a class action lawsuit on behalf of thousands of prisoners… According to the lawsuit, the BOP has unlawfully treated credits earned under FSA… The result was that many prisoners did not even receive a single credit even though they participated in the required programming… Thousands of prisoners were affected by this and the BOP later relented and provided the credits retroactively. However, for many, it was too late.

    “As one prisoner wrote, ‘My formal attempts to remedy this issue with the prison’s administration and staff have [been] met with negative results due to their refusal to take remedial action.’ Based on reviews of several FSA calculations, not only is the BOP not releasing prisoners as soon as it could, many prisoners believe they are being retaliated against for bringing attention to the problem. The ACLU’s press release on its lawsuit states that ‘the BOP’s failure to implement the First Step Act according to its plain language violates the rights of thousands of people who should be returning to their communities and rebuilding their lives but instead remain incarcerated.




    “The BOP has been open about its embrace of the FSA despite these lagging problems. There are signs that FSA is doing what congress intended as prison camps have seen their populations decrease. The BOP announced earlier this month that it would be closing six (6) Federal Prison Camps (minimum-security) across the country as a result of decreasing populations and to reduce costs of incarceration, a goal of the BOP.”

    What? Camps are being closed due to a decrease in population? One of the reasons I was sent here to Englewood was because of the camp. Inmates have the opportunity to reduce their security level through participation in FSA programming. Once an inmate drops his point score below 11 points they are/were moved to the minimum-security level camp. – So, the claim that camps are closing due to declining populations makes no sense at all. Englewood FCI houses approximately 800 inmates, each given the opportunity to participate with the positive effects of FSA.

    Imagine my surprise, after I arrived here at Englewood to see Chris, who was housed with me in the Weber County Jail. At first, I didn’t recognize him when he asked me about those who were in Weber County when he left last September. I asked, “What are you doing here? We thought you had been released on home confinement!” Chris was not only brought to Englewood FCI where the BOP was arranging for his release on home confinement, Chris never received any of his FSA credits and he was just released in January 2025 after serving about four (4) months more than his sentence. Chris and countless others throughout the BOP have significant financial claims for the excess time served in the BOP, which makes this story about the BOP’s failure even bigger than anyone had imagined.

    In Chris’ attempts to find out why he was still at Englewood, he received two (2) reprimands for bothering prison staff and the second reprimand was for “stalking” because it was Chris’ wife who kept calling and asking when her husband was going to come home.

    Sadly, Chris’ story is not the only one in here, they have already filled out my paperwork for my home confinement. So, now this is personal. Every one of the 800 inmates in here is affected by the BOP’s failure to implement the First Step Act. The associated damages for excessive prison time quickly becomes astronomical to the BOP especially when you multiply those damages with the number of Federal Correctional Facilities across the nation. – Where there is smoke, there is fire!


    From my front row position and observation, the BOP’s failure to implement the First Step Act is a result of the BOP’s adoption of DEI policies and lack of leadership.

    These policies and leadership produce questionable results which also create dangerous and adverse effects on incarcerated prisoners. For example, on the day I was being transferred from Weber County Jail to Core Civic in Pahrump, Nevada, I began passing blood. The emergency stop to allow me to relieve myself was the first of several stops along the way making our arrival more than 2 1/2 hours late. The officer in charge had asked me if I needed to be taken to the hospital. After I had said that I needed medical attention, he radioed the nurse at Pahrump, who instructed him to keep coming because we were only five (5) hours away. Our late night arrival in Pahrump brought me the much needed medical attention. A bloody urine sample was provided and I was immediately started on an antibiotic regimen. However, about a week later, it was discovered that I needed a different antibiotic. I began the new course of treatment just before I was transferred to the Grady County Jail in Oklahoma and my medications were disrupted again. By the time my medicine showed up in Oklahoma, I was transferred to Englewood FCI and my treatment was interrupted again. By the time I had met with medical, the timeframe of the second treatment had expired so I never completed taking the required medication. About a week later, I was examined by the medical staff and provided another urine sample. Finding blood and signs of an infection, I was started on another antibiotic regimen. Now, almost 4 months later, it appears that the infection has been cleared up and I am now being diagnosed by an outside urologist to determine where the blood is coming from. But sadly, now I am on my 4th cold and have an infection in both of my eyes, as well.

    On the day we were flown from Oklahoma to Colorado, the buses from Englewood did not arrive. Prisoners for deployment to Florence were taken off the plane, processed, and fed while those scheduled for Englewood stood outside for hours waiting to be processed and fed. When the buses from Englewood failed to arrive, the buses for Florence were unloaded and prisoners for both facilities were resorted on to the two buses for Florence. We were all driven to Florence, where the Florence prisoners were unloaded and processed. Pleas for food and water were ignored. Hours later the prisoners for Englewood were driven by the unresponsive drivers of Florence to Englewood in Littleton, Colorado, arriving about 10:00 pm – a 17-18 hour ordeal without food or water.

    I was one of about a dozen prisoners who were taken to the Englewood Jail Detention Center because of overcrowding concerns at Englewood FCI. At age 71, I was assigned to a top bunk without a mattress in a 6-man cell. A new mattress was provided and 2 days later, a younger cellmate gave me his bottom bunk. However, it took almost a full week for us to receive our clothing and an opportunity to take a shower, following complaints to the unit manager. The “flaming” h********l male who was the unit counselor expressed his unhappiness that he was reprimanded by his supervisor for not taking care of our clothing needs.

    A few days later, the unit counselor assigned on of my cellmates and I to a 2-man cell without any power or light. We spent more than 2 weeks in a cell with limited daylight where we were locked down between 17-20 hours a day. Not wanting to be classified as problem prisoners, we waited patiently to be moved to another cell, but finally filed a complaint with the unit manager over the cruel and unusual punishment.




    On the 2nd of December, I was finally transferred across the street to Englewood FCI. The transfer was confused and unorganized. Physical beds had been removed from the system records and remained unused as a result of a somewhat recent lawsuit brought about by the inmates for the overcrowded conditions. We were told to just go pick out an open bed and the following day we would receive our bunk assignments. My bed assignment came when they simply added beds back into the system.

