Friday, 20 September 2024

Telegram Channel Shares Disturbing Photos Of Tortured Moscow Terror Attack Suspects

Telegram Channel Shares Disturbing Photos Of Tortured Moscow Terror Attack Suspects

Screenshots / Social Media East2West, Cropped by Resist the Mainstream

Footage of Russian forces torturing the men they arrested over the Moscow terror attack emerged Sunday night. 

The Daily Mail reports one man was given electric shocks to his genitals. While a second was forced to eat his own ear.

Shamsuddin Fariddun, one of the suspects, is seen lying on a gym floor in a photo with his trousers pulled down and wires attached to his groin area, while foaming at the mouth. At the other end they are attached to a military radio powered by an 80-volt battery.

A Telegram channel that shared the photo claimed it depicted “an ordinary interrogation” technique for Russian security service officials.

“By turning the coil, discharges are released through the wires. Up to 80 volts, which in turn are connected to the prisoner by the fingers, ears or genitals. For best effect, the captured militant should be poured with water,” the Telegram channel linked to Wagner paramilitary force explained.

The photo follows an incident where one of the suspects had his ear cut off on camera with a knife during his detention in the Bryansk region on Sunday.

A video depicts a Russian agent attempting to force the suspect to eat the severed ear, which he promptly spits out. In another video, the same suspect is shown with his head bandaged and his face covered in blood.

The Mirror reports that the leaking of barbaric treatment inflicted on suspects of serious crimes is deliberate.

Wagner, led by former Putin associate Yevgeny Prigozhin, reportedly favored using a sledgehammer to the head as a method of disposing of “traitors,” with videos of these acts also being released.

The human rights group, known for spotlighting widespread torture in Putin's jails, stated: “For over 10 years, we have consistently exposed torture and its systemic nature in Russia.”

“It is obvious that sanctions for these tortures, as well as for the torture of Ukrainian prisoners, are given from the very top,” the group added.

Fariddun was purportedly observed staking out Crocus City Hall on March 7, during which he was photographed at the venue. This coincided with a warning issued by the US and UK embassies in Moscow regarding the imminent threat of a strike on a crowded venue.

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