X22 Report — Episode 3575: Gold is the Key that will Unlock the Door, In the End the DS will Cease to Exist
Ep 3575a – Gold Is The Key That Will Unlock The Door, He Who Has The Gold Makes The Rules
Ep 3575b – Rats Are Jumping Ship, In The End The [DS] Will Cease To Exist, Planned A Long Time Ago
X22 Report
Streamed on: Feb 18, 5:30 pm EST
The [DS] is going after the food supply, Trump is stopping it. We are in a white collar recession. Elon want to video the gold vaults, the question is, do we have the gold or not. The push for an audit is on. He who owns the gold makes the rules.
X22 Report
Streamed on: Feb 18, 6:00 pm EST
The [DS] has tried everything, they are failing every step of the way, emotions do not work when people are logically thinking and awake. The people want the waste cut. The D’s have never said what Elon has uncovered is fake, this should tell you everything you need to know. The rats are jumping ship, the [DS] system is falling apart. In the end the [DS] will cease to exist, this was planned a long time ago.
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