    We were taken to laundry and measured for our clothing and then we were told to return the next morning at 9:00 am for pick up. It took another 3 days to receive our clothing and an opportunity to take a shower. – It became obvious to us that the effects of DEI were having an effect here. My experience is but a small part of the hundreds of horror stories just from Englewood FCI. Unfortunately, dysfunctional communications between staff and prisoners places inmates in an uncomfortable position to be reprimanded for not following instructions. Preferential treatment of g*y and transgendered people, both in the hiring process as well as the inmates, has a priority.

    So, we gratefully accepted your executive order stating that there were only 2 genders. It was interesting to see the number of those who became depressed over your announcement along with the removal of t*********r items from the commissary list and the end of payments for transition medications. –  Thank you indeed for the firm clarification of what should be clearly evident.

    Fiscal Irresponsibility

    Englewood FCI was built and opened in 1938 and I have been old it was originally a boy’s home. I was assigned to a 2-man cell on the south range of the lower eastside of the facility lovingly referred to as the “Ghetto.” My cell was located toward the end of a long hallway and the HVAC system blew colder and colder air the closer you got to the end of the hall. The large meshed window panes allowed daylight into the small 7 X 11 foot cell. One of the mesh window panes was broken out and was stuffed with rags and covered with cardboard in an attempt to block out the -9 degree temperature outside from coming in. My cellmate and I had to sleep fully clothed, and in our coats, just to keep warm. Our small cell had a bunk bed, a locker for both of us, a small desk with a stool, a flushable toilet, and a non-working sink. We were one of the lucky ones; most of the other cells on the south range had non-working toilets. The cells on the north range had no toilets or sinks. Each night the inmates were locked in their cells without access to a toilet and inmates were left to the use of various kinds of “chamber pots,” a rather unsanitary condition and inhumane treatment of prisoners. In addition to the locked cell doors, there was a lockable gate at the end of the range holding between 50-60 inmates, which was locked after hours. There were 2 shower rooms (4 showers) that served the prisoners who were housed on the south range. Signs of rust, mildew, cracked – broken and missing tiles, along with low water pressure give evidence that “deferred maintenance” or “non-maintenance” is the preferred method for upkeep. There does not appear to be any signs of significant improvement to Englewood FCI since 1938.

    As a result of the closing of the camp at Englewood, I was moved to the upper west range of the facility. I am now housed in an open dormitory separated into 4-man cells. The physical conditions seem to be identical to those on the eastside.

    We were told that the closing of the camp, in fact, was to adjust for the necessary $200,000 of required improvements. I was told the camp was built in 1979. If it requires $200,000 in improvements, God only knows how much is needed to improve Englewood FCI. Humorously, Englewood FCI is considered to be “Club Fed” (one of the nicest facilities) in the BOP. – One can only imagine how much worse the problems are throughout the BOP!

    The BOP receives an untold amount of funding from multiple sources, including the Veterans Administration for the care and upkeep of prisoners and their programming. The commissary unit has an estimated weekly income from the inmates at approximately $800,000 with a 30% markup ($4,160,000 per year). The proceeds from the 30% markup ($24,000 per week or $1,248,000 per year) is to be used for the prisoners and equipment. – What has happened to all of that money over all of these years? Englewood is just one of the many thousands of prisons and state facilities who receive federal funding and an audit of the BOP, its policies and practice by DOGE just might reveal the largest “financial leak” in the entire nation.


    Attorney/Author Bryan Stevenson produced a book and movie titled, “Just Mercy” (copyright 2014-2019) who said:

    “America is an unpresented harsh and punitive nation and in mass incarceration that has no historical parallel. Today we have the highest rate of incarceration in the world. The prison population has increased from 300,000 people in the early 1970s to 2.3 million people today (2019). There are nearly 6 million people on probation or on parole. One in every fifteen people born in the United States in 2001 is expected to go to jail or prison; one in every 3 black male babies born in the country is expected to be incarcerated.

    “We have shot, hanged, gassed, electrocuted, and lethally injected hundreds of people to carry out legally sentenced executions. Thousands more await their executions on death row. Some states have no minimum age for prosecuting children as adults; we’ve sent a quarter million kids to adult jails and prisons to serve long prison terms, some under the age of 12. For years, we’ve been the only country in the world that condemns children to life imprisonment without parole; nearly three thousand juveniles have been sentenced to die in prison.

    “Hundreds of thousands of nonviolent offenders have been forced to spend decades in prisons. We’ve created laws that make writing a bad check or committing a petty theft or minor property crime an offense that can result in life imprisonment. We have declared war on people with substance a***e problems. There are more than a half million people in state or federal prison for drug offenses today, up from just 41,000 in 1980.




    “We have abolished parole in many states. We have invented slogans like ‘three strikes and you’re out’ to communicate our toughness. We’ve given up on rehabilitation, education, and services for the imprisoned because providing assistance to the incarcerated is apparently too kind and compassionate. We’ve institutionalized policies that reduce people to their worst acts and permanently labeled the ‘criminal,’ ‘murderer,’ ‘r****t,’ ‘thief,’ ‘drug dealer,’ ‘s*x offender,’ ‘felon,’ – identities they cannot change regardless of the circumstances of their (whether real of alleged) crimes or any improvements they might make in their lives…

    “We also make terrible mistakes. Scores of innocent people have been exonerated after being sentenced to death and nearly electrocuted. Hundreds more have been released after being proved innocent of noncapital crimes through DNA testing. Presumptions of guilt, poverty, racial bias, and a host of other social, structural, and political dynamics have created a system that is defined by error, a system in which thousands of innocent people now suffer in prison.

    “Finally, we spent lots of money. Spending on jails and prisons by state and federal governments has risen from $6.9 billion in 1980 to nearly $80 billion today (2019). Private prison builders and prison service companies have spent millions of dollars to persuade state and local governments to create new crimes, impose harsher sentences, and keep more people locked up so that they can earn more profits. Private profit has corrupted incentives to improve public safety, reduce the cost of mass incarceration. State governments have been forced to shift funds from public services, education, health and welfare to pay for incarceration, and they now face unprecedented economic crises as a result. The privatization of prison health care, prison commerce, and a range of services has made mass incarcerations a money making windfall for a few and a costly nightmare for the rest of us.”

