Saturday, 26 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 6/28/2024 [AM]

Friday, June 28

Steve Bannon: Biden’s Failing Faculties Will Lead To National Security Crisis , U.S. Imperial Praetorian Guard Previews Next Emperor

It’s June 28, 2024. Reflecting on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand 110 years ago in Sarajevo, Steve Bannon draws parallels to today’s U.S. crisis. He criticizes Biden’s leadership and media complicity, urging focus on national security and the 25th Amendment. Bannon calls for public awareness and action amidst what he sees as a pivotal moment for America.

Steve Bannon: We Have A National Security Crisis That’s Going To Lead To A Constitutional Crisis On 25th Amendment

Steve Bannon critiques media figures for their alleged knowledge of Biden’s shortcomings while portraying him positively. He argues that Trump’s recent actions, including his debate appearance, were motivated by a concern for the nation’s welfare rather than political gain. Bannon emphasizes a dual crisis: a national security threat under Biden and a forthcoming constitutional crisis regarding the 25th Amendment. He accuses Biden’s administration of prioritizing political interests over national well-being, urging scrutiny of who controls the White House amid these crises.

MSNBC Admits Spiering’s Reporting On Democrat Leaders Discussing Biden’s Abilities To Run For 2024

Steve Bannon discusses a Daily Mail report suggesting Democrats like Clinton, Obama, Schumer, and Pelosi may consider urging Biden to step back if he doesn’t perform well. Bannon questions the credibility of such reports initially dismissed by others. He highlights the panic among Democrats post-debate, speculating on internal discussions about Biden’s future. Bannon doubts Biden’s team respects figures like Clinton and Obama, noting their resilience against past pressures to step down. He underscores Pelosi’s potential role in any future decisions about Biden’s presidency, urging vigilance on her actions.

Mike Davis: Chevron Overturning Greatly Hinders “The Dangers Of An All-Powerful Federal Government”

Steve Bannon and Mike Davis discussed several key topics during their conversation. They began by highlighting the significance of recent Supreme Court decisions, particularly the overturning of the Chevron deference doctrine, which had allowed executive agencies significant interpretive power over statutes. They emphasized how this decision marked a shift in judicial philosophy towards limiting government power and enhancing accountability. They also delved into the implications of other Supreme Court rulings, including ones related to the January 6 defendants and homeless camps in public parks.

The discussion then turned to broader political issues, with Bannon and Davis critiquing the Biden administration’s handling of various policies, including law enforcement approaches towards different protest groups. They expressed concerns over what they perceived as selective enforcement and politicization within the justice system. Throughout their conversation, Bannon and Davis underscored the importance of constitutional principles and the judiciary’s role in upholding them against perceived governmental overreach.

Part One:

Mike Davis Celebrates Supreme Court Fischer Ruling: “Win For The January 6th Defendants”

Part Two:

Jeff Clark Breaks Down Monumental Supreme Court Fischer Ruling

Jeff Clark and Steve Bannon discussed several key legal and political issues. They first addressed the Fisher case, a significant statutory interpretation matter. Clark emphasized that the statute in question, aimed at obstruction of justice, was misused by the Biden administration to prosecute the January 6 defendants. He highlighted how the Supreme Court correctly interpreted the statute, applying ancient canons of interpretation to clarify its original intent, which did not include acts like protest-related offenses. Bannon underscored the abuse of prosecutorial discretion and the misuse of statutes by federal agencies, prompting Clark to stress the importance of oversight and accountability in such cases.

Clark, drawing on his legal background as a former law professor and constitutional law lecturer, criticized the cynical and selective application of the law. He pointed out the disparate treatment between January 6 defendants and those involved in other movements like BLM and Antifa, suggesting a double standard in law enforcement. Bannon echoed concerns about the politicization of the legal system and the need for rigorous examination of such abuses within the federal judiciary.

Part One:

Clark: Chevron Deference Ruling Will Permanently Hinder The Administrative State’s Ability To Exist

Part Two:

Paul Sperry Warns Of “Influence Operation By Clapper And The CIA” Ahead Of 2024 Election

In their conversation, Paul Sperry and Steve Bannon discussed significant revelations from Sperry’s investigations into James Clapper and intelligence operations. Sperry highlighted how Clapper allegedly manufactured fake Russian intelligence to influence the outcomes of both the 2016 and 2020 presidential debates against Trump. This manipulation aimed to portray Trump negatively as a Russian asset, impacting public perception and potentially affecting electoral outcomes. Sperry underscored the ongoing implications of such actions, suggesting they could recur in future elections, given the lack of accountability for these abuses of power within the intelligence community.

