Friday, 25 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 10/16/2024 [AM]

FL-22 Candidate Dan Franzese Discusses Rematch Against Lois Frankel

Peter Navarro, candidate Dan Franzese, and pollster John McLaughlin, the focus was on Florida’s 22nd congressional district, where Franzese is running against incumbent Democrat Lois Frankel. The district, redrawn with a favorable Republican tilt, presents a significant opportunity for Franzese, who ran in 2022 and garnered 45% of the vote, surprising many. Franzese said, "I’ve gotten better, the district’s gotten a lot better, and Lois Frankel has gotten a lot worse.”

John McLaughlin, a well-regarded pollster, emphasized that the district is ripe for an upset. He noted, "Frankel is under 50% in our polls… and if we get her unfavorables up to 40% within three weeks, Dan’s going to win.” McLaughlin added that Frankel’s support for liberal policies, such as taxpayer-funded benefits for illegal immigrants and votes favoring biological men in women’s sports, are significant vulnerabilities.

Franzese’s strategy includes tapping into disillusionment among key voting blocs, particularly Catholics and Jewish Americans. "Catholics seem to be moving swiftly away from the Democrats,” McLaughlin observed. Franzese has been engaging voters directly, going door to door, which McLaughlin believes is vital: "He’s the perfect candidate that can pull off the upset.”

Navarro urged listeners to contact House Speaker Mike Johnson for support, highlighting the importance of this race for Republicans. McLaughlin concluded that Franzese has a real shot, stating, "This is a winnable race, and with voter turnout, it could be an upset.”

Part one:

FL-22 Candidate Dan Franzese Discusses Rematch Against Lois Frankel


“Kamala Harris is not going this year.”: John McLaughlin On Kamala Harris Abandoning Religious Voters

Part Two:

Bill McGinley: Steps To Getting Involved, Now Is The Time To Step Up

Peter Navarro and Bill McGinley emphasized the significance of the “Posse” in the upcoming elections and critiqued mainstream media narratives. McGinley responded to an MSNBC report, noting it neglected key facts about Democrats’ plans to resist a potential Trump victory. He stated, “their concern is truly with power,” indicating that Democrats are willing to manipulate circumstances to maintain control.

Both men urged the Posse to take action before November 5th. Navarro stressed the importance of casting votes early and provided resources, such as, and to help voters understand their options. He declared, “We need to help them get across the finish line,” encouraging volunteers to engage actively in the electoral process.

McGinley reiterated the need for transparency in the election process, particularly regarding poll watchers, asserting, “This is an incredibly important part of the process because transparency is a critical component.” He urged listeners to become proactive in their communities, reminding them that “democracy is a participatory process.”

The conversation concluded with a call to action for the Posse to get involved, emphasizing that this election is about the American people. “This is an election about you,” McGinley asserted, highlighting the urgency of voting and community participation to reclaim responsive governance.

Part One:

Bill McGinley: Get In The Room To Make Sure This Is A Fair Election

Part Two:

Peter Navarro: Lies From Maddow And Hayes On Tariffs And Trump Economy

Peter Navarro criticized MSNBC’s commentators, asserting their “staggering ignorance” of economics. He highlighted Rachel Maddow’s remarks on Steve Bannon’s “The Decline of the Dollar Empire,” emphasizing that Bannon was pointing out how Vice President Kamala Harris’s fiscal irresponsibility undermines the dollar, harming the working class. Navarro explained, “The auto workers have been reduced by globalists to simply assembling Chinese parts,” illustrating how American manufacturing has been compromised.

He advocated for Trump’s tariffs, stating they protect American jobs against unfair practices from countries like China and Germany, thereby enabling workers to produce essential car components domestically. Navarro insisted that “when you defend against that with tariffs, you bring home the factories.” He criticized recent labor negotiations that threaten to outsource jobs to China, emphasizing that rank-and-file workers in states like Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely to vote for Trump to protect their livelihoods.

Looking ahead, Navarro noted the importance of the upcoming election, warning that a Democratic win would exacerbate the nation’s $35 trillion debt crisis, describing it as “throwing gas on a dumpster fire.” He concluded, “The election is in the hands of the American people,” underscoring the stakes for the future of the America First movement.

Joe Allen: Humans Outsource Their Critical Thinking To Artificial Intelligence

Peter Navarro and Joe Allen discussed the implications of advanced artificial intelligence (AI) on society. Navarro raised concerns about the increasing reliance on AI and its potential to make people "dumber” over time. He noted that while AI, like Google’s Notebook LM, can read and understand text impressively, it lacks true comprehension. Allen echoed this sentiment, expressing his worries about AI’s growing capability to outpace human understanding, stating, "As AIs become more sophisticated, people become just dumber and dumber.”

The conversation delved into the ideological biases inherent in AI programming. Allen highlighted that AI could reflect a "woke” perspective, warning, "The woke stuff comes in subtle,” which can subtly influence users. He explained how programmers might feed the AI data with a particular ideological slant, saying, "They’ll put safety layers on top, so that it will kind of trigger the machine.”

Both Navarro and Allen expressed skepticism about the future of AI, arguing that even a "middle of the road” AI could lead to a society of "human AI symbiotes,” where critical thinking diminishes. They concluded that as reliance on AI grows, genuine human reasoning may be compromised, stating, "What we are facing is an era in which people are not able to think for themselves.”

Salleigh Grubbs: Fighting Back Against Lawfare In Georgia

In a recent update, Salleigh Grubbs reported on the election landscape in Georgia, noting a surge in early voting with over 300,000 people casting their ballots. However, she expressed concern about complications surrounding ballot counting. In particular, she highlighted legal disputes in Fulton and Cobb counties regarding the counting of ballots, as a recent ruling deemed the task too difficult for election workers.

Grubbs criticized the Georgia State Election Board’s reluctance to ensure proper ballot counting, emphasizing the importance of transparency and accuracy on election day. Despite these challenges, she shared positive news about a rally in Cobb County featuring prominent GOP figures, including President Trump and Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene, which energized local supporters.

Grubbs urged Georgia voters to get involved, promoting the need for election day volunteers and encouraging individuals to visit the Cobb County GOP website for more information. She expressed determination to protect the integrity of the vote and concluded by welcoming Mike Lindell to the conversation, underscoring a strong sense of community among Republican supporters in Georgia.


Mark Mitchell: President Trump Strengthens Lead In MSM Polls Following Kamala’s Lack Of Substance

Mark Mitchell shared new polling data from key battleground states, revealing a favorable trend for Trump. “Trump plus three in Pennsylvania, plus five in North Carolina,” he reported, indicating a shift to the right since September. Notably, polls show Michigan tied and Trump ahead in Wisconsin by two points, suggesting an upward trajectory for Trump’s campaign.

Mitchell critiqued media narratives surrounding Kamala Harris, asserting that her debate performance was heavily scripted and “rehearsed.” He argued that her inability to think independently is becoming evident, particularly after she struggled to replicate her debate success in subsequent interviews.

The conversation turned to polling accuracy, with Mitchell expressing skepticism about traditional outlets like Quinnipiac, stating, "I think they are doing a little bit better job of being accurate than they were last time.” He noted that national polls show Harris up by only a small margin, and he characterized the current polling landscape as a shift back toward Trump.

Mitchell also dismissed the Harris campaign’s attempts to attack Trump’s mental state as “desperation,” suggesting that such tactics will not resonate with independent voters. “The writing has been on the wall for months,” he stated, emphasizing Trump’s improving position among Black voters.


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