Monday, 21 October 2024

New COVID Spotlight Expected Under Trump Administration: Americans Demand Justice as Watchdogs Fail to Protect Them

 Dr. Steven Hatfill appeared on the WarRoom on Monday and, along with Dave Brat, insisted that America deserves accountability for COVID-19 failures. Federal watchdogs mismanaged the pandemic, suppressing effective treatments and enabling corporate fraud. A potential Trump administration will face renewed calls for justice as the public demands answers.

The Watchdogs Failed – America Deserves Answers

Dr. Steven Hatfill and Dave Brat have put the spotlight on one critical question: Why did the systems meant to protect Americans during COVID-19 fail? Federal health agencies, tasked with overseeing the nation’s health response, not only neglected their duties but actively mismanaged them. Hatfill’s central argument was clear: "Our federal health agencies got rid of an effective drug, hydroxychloroquine, that could have brought the pandemic under control.”

The American people are still waiting for answers. Hatfill emphasized that "over a million deaths” were avoidable, had bureaucrats acted responsibly. The lack of transparency and accountability is a serious breach of public trust, and the calls for justice continue to grow louder.

Failed Oversight and Suppressed Solutions

Hatfill and Brat didn’t mince words when it came to the failures of government watchdogs. These agencies, including the FDA and CDC, not only pushed ineffective and dangerous drugs like remdesivir but also suppressed life-saving alternatives like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. "They paid billions for these agencies to be watchdogs, but now we need watchdogs over the watchdogs,” Hatfill argued.

The suppression didn’t stop there. Leading medical voices were silenced, censored by social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. "National experts in this field were blocked,” Hatfill noted, lamenting the censorship that left millions uninformed and vulnerable.

Corporate Fraud and Immunity

The discussion also exposed massive fraud committed by pharmaceutical giants Pfizer and Moderna. Hatfill was adamant that these companies manipulated the system for profit, stating, "Fraud was committed on a large scale.” He highlighted how legal immunities were granted to these corporations during the pandemic, protecting them from accountability despite their misdeeds.

This protective shield may not last, as Hatfill predicted that "immunities will be rescinded.” Lawsuits are already in motion to hold these corporations accountable.

A Trump Administration: The Fight for Justice Continues

With the possibility of Donald Trump returning to the White House, COVID-19 accountability could come roaring back into focus. Both Hatfill and Brat suggested that public demand for justice won’t fade, and a Trump administration will face the task of ensuring those responsible for the pandemic’s failures are held accountable.

"There’s a fuse on this issue, and people want answers,” Brat stated. Hatfill added, "This can never happen again.” The discussion underscored that the American public remains outraged over the lack of transparency and failed oversight during the pandemic.

Justice Delayed, But Not Denied

As Hatfill prepares to release a book detailing the corruption he witnessed firsthand, the demand for justice grows stronger. The potential for a Trump administration to revisit these issues gives many Americans hope. "People need to go to jail for this,” Hatfill concluded, reflecting the deep frustration felt by millions.

The American people won’t forget what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Accountability remains a top priority, and the failures of those entrusted with public health must be addressed—whether under a future Trump administration or by the courts.

For more context on Hatfill’s Monday comments, watch this WarRoom segment:

Dr. Steven Hatfill Reveals Investigation Into Adverse Effects By The Government’s COVID-19 Vaccines And Other Medicines

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