    I am confident that those numbers have dramatically increased since they were published in 2019. Sadly, from my front row position, I have seen first-hand how we have created a system that profits from slavery and human t*********g that we call a justice system, when in reality, for the incarcerated, it’s “Just Us!”

    Tom Fairbanks – Santa
    BOP #27160081 – Englewood FCI
    Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)
    Community Health Advocate
    Community Support Foundation

    Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Anything DOGE Audits Related:

  • Mon. 17 Feb. 2025: BOMBSHELL: The IRS Fraud Scandal That Will Shake America to Its Core – Foreign Criminals STOLE BILLIONS Using Fake Identities, DOGE Is About to Get the Records! VIDEO – – American Media Group  Stephen Miller confirmed that foreign fraud rings—yes, FOREIGN fraud rings—have been infiltrating the IRS, using fake Social Security numbers and fabricated identities to steal billions of YOUR hard-earned tax dollars. We’re talking about a crime so massive that it threatens the very integrity of our financial system. And guess what? The Biden administration let it happen for YEARS without lifting a finger.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 DOGE Uncovers $5 Trillion in Fraud, Fires 300,000, and Exposes Social Security & IRS Corruption …Patrick B. Kennedy on Telegram

  • Just days into its investigation, the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE), led by Elon Musk, has cut $5 trillion from the budget and fired 300,000 non-essential employees. Musk has accused the Social Security Administration of massive fraud, revealing that millions of fake beneficiaries—including over five million individuals listed as 140+ years old—have been receiving benefits. Foreign fraud rings have exploited fake Social Security numbers to steal trillions.
  • Meanwhile, President Trump is ordering mass layoffs at the IRS, citing its Mafia-style operations that prey on the public while protecting elites. Trump is pushing to abolish the IRS altogether, replacing it with a 14% national sales tax, exempting food and medicine. House Rule 25 has already been introduced in Congress to make it happen.
  • DOGE is now turning its audit focus to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), with more revelations expected soon.
  • FBI Declassifies CIA’s Involvement in S*****c Ritual A***e & Child T*********g
  • Recently declassified files expose the CIA’s long-standing role in S*****c ritual a***e and child t*********g, dating back to the 1920s. Former Los Angeles FBI head Ted Gunderson first uncovered the CIA’s secret network involved in child kidnappings, ritual a***e, and human s*******e, but nothing was done.
  • The Deep State’s most powerful figures are now being arrested, as evidence mounts linking elite politicians and globalists to S*****c p********a networks. The fight for truth has just begun.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: The head of the Criminal Division in the U.S. Attorney’s Office for Washington, D.C., Denise Cheung, has suddenly resigned.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Highest Ranking Social Security Bureaucrat Abruptly Resigns After Elon Musk’s DOGE Uncovers ‘Biggest Fraud in History’
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Head of FDA food division, Jim Jones resigns.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Postmaster General Louis DeJoy stepping down amid US Postal Service financial turmoil.
  • RFK Jr. & President Trump are taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers from Big Ag tyranny. The Make America Healthy Again (MAHA) Plan will cleanse our food, restore our soil, and Make America Healthy Again.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: The DOGE audits have revealed that since Joe Biden was VP, his family and their shell companies have hauled in $18 million from foreign sources.

    $7.3 million from China
    $4 million from Ukraine
    $3.5 million from Russia
    $1 million from Romania
    $1 million from Panama
    $142,300 from Kazakhstan (for a Porsche!)
    $1 million in other foreign payments
  • Joe Biden met with almost every foreign national funneling his family $millions.

    Chairman of CEFC Ye Jianming
    Chinese Fund Executive Jonathan Li
    Burisma Corporate Secretary Vadym Pozharsky
    Russian Oligarch Yelena Baturina
    Kazakhstani Oligarch Kenes Rakishev
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Biden Treason Exposed: Biden State Department Funneled $239 Million to the Taliban. …JD Vance on Telegram

  • Biden’s regime handed $239 MILLION to the Taliban—ON TOP of the $7 BILLION in U.S. weapons he abandoned! TREASON and BETRAYAL! But TRUMP IS BACK to EXPOSE the Deep State’s crimes!
  • The Great Betrayal: Funding America’s Enemies: It’s February 16, 2025, and President Trump is back in the White House, fighting to undo Biden’s catastrophic mess. Now, a U.S. government report exposes one of the most egregious betrayals in history: $239 million funneled directly to the Taliban through Biden’s corrupt State Department.
  • Yes, YOUR hard-earned money—straight to terrorists who k****d U.S. soldiers and brutalized women. This isn’t mismanagement—it’s TREASON.
  • A Trail of Corruption: Between 2021 and 2023, $239 million in “humanitarian aid” to Afghanistan, under Biden, fell into Taliban hands—on top of the $7 BILLION in military gear from his botched withdrawal.
  • 600,000+ firearms. 75,000 vehicles. 200+ aircraft. Biden didn’t just arm them—he FINANCED them.
  • Even after the Taliban’s takeover, Biden kept the money flowing with ZERO safeguards. A blank check to terrorists!
  • They Think We’re S****d—But We’re Waking Up. They LIED about the Afghanistan withdrawal, LIED about “aid” safeguards, and LIED about Biden’s policies.
  • Judy Note on Zim Bond Payout: It is my understanding, though I could be wrong, that:

  • The Zim is not a currency, but a bond with the purpose of being used for humanitarian projects, although a certain percentage can be for your own use.
  • If you have Zim but do not have a humanitarian project to fund, you can choose from the many international projects that will be shown to you at your redemption appointment.
  • All Zim payout is put on a long term structured payout: YOU decide how long that will be—10, 25, 50, even 100+ years—ALL under your control.
  • Zim Rate: The length of your long term payout and the amount of Zim you have will determine the rate given on your Zim.
  • Payments are secured in your QFS account, but the Alliance controls access to the money so you have a consistent cash flow for your Humanitarian Project.
  • Amount of monies you actually receive on your Zim: Your Primary Principal—the face value times the rate—is NOT what goes into your account. What you actually get—the Secondary Principal—feeds your payouts for decades. Controlled by the Alliance, out of your reach, but fueling your mission.

