Saturday, 26 October 2024

Bannon’s Warning of Crisis Echoes History as He Calls for Patriotic Civic Engagement

Steve Bannon, host of the WarRoom program, delivered a stark warning on Friday about the current state of affairs in the United States after the Thursday night debate between President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, drawing striking parallels to events preceding World War I. Bannon’s urgent message highlights the nation’s potential crises and calls for heightened civic engagement to understand and address these critical issues.

“We have a national security crisis right now, that is going to lead to a constitutional crisis about the 25th Amendment very shortly.”

Ironically, on this date, June 28, 1914, the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, and his wife, the Duchess of Hohenberg, marked the catalyst for World War I. Following their narrow escape from an earlier assassination attempt with a bomb, they were ultimately killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo, triggering a chain of events that led Europe inexorably toward war.

 “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”- George Santayana.

Speaking on June 28, 2024, Bannon expressed deep concerns about the trajectory of American politics, particularly highlighting what he perceives as a looming national security crisis that could escalate into a constitutional crisis under the 25th Amendment.

The 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution clarifies procedures for presidential succession, vice presidential vacancies, and presidential disability. It allows the Vice President to assume the presidency if the office becomes vacant, addresses procedures for filling a vacant vice presidency, and provides a mechanism for temporarily transferring presidential powers if the President is unable to discharge their duties. This amendment aims to ensure continuity of government and effective leadership in cases of presidential incapacity or unexpected vacancies.

Bannon began his address by referencing the assassination of  Ferdinand in 1914, emphasizing how seemingly small events can trigger significant historical consequences. He drew a direct comparison, suggesting that the current political climate in the U.S. mirrors the precariousness of the early 20th century.

Central to Bannon’s critique was his assessment of President Joe Biden’s leadership, whom he repeatedly exposed as “illegitimate.” Bannon said that Biden’s debate performance showed the world his incompetence and inability to effectively lead the nation, particularly in matters of national security, adding that President Trump’s participation in the debate was a deliberate effort to expose Biden’s shortcomings, framing it as a selfless act in the national interest.

To support his viewpoint, Bannon pointed to Scott Jennings, a known associate of Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), who echoed Bannon’s concerns about the severity of the crisis during a CNN appearance in reaction to the Trump-Biden debate. According to Bannon, Jennings’ agreement underscored the bipartisan recognition of the critical nature of the situation despite their usual political differences.

Bannon criticized mainstream media figures like Tom Friedman, accusing them of covering up Biden’s alleged incapacity. He argued that these journalists, whom he described as part of a “Pretorian guard,” were complicit in protecting Biden and misleading the public about his fitness for office. Bannon suggested that this media complicity aimed to pave the way for potential political transitions to figures like Gavin Newsom or Michelle Obama.

The Praetorian Guard, established by Emperor Augustus, protected Roman emperors and wielded significant political influence. Headquartered in Rome, they played a pivotal role in Roman stability and sometimes intervened in imperial succession. Emperor Constantine disbanded them in 312 AD, marking a significant shift in Roman political dynamics.

Beyond domestic implications, Bannon warned of the geopolitical consequences of perceived American weakness under the current administration. He expressed concerns that adversaries such as Russia, China, and Iran might exploit this perceived leadership vacuum to the detriment of U.S. interests globally. Bannon further questioned the readiness of American military forces under Biden’s leadership.

Looking ahead, Bannon predicted significant political upheaval, asserting that Biden would not be the Democratic nominee for the 2024 election. Instead, he envisioned a scenario where Trump would secure a substantial victory, with the Republican Party gaining significant seats in both the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Bannon emphasized the urgency for the WarRoom audience to address what he described as a crisis of national and constitutional significance. He urged the public to consider the implications of Biden’s failures and the looming constitutional crisis, framing Trump’s potential inauguration on January 20, 2025, as pivotal for the nation’s future.

For more context, watch these WarRoom segments:

Steve Bannon: We Have A National Security Crisis That’s Going To Lead To A Constitutional Crisis On 25th Amendment

Steve Bannon: Biden’s Failing Faculties Will Lead To National Security Crisis , U.S. Imperial Praetorian Guard Previews Next Emperor



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