Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 10/22/2024 [AM]

Mark Mitchell Explains Why President Trump’s Dominating The Polls

In this Dave Bossie and Mark Mitchell segment, Bossie emphasized the similarities between the current battleground state trends and those seen in 2016. He confidently predicted a Trump victory, highlighting polling that showed positive shifts in key states. “Georgia looks very strong,” said Mitchell, noting that recent surveys had Trump leading by two to five points. He pointed out a consistent trend: "Trump outperforms polling in all these states,” citing low-propensity and first-time voters as key factors.

In North Carolina, Mitchell observed a steady move to the right, from a Trump +3 in September to a +5. Bossie concurred, dismissing concerns about the state’s competitiveness: "If you look at the trends… it’s pretty Rock Solid.”

As for Arizona, both agreed that Trump’s lead was holding, with polls ranging from Trump +2 to +5. They saw this as evidence that "the bigger his margin, the greater chance that Kerry Lake… gets across the Finish Line.”

Pennsylvania remains tight, but recent polls lean towards Trump, with Mitchell suggesting that "a gut check” is coming in several battleground states. Bossie closed by emphasizing that Trump’s success would boost down-ballot candidates, forecasting broader Republican gains.

Ralph Reed On Christians Ability To Win The Election

Dave Bossie and Ralph Reed discussed the importance of Evangelical and Christian voter turnout in the 2024 election. Reed emphasized that the effort isn’t limited to Evangelicals but includes pro-life, conservative Protestants, and faithful Roman Catholics, who are crucial in battleground states. Reed pointed out that Trump is currently leading among Evangelicals (84% to 15%) and has a narrow lead among Catholics (53% to 47%). He highlighted the significance of the Catholic vote, noting no one has won the presidency without it since the 1960s.

The top three states Reed is focusing on are Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, where their campaign has robust infrastructure. They plan to knock on over 750,000 doors in both Georgia and Pennsylvania. He believes these states, along with Arizona and Nevada—where Trump is expected to perform well—will be decisive. Reed encouraged supporters to join the cause through voter outreach and education efforts, which are available at Bossie praised Reed’s strategy and highlighted the WarRoom’s role in promoting voter engagement.

Rep. Andrew Harris On The Future Of The House Freedom Caucus And Must-Win House Seats

Andy Harris, newly elected Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, joined Dave Bossie to highlight critical congressional races and post-election challenges. Harris focused on Scott Perry’s tough re-election battle in Pennsylvania, noting that Democrats are "throwing millions and millions of dollars” against him with a "moderate” opponent who supports the liberal agenda. He expressed confidence in Perry’s chances, stating, "I believe that Pennsylvania will return Scott Perry to serve along with President Trump.”

Harris identified three promising candidates for the Freedom Caucus: Joe Kent in Washington, who is in a close race; Nick Begich in Alaska, who is "pulling ahead”; and Neil Parrott in Maryland’s 6th District, who is slightly ahead in polls. He urged support for these candidates through the House Freedom Fund, saying, "You can bundle donations to support these important races.”

As the election approaches, Harris warned listeners to remain vigilant about the legislative agenda during the lame duck session, which may not align with conservative values: "The Posse needs to be watching out for a legislative agenda that is probably not good for America.”

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene: Kamala Harris Is "The Biggest Liar That’s Ever Held Office In American History”

In a recent conversation, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke with Dave Bossie about the political landscape in Georgia as the election approaches. Greene emphasized the critical nature of the upcoming election, stating, “President Trump has the momentum,” and highlighting the need for continued voter turnout. She acknowledged the challenge of overcoming misinformation from the mainstream media, saying, “There are still voters in Georgia that think that President Trump just doesn’t talk very nice.”

Greene also criticized Vice President Kamala Harris, labeling her “the biggest liar that has ever held office in American history,” and called attention to issues like the ongoing border crisis and the plight of missing migrant children. She urged voters to recognize the stakes, warning, “If you set it out… you’ll be responsible for the death toll that will rapidly happen in this country.”

Addressing election integrity, Greene stressed the importance of vigilance, encouraging Georgians to report any suspicious activity: “If you see something, say something.” She expressed her support for paper ballots, arguing, “I want paper ballots only,” and voiced concerns about the current voting machines.

Greene reinforced her commitment to engaging voters and ensuring fair elections, stating, “We are watching closely… to make sure we get this done right.” She underscored the significance of Georgia as a swing state, emphasizing, “President Trump cannot go back to the White House without Georgia.”

Kash Patel Previews PA MAGA Bus Tour

Kash Patel, on a bus tour supporting Donald Trump, expressed enthusiasm about their campaign efforts in Pennsylvania. He highlighted the tour’s purpose as a powerful way to mobilize voters and generate community engagement. Patel noted the positive reception they received, with locals showing support as they traveled through various states like Texas, Wisconsin, and Michigan. He emphasized the importance of connecting with local communities to address their concerns and issues, particularly regarding energy and job creation. Patel praised Trump’s relentless work ethic, contrasting it with the less effective campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris. He encouraged voter registration and active participation in the electoral process, urging everyone to take part in early voting and assist others in casting their votes. The overall message underscored a commitment to ensuring a strong turnout for Trump in the upcoming elections.

Mike Davis Has Message For Colorado: Vote NO On Radical Judge Monica Márquez

Mike Davis and Dave Bossie express concerns about the increasing leftward tilt of Colorado’s political landscape, focusing on the retention of Chief Justice Monica Marquez. Davis emphasizes the urgency for Colorado voters to vote against Marquez due to her role in a controversial decision that removed Trump from the state’s presidential primary ballot, which he argues disenfranchised over 550,000 Trump voters. He criticizes Marquez and other Democrat-appointed justices for what he views as their radical actions that undermine democracy. Bossie supports Davis’s call to action, stating the importance of voting no on Marquez while retaining other less radical justices. The discussion shifts to the broader theme of election integrity, highlighting the need for robust legal challenges against perceived Democrat overreach, particularly referencing lawyer Mark Elias and his role in orchestrating election strategies. Both speakers stress the necessity of Republican unity and preparedness to combat Democratic legal tactics leading up to the election.


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