Friday, 20 September 2024

Jeff Bezos’ Ex-Wife Gives Huge Donations To Leftist Groups Advocating For Illegal Immigrants, Trans Sports

Jeff Bezos’ Ex-Wife Gives Huge Donations To Leftist Groups Advocating For Illegal Immigrants, Trans Sports

Screenshot / YouTube Inside Edition, Cropped by Resist the Mainstream

MacKenzie Scott, the former wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, is making waves in philanthropy circles with her recent announcement of charitable donations totaling $640 million, The New York Post reports.

These contributions, however, have stirred controversy due to their perceived alignment with extreme left-wing causes.

A significant portion of Scott's donations will support nonprofits advocating for migrants, prisoners, and LGBTQ rights, sparking debate over the ideological direction of her philanthropic endeavors.

An analysis of the 361 awards she announced through her foundation, Yield Giving, reveals that $122 million will be allocated to 67 migrant-advocacy organizations, focusing on legal aid and other forms of assistance.

Among the recipients are the Florida Immigrant Coalition, known for its staunch opposition to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis' measures targeting migrant offenders, and the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition, actively contesting the state's endeavors to intensify enforcement against undocumented migrants, both receiving substantial $2 million awards.

Scott's philanthropic strategy extends beyond immigration issues, The Post Millennial reports, as she allocates $117 million to 67 prisoner-advocacy groups and other organizations supporting inmates and former convicts.

Additionally, $72 million is earmarked for 43 groups promoting LGBTQ causes, including initiatives advocating for transgender rights in sports. This allocation has raised concerns among conservatives, with some viewing it as an attempt to undermine free-market principles.

Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, criticized Scott's donations, arguing that they contribute to a broader effort to transform the capitalist system. 

“Bezos’ [ex]wife is using the profits he made through capitalism to [fund] the rope that will hang capitalism,” he said.”

“These things that she’s donating money to – whether it’s transgender ideas, helping illegals, prisoner rights, climate change – they’re all trying to transform our system away from capitalism,” he added.

Rep. Nicole Malliotakis (R-NY) criticized Scott's spending on left-leaning causes, labeling it as “unfortunate” but acknowledging her right to allocate her personal wealth as she sees fit.

Tech mogul Elon Musk weighed in on Scott's charitable endeavors, criticizing her past donations in a now-deleted post on X

Scott remains undeterred in her philanthropic pursuits despite criticism. Before her recent announcement, she had already distributed $16.5 billion of her fortune to various charitable organizations. The launch of Yield Giving in December 2022 signaled a more structured approach to her philanthropy, allowing community-led nonprofits to apply for financial assistance.

The $640 million awarded during Yield Giving's first round of handouts far exceeds Scott's initial pledge, highlighting the scale of her charitable ambitions.

Megan Peterson, executive director of Gender Justice, expressed gratitude for Scott's $2 million donation to her nonprofit, emphasizing the importance of supporting gender equality initiatives.

Scott expressed gratitude in a note on her website to Lever for Change and the evaluators involved in the award-selection process. 

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