Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Jailhouse News from Steve Bannon: Populist Movement Rallies as he Calls Biden “Non-Performing Cadaver”

In a War Room segment on Wednesday with Dave Bratt, Matt Boyle revealed an exclusive interview with WarRoom host Steve Bannon.  Boyle highlighted key points from the interview, starting with Bannon’s “next man up” mentality, a concept emphasizing the resilience and bottom-up power of the populist movement.

Bannon addressed the current dilemma within the Democratic Party regarding President Joe Biden, who he claims is cognitively unfit for office. Bannon stressed the dual crises: a national security crisis due to Biden’s incapacity and a political crisis as Democrats grapple with their candidate. He questioned why key figures like Nancy Pelosi and George Clooney, who witnessed Biden’s decline, chose to remain silent until now.

Bannon also commented on the NATO summit in Washington, viewing it as a chance for the America First movement to promote Trump’s policies amid global and domestic shifts towards populism. He criticized the media for collaborating with Biden and now facing backlash for the cover-up of his cognitive issues. Ultimately, Bannon welcomed Biden as the Democratic nominee, believing he would be easier for Trump to defeat and cause significant down-ticket damage for Democrats.

“We got the candidate we want,” Bannon stated, confident in the strategic advantage this presents for the MAGA movement.

In the exclusive interview conducted via email with Breitbart News,  Bannon, currently serving a four-month sentence in Danbury federal prison, Boyle reported, reacted to the Democratic Party’s decision to stick with  Biden as their nominee despite his poor debate performance. He stated that having Biden as the nominee is advantageous for supporters of former President Donald Trump, as it presents a political disaster for Democrats. However, Bannon emphasized that Biden’s inability to perform his duties as President constitutes a serious national security crisis that should be separately addressed.

In the article, Bannon called for House Speaker Mike Johnson to aggressively investigate Biden’s condition and cancel the August recess to focus on the matter. He highlighted the NATO summit in Washington as an opportunity for the America First movement to advance its populist nationalist agenda, particularly given the recent electoral rejections of globalists in the UK and France. Bannon also mentioned that foreign media leaks about Biden’s cognitive decline indicate a fraying relationship between the establishment media and the Democratic Party.

Bannon introduced the “next man up” concept, emphasizing the populist movement’s resilience and anti-fragility. He argued that targeting leaders like Trump only strengthens their appeal and that the movement’s power lies in the active engagement of its supporters. He called for continued focus on political and national security issues, urging Republicans to address the weaponization of the DOJ, investigate Biden’s financial ties to foreign entities, and prevent illegal voting.

Throughout the interview, Bannon stressed the importance of exposing the alleged cover-up of Biden’s condition and leveraging it to mobilize American voters. He urged the media to continue scrutinizing Biden and highlighted the critical role of MAGA media in “toxifying” the Democratic process to reveal the truth to the public.

For more context, read the full Breitbart article and watch the Doyle segment on WarRoom:

Bannon Speaks from Behind Bars: Democrats Sticking with Biden Means ‘We Got the Candidate We Want’

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