  • $425 BILLION VANISHED? The U.S. government LIED for 50 YEARS, claiming 5,000 TONS of gold at Fort Knox, but NO ONE has seen it since 1974! Trump & Elon Musk are launching a HISTORIC AUDIT—if the gold is GONE, the U.S. dollar COLLAPSES, the economy IMPLODES, and the Deep State is FINISHED!
  • TRUMP & MUSK TO AUDIT FORT KNOX – AMERICA’S BIGGEST FINANCIAL COVER-UP ENDS: For 50 years, the American people have been DECEIVED. The government claims nearly 5,000 tons of gold—worth $425 billion—are secured at Fort Knox. Yet, no one has verified it since 1974. No audit. No proof. Just LIES.
  • But the cover-up ENDS NOW. With Trump back and Musk leading the charge, a full-scale audit is imminent. If the gold is MISSING, decades of corruption will be exposed. The Deep State’s secrets will be laid bare.
  • MUSK DEMANDS TRANSPARENCY – THE AUDIT BEGINS: Elon Musk, a disruptor of Big Tech and Wall Street, is now taking on the ULTIMATE FRAUD. He demands a LIVE, independent audit of every ounce. If the gold is there, PROVE IT. If it’s GONE, EXPOSE the THIEVES.
  • TRUMP LEADS THE CHARGE – DEEP STATE FEARS THE TRUTH: Trump has RETURNED to the White House, and he won’t back down. Unlike past leaders, he refuses to be controlled by the Federal Reserve’s DECEIT. An audit is coming, and if the gold is missing, those responsible will FACE JUSTICE.

    – Wall Street IMPLODES.
    – Inflation SKYROCKETS.
    – The Federal Reserve is EXPOSED as a FRAUD.
    – GOLD prices EXPLODE.
  • FOR 50 YEARS, THE DEEP STATE HID THE TRUTH – NOW IT’S GAME OVER! If Fort Knox is EMPTY, America demands JUSTICE. The criminals behind the greatest financial LIE in history must FALL.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: QFS, NESARA, XRP, Stellar – Structured Payout System EXPOSED! Massive Shakeup Ahead! …Final Warning on Telegram




  • The elites HID this from you! The Structured Payout System is the key to unlocking your wealth through QFS, NESARA, XRP, and Stellar. Forget the lies—they fear you knowing THIS!
  • Structured Payout: What They Won’t Tell You:

  • Zim Redemption Rate: Your payout per Zim Dollar. You’re not just cashing bonds; you’re triggering a QFS transaction that activates your Digital Gold Certificates.
  • Term: YOU decide—10, 25, 50, even 100+ years—ALL under your control.
  • Structured Payout: Consistent cash flow for your Humanitarian Projects, powered by the Alliance. Payments are secured in your QFS account, but THEY control access.
  • Truth They Hide: Your Primary Principal—the face value times the rate—is NOT what goes into your account. What you actually get—the Secondary Principal—feeds your payouts for decades. Controlled by the Alliance, out of your reach, but fueling your mission.
  • The QFS Revolution: Why It Terrifies Them No more central banks. No more cabal control. Real assets—gold, oil, platinum—will determine value, NOT their paper scams.
  • NESARA: The Reset They Desperately Oppose Global debt forgiveness. No more IRS robbery. Wealth distribution from the elites to YOU.
  • XRP & Stellar: Your Digital Weapons

  • XRP: Instant cross-border payments—outsmarting their outdated banks.
  • Stellar: Banking the unbanked—empowering YOU, not the elites.
  • Iraqi Dinar Revaluation: The Trigger for the Avalanche!Iraq, rich in oil, poised for a currency revaluation—unstoppable under QFS. The cabal’s worst nightmare!
  • Final Warning: The Alliance is ready. Med Bed tech is here—100+ year payouts are REAL. Ask for it. Demand it. This is YOUR sovereign future!
  • The cabal is panicking. YOU are rising. Structured Payouts are your path to generational wealth and HUMANITARIAN POWER.
  • We are getting close. Be ready. The financial storm is HERE!
  • The Real News for Tues. 18 Feb. 2025:

  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: The Kamala Harris campaign admits it conducted a massive online misinformation scheme with the help of Google. Google claims a glitch in its system allowed the Harris campaign to run counterfeit headlines that appeared to originate from the AP and Reuters.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Ready for some of the most inane information about Gavin Newsom? While driving California $30 billion dollars into debt, Newsom spent his time flying to China and making secret deals. During meetings like this “cash and diamonds” are given to Democrats as bribes – Jesse Watters. “Newsom is getting groomed by the Chinese and he is enjoying it. Just like China bribed the Biden’s with cash and diamonds because they knew Joe was gonna be president. They have their eyes on Newsom and they are lathering him up. Look at the entourage the governor showed up to China with, whoa.” Clearly after the meetings Gavin Newsom must have been paid extremely well with “cash and diamonds.” Because immediately after the meetings “He just announced a new California China alliance.”  – Jesse Watter

  • Trump strikes back! Unmarked planes flood the skies with deadly toxins, but President Trump is unleashing the military to intercept and eliminate them. The Deep State’s geoengineering lies are exposed—THIS IS WAR!
  • February 18, 2025—America is under attack from above. The invisible war has gone public. Chemtrails—once dismissed as conspiracy—are back, and deadlier than ever. Unmarked planes, under rogue commands, poison the skies over U.S. cities and towns.
  • But now, PRESIDENT TRUMP IS FIGHTING BACK. His administration is launching military operations to track and destroy these aircraft. Executive orders are signed. Special task forces are deployed. The battle for America’s skies has begun!
  • THEY NEVER STOPPED—THEY WENT PRIVATE. Under Trump’s previous term, Deep State geoengineering projects were cut—but the elite went underground. Private entities, backed by shadowy billionaires, took over. Now, planes with no markings spray aluminum, barium, and toxic agents linked to neurological damage, sterility, and cancer.
  • THIS ISN’T CLIMATE CONTROL—IT’S POPULATION CONTROL. The chemicals do more than poison—they control. Weather warfare, mass psychological manipulation, and biological attacks—this is the Deep State’s game.
  • TRUMP’S COUNTERSTRIKE: Military jets intercept rogue planes. Secret operations seize illegal aircraft. Crackdowns on shadow funders are underway. The mission: Stop the spray, expose the players, and take back the skies.
  • WHO’S BEHIND THE ATTACK? The usual suspects: Globalist elites, Gates, WEF cronies, UN puppets, and their military-industrial contractors. They failed to crush Trump before—they’ll fail again.