They also delved into broader concerns about national security crises, particularly regarding Biden’s leadership and the vulnerabilities in the current intelligence apparatus. Sperry expressed fears about potential terrorist attacks on the homeland and questioned the effectiveness of existing oversight mechanisms to prevent such abuses from recurring. Their discussion painted a picture of systemic failures and unchecked power within intelligence agencies, highlighting the need for transparency and accountability to safeguard democratic processes and national security.

Julie Kelly On The Groundbreaking Fischer Ruling

Julie Kelly and Steve Bannon discussed a Supreme Court decision overturning the Department of Justice’s use of a statute against the January 6th defendants. Kelly explained that the law, initially intended for obstruction of justice cases like document shredding, was misapplied by Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, and others to criminalize political dissent and prosecute over 350 January 6th participants. The decision, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts and supported by a 6-3 majority, including Ketanji Brown Jackson, was seen as a significant victory for justice and fairness, repudiating the lower courts’ wrongful prosecution of the January 6th defendants.

Kelly highlighted the impact on those prosecuted, many of whom were unfairly labeled felons. She criticized judges who upheld these prosecutions, noting that Judge Carl Nichols dismissed the charges based on the statute’s intended use. Bannon and Kelly emphasized the need for accountability and potential mass resignations among judges involved. Bannon also mentioned a tweet by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna calling for Attorney General Garland to be held in contempt of Congress, suggesting imminent, dramatic legal and constitutional conflicts.

Rickards: Biden Would Have Family-Appointed “Guardian” If He Didn’t Occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

In their discussion, Jim Rickards and Steve Bannon focused on their assessment of Joe Biden’s performance and cognitive state, particularly during a recent debate. Rickards reiterated his view that Biden is in cognitive decline and may be suffering from dementia, highlighting how the disease progressively worsens. He noted that Biden’s recent behavior, especially his medicated appearance, raised serious concerns about his mental competence.

Rickards praised Donald Trump for his sharp performance during the debate, describing his strategic pivots on topics like immigration and his ability to insert critical points effectively. He emphasized the importance of visual and acoustic impressions in television, suggesting that Biden’s appearance was more alarming than his words.

Bannon and Rickards discussed the broader implications of Biden’s cognitive state, particularly in the context of national security and the potential for nuclear conflict. Rickards argued that Biden’s condition would warrant a guardian if he were not president, raising concerns about his ability to make critical decisions.

They also touched on the potential political fallout, suggesting that the Democrats might try to replace Biden and the ongoing threat to Trump’s political future, including possible imprisonment and legal challenges. Rickards emphasized that the current situation poses both a national security and constitutional crisis, highlighting the need for decisive action.

Liz Harrington On First Presidential Debate: That Was Not A Debate, It was A Set Up

In the discussion between Liz Harrington and Steve Bannon, Harrington expressed strong support for Donald Trump, asserting that he walked into a trap by participating in a debate with Joe Biden. Harrington argued that the debate was a setup designed to make Biden fail, pointing out the unusual timing of holding a debate in June. She claimed that Biden’s decline was being exploited by those behind him and that Trump was the only genuine presence on the stage.

Harrington emphasized that the focus should not be on defeating Biden, whom she said Trump had already beaten, but rather on defeating the “puppet masters” behind him. She highlighted the importance of recent Supreme Court rulings as a step towards saving the Republic and criticized the media for their portrayal of Biden over the past four years.

Bannon agreed wth Harrington’s sentiments, noting a crisis in the White House due to Biden’s infirmity and underscoring the urgency of addressing the issue. They concluded by directing listeners to for more information and updates.

Bannon: “The AG Of The US Could Be Arrested By The Sergeant Of Arms And The Capitol Hill Police”

Steve Bannon reported breaking news about Attorney General Merrick Garland expressing disappointment over a court decision limiting a federal statute used to hold those responsible for certain attacks accountable. Representative Anna Paulina Luna tweeted that Garland must answer for his blatant disrespect for Congress and the rule of law, and that this inherent contempt has the full backing of the Speaker of the House. Bannon emphasized that this could lead to Garland’s potential arrest by the Capitol Hill police as early as this afternoon or next week. He described the situation as a precursor to a constitutional crisis, likening it to events from 1858.

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