Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Bannon’s WarRoom, Show Clip Roundup 7/10/2024 [AM]

Wednesday, July 10

Dave Brat On NATO Summit: All Roads Lead To China And The Globalists’ Takeover

In his remarks, Dave Bratt praised Steve Bannon and the War Room team for their dedication and faith. He urged viewers to pray for Bannon and the country while emphasizing the need for action rather than despair. He highlighted the upcoming guests on the show, including Norbin Laden, Sam Faddis, and Lara Logan, and discussed various geopolitical issues.

Bratt criticized former Speaker Pelosi’s claim that “all roads lead to Russia,” arguing instead that the true threats come from China and the globalist billionaire class. He emphasized the influence of figures like George Soros and entities like Davos, and criticized the infiltration of neo-Marxist ideologies in various U.S. institutions.

He praised President Trump for his stance on NATO and his efforts to make European countries pay their fair share, contrasting this with the Biden administration’s claims. Bratt also touched on the U.S.’s role in blocking a peace deal with Putin in 2020 and criticized the Biden family’s alleged financial ties to China.

Overall, Bratt stressed the importance of evidence-based discussions on the show and highlighted the global opposition to Trump’s potential return due to his stance on self-sufficiency and the prioritization of countering China.

Noor Bin Ladin Exposes The Truths Behind D.C. NATO Summit

In their discussion, Noor Bin Laden and Dave Brat critique NATO and its implications for U.S. foreign policy. Bin Laden argues that NATO contradicts George Washington’s warning against entangling alliances, suggesting that globalists manipulated the U.S. into abandoning its isolationist stance through two world wars. She criticizes President Biden for awarding NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg the Presidential Medal of Freedom. She highlights NATO’s 75th-anniversary celebration in Washington, D.C., indicating how far the U.S. has strayed from Washington’s principles.

Bin Laden questions why the U.S. remains in NATO, particularly as it leads to increased involvement in conflicts like the war in Ukraine rather than promoting peace. She asserts that NATO serves the interests of global elites who profit from military engagements and aid packages, using Ukraine as a “cash facility.” Brat supports her view, emphasizing the financial motivations behind U.S. involvement in NATO and conflicts abroad. Bin Laden further links NATO to the United Nations, noting that the organization’s preamble aligns with UN principles and citing Winston Churchill’s advocacy for an international armed force, which she identifies as NATO.

Lara Logan Exposes MASSIVE Immigration Policy That Will Legalize Child Trafficking Across The Border

In a discussion hosted by Dave Brat on “The War Room,” Lara Logan, a former “60 Minutes” journalist renowned for her battlefield reporting, shared explosive revelations about the U.S. government’s alleged involvement in human trafficking. Logan highlighted the experiences of whistleblowers who volunteered at the southern border, discovering that unaccompanied minors were being trafficked under the guise of family reunification programs initiated during the Obama administration. These children, primarily from Guatemala, were often handed over to sponsors without proper vetting, leading to horrific cases like that of a boy who ended up in psychiatric care due to threats from cartels.

Logan accused the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) of legalizing child trafficking through a rule change that eliminated most sponsor vetting processes and removed law enforcement from the equation. This rule, enacted under Secretary Xavier Becerra, faced significant public opposition and is now the target of efforts by whistleblowers and several senators to be overturned via the Congressional Review Act.

Logan’s testimony emphasized the urgency of addressing this issue, urging the public to contact their congressional representatives to demand action against these practices. The discussion concluded with a promise to revisit Logan’s insights on globalist elites and a pivot to Colonel Douglas McGregor for further geopolitical analysis.