    Spread the truth—MSM is silent; YOU must speak.
    Demand action—Contact your reps. Ask WHY these flights continue.
    Expose the sky crimes—Document and share your proof.
  • [Section of Content Redacted]

    [Section of Content Redacted]

    Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Our Prison Life … Carl Soiberg

    We live in a free range prison. When we exercise our Rights (Freedoms) the prison administration (BAR / Judges / Attorneys) view this as a prison break, and send the prison guards (police / ATF / FBI / IRS) to apprehend the escaped prisoners.

    “You have owners. They (Bankers) OWN you.” – George Carlin (not joking)

    “You are a slave, Neo.” – The Matrix (not fiction)

    We live in a prison for our minds aka The Legal System (The British Accreditation Registry (BAR) is a Foreign Corporation)




    America is under Foreign Occupation by the BAR.

    District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871

    Law Enforcement Officer is a euphemism for Pre-Civil War Slave Catcher      

    [Section of Content Redacted]

    America Republic for the USA: How To Save America | Republic for USA

    The Republic for the United States of America is the actual de jure government that our founding fathers gave us, and which was abandoned in 1871 when the US Inc. corporation took over Washington DC and eventually every level of government in the country.

  • In 1871 the United States was abandoned and the US Inc. Corporation (controlled by foreign powers) took over.
  • By 1913 US Inc. had managed to change the Constitution. Even though the act was never ratified by Congress, the independent foreign bankers formed the Federal Reserve and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) so that all US Taxpayer monies were paid to themselves as international bankers.
  • The privately owned Rothschild family Bank also owned the Federal Reserve and IRS. Through their privately owned US Inc. corporation, they had complete control of US Taxpayer dollars and were charging the US Government interest to use their own monies.
  • When President Trump formed “The Republic for the USA,” it changed all that. By Aug. 2020 Trump was able to roll US Taxpayer dollars that had been going to the Federal Reserve since 1918, into the new US Treasury near Reno Nevada.
  • The de jure restored Republic for the United States of America is recognized by over 80 Countries and documented.
  • The original plan to restore the republic, abandoned by corrupt, unprincipled men, was reviewed and approved by the Military from its inception relying on the Northwest ordnance to reinhabit the Republic.
  • The original president of the Restored Republic, Tim Turner, was offered a trillion dollars to walk away from the Republic, or he would be assassinated. He refused.
  • In May of 2010 while in a business meeting in Seattle Washington, many of his associates warned him they all had “a bad feeling” in the hotel that something was not right. Tim had the same feeling. His NATO military intelligence told to disable all eletronics, and his cell phone and get out of the hotel.
  • His group split up into three groups and went different ways to loose anyone following and were to meet at a special location. Two armed men were seen in the hotel.  He later found out six mercenaries were hired for the job. He was almost caught in Omaha and Kansas City prior.  Shortly thereafter the enemy was neutralized and God’s grace, like with Trump, protected him from the enemy. (Re-inhabited Vol II. page 38-39).
  • After Tim Turner’s assassination attempt, he was advised that God’s grace continued to protect him like Daniel in the lion’s den.  Those who ordered his assassination and those at the highest level of the Cabal were surprised when they were told to leave him alone, apparently by those good guys who assisted in the past to save his life. 
  • In July of 2010 the Republic leaders were sequestered for several days in a secured location.  Though it was believed, and still is, that government officials are bought off as seen by USAID, what occurred in saving Turners, life and protecting him, proves there are “the good guys” in this covert war for the soul of our country.  (Re Inhabited Vol. II page 39-40)
  • In January of 2021 The president of the now Restored Republic, Tim Turner, who they attempted to assassinate, was being interviewed on Morning Liberty radio speaking on the continued attacks. 
  • He revealed that the American Republic had experienced heavy attacks by corrupt agents of the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES/Obama administration, and that they had infiltrated the Republic and  were planted in office positions in the Republic.
  • Tim Turner stated that the tactics shouldn’t be surprising after the attempted payoff and assassination attempts on his life, and here is the reason why.
  • When we fully awake the people and establish the de jure Republic again, that’s going to take away 379 million slaves away from the international bankers, IRS, freeing the debt slaves, so do you think they are going to just lie down and let that happen — certainly not.  They’re going to fight and they’re going to do their normal deception, their division, and their divide-and-conquer tactics, with the help of the media we now see being paid off through USAID and unfortunately will see the first martyr for the republic.  Wake up people, this is an unconventional war for our country.
  • The bottom line is, like President Donald Trump said when they attached him also, it’s not a personal attack on me, it’s an attack against your Republic and the people of this nation.  (Re-Inhabited Vol. II page 88-89).
  • More hardships were incurred when President Turner had been prevented from leaving the country, as he was seeking to fly to Europe and meet various heads of state of foreign countries by Clinton as Secretary Of State.  With the exposure of Benghazi, the email server scandal and her “pay to play” treasonous tactics, this is just one more move to prevent further damage.  One can well imagine the importance of accomplishing relationships with other countries via treaties or compacts for the American Republic. To succeed in this venture would affirm international status and adversely affect the CORPORATE UNITED STATES, which was eventually accomplished in part.
  • Tragically, Arizona Chief Justice William Dale Foster was shot to death by a local police officer at Mr. Foust’s business co-owned with his wife. It was Father’s Day 2011 when William “Bill” Foust was shot and k****d in front of his wife and two daughters. The National leaders acknowledged him as a modern-day Founding Father of the Republic as well as a dear friend of President Tim Turner and “a great inspiration to many in the Republic.”
  • Justice Foust was having tremendous success in the de facto CORPORATE COURTS  assisting in preventing unlawful foreclosures of Arizonans’ homes. We believed that in a large part that may have been the reason Mr. Foust was k****d instead of arrested and did not used lawfare like they did to Tim Turner on September 18, 2012 and Trump several times.
  • President Turner in light of this tragic obstacle stated:  “God also gave me a message for those of your who have concerns about our Republic.  He showed me a single flower growing up through a small crack in a sidewalk.  The flower was white with a yellowish tint and in full bloom.  The Lord said to let the People of the Republic ( and now the country) know that is doesn’t matter the hardships we face or obstacles we must overcome.  He has planted the seed  of this Rebublic and no matter what is thrown at us we will not only take root but will grow and flourish.  As the flower overcame the concrete that tried to withhold it from sprouting the Republic will overcome all obstacles and be successful because this is HIS Republic. ”  Re-inhabited Volume II pages 120-121.
  • We are encouraging all to help Restore the Republic by going to our website and join with us and President Trump to turn the power Back to You and The People.  He is doing an awesome job but cannot do it alone. How To Save America | Republic for USA

    We who are fighting every day will be able to tell our posterity, that we fought side to side with President Trump and other patriots to save our State and country.  What will you be able to say?  Here is your chance.   “Woe to you who are complacent.” Amos 6:1

    The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America, Dr. Miarecki: (7/12/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ USAF Lt Col (Ret) Dr. Sandy Miarecki to Discuss the Reinhabited Republic For These United States 

    Want to hold a seat in The Republic for the United States of America? To join President Trump, help him take down the corrupt Corporation and restore the Republic, go to: How To Save America | Republic for USA

    Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 The Storm is HERE! EBS Activation Imminent, Military Positioning Troops, GITMO Expanding for Arrests, Med Beds to Cure Vaccine Damage, SCOTUS Announcement, and Ongoing Military Tribunals Unveiled! …JFK Awakening Q17 on Telegram




  • Wake up! What you’ve been told is nothing but a smokescreen, designed to keep you blind to the real power moves happening right under your nose. Since March 2020, the United States has been controlled by a covert force—the federalized active-duty National Guard—operating under the radar with military precision. This is no defense; it’s an offensive strike against the deep corruption that’s poisoned the world for decades.
  • Operation Castle Rock is the master move in this global chess game. The Biden administration? Nothing but puppets, moving to the rhythm of a hidden agenda. But Castle Rock is the checkmate—the final blow that will expose the real power brokers and bring their empire down. It’s not just about Trump returning—it’s about justice on a scale the world has never seen.
  • Military tribunals are already underway. High-ranking officials who thought they were untouchable are now facing justice. SCOTUS has ruled in favor of Brunson, declaring Congress’s failure to investigate the 2020 voter fraud as treason. And treason comes with one punishment: the dismantling of the corrupt government and the overthrow of the Biden administration—not in months, but within days.
  • On September 1, 2024, intel from the Carden Group confirmed: SCOTUS will soon announce a ruling that shuts down the government within 24-48 hours. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) is ready, the airwaves are clear, and when the switch is flipped, the truth will flood every device worldwide. This is Disclosure Day—the global awakening.
  • Expect 10 days of darkness. Bank shutdowns, ATMs offline, and credit cards useless. Prepare yourself with three weeks of supplies, because this isn’t just a financial reset—this is survival. The Military is already mobilizing to manage the blackout zones. They’ve been positioning troops to ensure the safety of the new Quantum Financial System (QFS) and Project Odin.
  • GITMO is expanding—new cells, new facilities, all being prepped for the influx of high-profile arrests. These are the global players who engineered the suffering of millions, and their time has run out. Expect trials and sentences to be carried out with military speed. Washington D.C. has turned into a fortress—not to protect, but to detain.
  • This isn’t just America’s fight—it’s a global military operation to dismantle the corruption across the planet. Project Odin is already intercepting communications, and Operation Omicron Variant has been liberating children from the deepest layers of darkness. These raids are being conducted in secret, but they’re happening now.
  • Castle Rock isn’t just the takedown of the elite—it’s the restoration of 1776 principles. The corrupt laws of 1871 and the Balfour Declaration are being reversed. Judges, police, and lawyers are being retrained, while others are being arrested. This is more than a legal shift—this is a revolution. The people’s sovereignty is being restored.
  • And here’s the bombshell: vaccines will soon be declared illegal. Med Beds are coming, set to reverse vaccine damage and cure ailments once thought incurable. This is the end of medical tyranny. The pharmaceutical industry will collapse under the weight of its lies, as the truth comes out about the damage they’ve inflicted.
  • The Storm is HERE, and there’s no turning back. Castle Rock is the endgame. Prepare, because nothing can stop what’s coming! The world is on the brink of a monumental shift. The Military is in control, the truth is being revealed, and the corrupt are being taken down. This is not a drill, and it’s not a game. The world is waking up, and when it does, there will be no turning back. The revolution has begun, and nothing will ever be the same.
  • Wars and Rumors of Wars:

  • [Content Redacted]
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: US forces conducted a precision airstrike against a member of al-Qaeda in Syria this weekend. The terrorist leader was working with al-Qaeda across the region. Congratulations to CENTCOM Commander Gen. Michael Kurilla, and the US warfighters who dealt Justice to another Jihadi threatening America and our allies and partners. …45-47 on Telegram
  • SUN. 16 FEB. 2025: BOOM! RFK Jr. & TRUMP DECLARE WAR ON USDA! MAHA Plan Will Crush Corruption, Ban Toxic Chemicals, and Save Farmers! America’s farms are under siege! …Julian Assange on Telegram

  • RFK Jr. & President Trump are taking down the corrupt USDA, banning toxic chemicals, and saving family farmers from Big Ag tyranny. The MAHA Plan will cleanse our food, restore our soil, and Make America Healthy Again. The Deep State should be TERRIFIED!
  • The Current Farming System: Poisoning America for Profit. The USDA has turned farming into a weapon against the people: Small farmers crushed by Big Ag’s monopolies and impossible regulations. Soil destroyed by chemical warfare from corporate giants. Americans sicker than ever, poisoned by toxic food and Big Pharma’s greed. Water systems polluted, leaving future generations at risk.
  • This isn’t farming—it’s WAR. But RFK Jr. is here to fight back!