Sam Faddis Calls Out D.C. Escalation In Ukraine

In their discussion, Sam Faddis and Dave Brat emphasized an “America First” approach, critiquing the expansion of NATO and U.S. involvement in international conflicts like Ukraine. They argue that such actions do not serve American interests and mainly benefit defense contractors. Faddis contends that the current geopolitical strategy is flawed, drawing parallels to a hypothetical Russian military presence in Mexico to highlight perceived provocations towards Russia. They criticize elite decision-makers who are disconnected from the realities of war, emphasizing that American foreign policy should prioritize the welfare of its citizens over globalist agendas. The conversation also touched on the economic entanglement with China, describing it as a catastrophic strategic error that has hollowed out American manufacturing. Faddis warns of China’s aggressive posturing towards Taiwan, which poses a significant threat to global economic stability due to Taiwan’s crucial role in semiconductor production. The discussion ends with a call for strategic disengagement from China and recognition of the pervasive influence of powerful, profit-driven interests in shaping U.S. policy.

Col. Douglas Macgregor Breaks Down Russo-CCP Alliance

In their discussion, Col. Douglass McGregor and Dave Bratt critique NATO’s shift from its original defensive purpose to an offensive stance against Russia, arguing that the conflict in Ukraine is a result of Western provocations and that Russia is not inherently hostile to the U.S. McGregor dismisses claims of Russia’s broader expansionist goals as unfounded and similarly downplays the notion of a Chinese threat, particularly regarding Taiwan, emphasizing China’s defensive military posture and mutual interest with Russia in maintaining Central Asian stability. He criticizes the U.S. approach of engaging in perpetual conflicts and advocates for a shift towards peaceful relations and trade, warning of economic consequences from aggressive policies. The conversation also briefly touches on Steve Bannon’s views on the Biden administration’s struggles and the media’s role in covering up Biden’s cognitive issues, emphasizing the need for a more measured and defensive international strategy.

Bannon Speaks from Behind Bars: Democrats Sticking with Biden Means ‘We Got the Candidate We Want’

In their discussion, Matt Boyle and Dave Brat highlight an exclusive Breitbart interview with Steve Bannon, conducted via email from prison. Bannon elaborates on his “next man up” mentality, emphasizing the grassroots strength of his movement. He critiques the Biden administration, particularly Biden’s cognitive issues, framing it as a national security crisis and accusing prominent figures like Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney of covering up Biden’s impairment. Bannon also comments on the ongoing NATO Summit, suggesting it provides a strategic opportunity for the America First movement as Trump’s policies gain global traction. He discusses the strained relationship between Biden and the media, who feel deceived by the administration regarding Biden’s condition. Finally, Bannon identifies a political crisis within the Democratic Party, noting their indecision about Biden’s candidacy, and expresses confidence that Biden would be an easier opponent for the MAGA movement in future elections.

Eric Metaxas: “If You’re A Real Christian, You Cannot Bow To The Secular Authority Of The State.”

The discussion revolves around Eric Metaxas’s book “Letter to the American Church” and its sequel “Religionless Christianity,” which draw parallels between the American church today and the German church in the 1930s. Metaxas criticizes the American church for its reluctance to engage in political issues, comparing it to the German church’s failure to oppose the Nazis. He argues that this avoidance has dire consequences, as seen historically with the Holocaust.

Metaxas and Bratt discuss the necessity of Christians being politically active, citing historical figures like William Wilberforce and the abolitionist movement as examples of faith-driven political action. They argue that true Christian faith compels involvement in societal issues, contrasting this with a “pseudo-Christianity” that avoids political engagement. Metaxas emphasizes that ignoring injustices, such as corruption and the erosion of religious liberties, is contrary to Christian teachings.

The conversation touches on criticisms of secularism and the importance of maintaining the Judeo-Christian ethical tradition as foundational to American values and freedoms. They assert that religious liberty and freedom of conscience are central to the nation’s founding principles, opposing the idea of a state religion while advocating for the influence of Christian values in public life.

The dialogue concludes with a call to action for Christians to stand against cultural Marxism and the erosion of moral values, likening the current cultural battle to the American fight for independence led by figures like George Washington. Metaxas and Bratt stress the need for courage and active participation in defending religious and constitutional principles.



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