  • Step 1: Crush Corrupt Regulations—FREE the Farmers! For decades, Big Ag-owned regulators have suffocated family farms while corporate giants rake in profits. The MAHA Plan will: Slash red tape that chokes small farms. End Big Ag favoritism and destroy monopolies. Put farmers first, making American agriculture profitable again!
  • Step 2: Heal the Soil, Clean the Water—RESTORE the Land! Decades of chemical a***e have left our land dying and our food toxic. RFK Jr. will: Promote regenerative farming to rebuild soil health. Ban toxic pesticides and GMOs that poison our crops. Protect water resources, ending reckless corporate exploitation.
  • Step 3: BAN Toxic Chemicals—Crush Big Ag’s Poison Empire! The U.S. allows chemicals banned worldwide—WHY? MONEY! Big Ag and Big Pharma profit from your sickness. Under MAHA: Banned in Europe? BANNED HERE! Criminal accountability for poisoning America. USDA overhaul—no more corporate puppets controlling our food.
  • RFK Jr. & Trump: The Deep State’s WORST Nightmare! Trump fights globalist corruption. RFK Jr. destroys fake science and Big Ag lies. Together, they are UNSTOPPABLE.
  • This Is War—For Our Farms, Families, and Future! The USDA sold out to corporate parasites. But now, we have a once-in-a-lifetime shot to take our farms back! The MAHA Plan isn’t just a policy—it’s a movement. Farmers, patriots, freedom-lovers: RISE UP and FIGHT!
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: JUSTICE IS COMING! BlackRock Executives Arrested, Corrupt Politicians Caught, and GITMO Is Preparing for the Biggest Military Trials in History! …Secrets Exposed on Telegram

  • The Storm is here, and the world is witnessing the downfall of the most powerful financial empire ever constructed. BlackRock, the silent hand behind economic collapses, political corruption, and human suffering, is now crumbling under the weight of its own crimes. The elite’s financial weapon has been dismantled, and its reign of terror is coming to an end.
  • For decades, BlackRock, alongside Vanguard and State Street, operated as a financial Hydra—controlling corporations, governments, and entire industries. They engineered market crashes, manipulated elections, and enriched themselves while impoverishing the masses. But now, February 2025 marks their reckoning. White Hat military forces, quantum surveillance systems, and a global coalition of patriots have exposed their hidden agenda and brought them to their knees.
  • The Vanguard-State Street Nexus, once untouchable, is unraveling. The C***D-19 pandemic was just another scheme in their playbook—lockdowns, mandates, and financial bailouts all designed to consolidate their wealth while crushing small businesses. They orchestrated supply chain crises to inflate prices, ensuring that everyday citizens suffered while they profited. Now, the evidence is irrefutable. Military tribunals are being prepared, and key executives from these financial institutions are being detained.
  • The White Hat operations have uncovered shocking truths. BlackRock wasn’t merely an economic manipulator—it was a central player in global human t*********g, drug smuggling, and o***n h********g. Secret offshore accounts linked to child t*********g networks, hidden facilities, and black-market transactions have all been exposed. For years, the mainstream media—owned and controlled by these very entities—buried the truth, silenced whistleblowers, and ridiculed those who dared question the narrative. But now, there is nowhere left to hide.
  • High-profile arrests have already begun. Sources confirm that executives, politicians, and media moguls who served BlackRock’s interests have been taken into custody. Their crimes range from financial terrorism to crimes against humanity. This isn’t just happening in the United States—nations across the world, including Canada, the UK, Germany, Australia, and Ukraine, are purging deep-state operatives installed by BlackRock’s influence. Trudeau, Sunak, and others are under military scrutiny, and the days of their control are numbered.
  • BlackRock’s collapse is a seismic shift in the global power structure. The company that once controlled $11.6 trillion in assets, dictated monetary policies, and owned governments is now a shell of its former self. The Federal Reserve, long entwined with BlackRock’s manipulations, is also under intense investigation. Trillions in stolen wealth have been tracked, seized, and are being prepared for redistribution under NESARA/GESARA initiatives.
  • With Gitmo expanded and special courts convened, the world is about to witness justice on an unprecedented scale. The trials will be public, and the truth will no longer be suppressed. Those who preyed on humanity for generations will finally answer for their crimes.
  • But this isn’t just about retribution—it’s about rebuilding a world free from their grip. Financial systems are being transitioned to quantum platforms that ensure full transparency. Every dollar, every transaction, every institution will be monitored to prevent corruption from ever taking root again.
  • This is more than a takedown—it’s the birth of a new world order of justice. The elite’s empire has fallen, and what comes next is a society built on truth, fairness, and the power of the people. Stay vigilant, patriots. The storm is here, and the best is yet to come.
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025: Top-Secret HAARP Facilities Exposed – Edward Snowden Unveils HAARP’s Sinister Global Agenda! …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has just blown the lid off a terrifying agenda hidden deep in Alaska. Documents reveal that HAARP, which they claimed was about “scientific research,” is in reality a weapon designed to control and manipulate humanity on a global scale.
  • HAARP’s Dark Purpose: For years, the military has disguised HAARP as a research station, keeping its true mission hidden from the public. According to Snowden’s leaks, HAARP is no innocent experiment—it’s a weapon of mass manipulation, targeting people’s brains, causing what seem like natural deaths—strokes, heart attacks. This is more than a conspiracy theory. It’s happening now, right under our noses.
  • Mind Control at an Unimaginable Level: Snowden revealed that HAARP can remotely control the minds of those who speak out, turning people into irrational, “crazy” individuals in the eyes of the world. Their goal? Silencing dissenters, using these frequency waves to make their opposition crumble from within. Think about it—the world leaders, media moguls, and CEOs you see on TV are just puppets, controlled through advanced technology. Ever wonder why some of the most powerful voices for truth go silent overnight?
  • Faraday Cage Defense: Snowden has taken refuge in a Faraday cage, cutting off external radio waves, shielding himself from this global mind-control weapon. Why? Because once you know the truth, you’re a target. This technology can destroy lives, discrediting those who dare speak up, reducing them to nothing but “conspiracy theorists.” It’s already happening.
  • The Smoking Gun – Proof of HAARP’s Control: These documents aren’t just hearsay. Snowden shared secret emails from top military officials confirming the horrific truth behind HAARP’s operations. This is no longer speculation—it’s fact. You’re either awake or you’re being played. They want you docile, blind, and submissive, all while the elite pull the strings behind the scenes.
  • HAARP’s Reach – More Than Just Alaska: It’s not just Alaska. There are multiple HAARP facilities worldwide. In Sweden, Russia, even beneath the cover of cell towers right here at home. They’ve built a global network to keep their control tight. It’s not just a weapon. It’s a system of domination, creating chaos, fear, and confusion across the world. Just look at the strange weather patterns, natural disasters, and public figures dropping dead out of nowhere.
  • The Time To Rise Is Now: Snowden’s revelations have shown us that the storm is already here. The truth is far darker than we could ever imagine. But now you know—what will you do with this knowledge? Will you sit back and let the global elites tighten their grip, or will you fight back? Your country, your freedom, your very life could depend on it.
  • Wake Up, Patriots! This is the moment. The truth is out, and they can’t silence us all. Together, we can expose the shadow government and the military machine that’s been pulling the strings for far too long. The time has come for action—before it’s too late.
  • February 18, 2025—The MedBed rollout is advancing at lightning speed, bringing a revolution in healthcare unlike anything seen before. Hundreds of centers are preparing to open, and the latest developments confirm that these devices are more powerful and transformative than anyone imagined. Humanity is entering an era of health, empowerment, and freedom from the corruption that kept it enslaved. …Julian Assange

  • As of today, over 200 MedBed Healing Centers are near completion, with the first phase of public access set for March 15, 2025. These centers will prioritize veterans, terminally ill patients, and survivors of human t*********g, ensuring the most vulnerable receive treatment first. By year’s end, over 700 centers will be operational worldwide, replacing the profit-driven medical system with one centered on true healing.
  • Trump’s team has also unveiled major advancements in MedBed technology. DNA restoration now activates dormant genetic sequences, unlocking heightened intuition, faster learning, and physical endurance. Neurological healing reverses paralysis and brain injuries, while quantum emotional recalibration eliminates PTSD, anxiety, and depression. MedBeds don’t just heal—they optimize the immune system, making future illness nearly impossible.
  • The connection between MedBeds and the Quantum Financial System is becoming clearer. Starting in April 2025, patients will receive Quantum Identification Cards (QICs) linked to QFS. These cards grant free access to MedBeds, erase medical debt, and connect users to universal income programs, ensuring financial freedom alongside physical healing.
  • To operate MedBeds, Trump’s administration is training a new generation of quantum healers. These specialists undergo intensive mental, emotional, and intuitive training to align with the quantum frequencies of the technology. Cellular Resonance Therapy is now recognized as the driving force behind MedBeds, harmonizing the body’s energy field to accelerate healing.
  • Trump’s upcoming speech on February 25, 2025, will outline the next steps. March 15 marks the first wave of public access, expanding to the general public by June. By July, cognitive and emotional healing capabilities will be further enhanced. The deep state’s grip on humanity is unraveling, and nothing can stop this transformation.
  • This isn’t just about healing—it’s about liberation. The MedBed rollout is ushering in a world where disease, suffering, and financial oppression are relics of the past. Humanity stands on the brink of its greatest evolution, and the age of healing is here. Prepare for the future, because nothing will ever be the same.

  • The IRS and Income Tax will be abolished. There will be a 14% flat rate sales tax, applied only to new, non-essential items. Food and medicine will be tax-free as will the sale of all used items including homes.
  • Benefits to senior citizens will increase.
  • All courts and legal matters will return to Constitutional Law with a retraining of all judges and attorneys that will ensure that the judiciary remains the ultimate guardian of the Constitution.
  • The original Title of Nobility Amendment will be in effect. Americans under foreign influences will lose their citizenship, be deported and barred from re-entry for life. College degrees will be worthless.
  • New Presidential and Congressional elections will be held within 120 days of a NESARA announcement. Elections will be monitored to prevent illegal activities by special interest groups. The interim government will cancel all “National Emergencies.”
  • The U.S. Treasury will roll out a ‘rainbow currency,’ backed by gold, silver and platinum precious metals. This move will end the U.S. bankruptcy initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933, replacing it with a solid, tangible financial foundation.
  • Forbidden will be the sale of American Birth Certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.
  • A new U.S. Treasury Bank System will be in force designed to align with Constitutional Law. The current Federal Reserve System will be phased out over a year-long transition period, eventually rendering it obsolete.
  • Financial privacy will be restored.
  • U.S. Military Actions will cease Worldwide.
  • Enormous sums of money will be released for humanitarian purposes.
  • Over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies will be unveiled including innovations like free energy devices, antigravity and sonic healing machines.
  • Must Watch Videos:

  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Situation Update (video): Restored Republic via a GCR Update as of February 18, 2025 – The US Military News
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: BOOM! Judy Byington Bombshell Report: Mass Arrests Underway. Over 700,000 Indictments Being Served. Special Forces, Navy SEALs, Delta Force, British SAS Deployed. . . – – American Media Group
  • Tues. 18 Feb. 2025 Situation Update: Byington Bombshell Report: Mass Arrests Confirmed: Obama, Clinton, Soros, Zuckerberg, Gates at GITMO | Politics | Before It’s News
  • [Note: Sensitive and repeated content in this report has been redacted. See the full unredacted report attached below.]

    Read Full Report (Doc):

    Read Full Report (PDF):

    Updates for the Week Prior:

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 18, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 17, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official 

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 16, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 15, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 14, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 13, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 12, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official

    Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 11, 2025 | Operation Disclosure Official


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  • TAGS
  • Earth Alliance
  • Global Currency Reset
  • Judy Byington
  • Quantum Financial System
  • Restored Republic
  • The Great Awakening
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    My name is Patrick DaCosta (TerraZetzz is my moniker). I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light.

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