Monday, 21 October 2024

Stop the Fraud Leftist Religion: Lance Wallnau on Christians Defending Their Values in the Voting Booth

As the political landscape continues to shift in the United States, Pastor Lance Wallnau appeared on Monday’s War Room. He urged Christians to recognize the left’s agenda and take action at the ballot box to defend their foundational values. During a recent discussion on War Room with Dave Brat and Ben Harnwell, Wallnau explored the ways in which the left’s ideology has morphed into what he calls a “counterfeit religion” that demands conformity and marginalizes Christian beliefs. For Wallnau, understanding this dynamic is crucial for Christians as they prepare to vote.

The Left’s Ideology: A Counterfeit Religion

Wallnau explained that the left has created its own version of morality, complete with dogmas that believers must accept or face consequences. He referenced an article by David Brooks in The New York Times that described political parties as quasi-religious organizations, offering meaning and moral guidance. Wallnau argued that this highlights the left’s reliance on a secular “religion” to replace traditional Christian values, elevating government and political correctness to the status of a deity.

"They cannot finish the sentence,” Wallnau said, referring to how the left struggles to provide ultimate answers about human purpose, unlike Christianity, which points to God. This, he believes, is why the left avoids discussions about faith—they know they can’t compete with the divine authority of God Almighty.

Censorship and Gaslighting: How the Left Silences Christians

Wallnau warned that Christians who refuse to conform to the left’s ideology often face real consequences. Whether it’s in academia or the workplace, failing to agree with leftist ideas about gender, race, or other social issues can result in censorship or even job loss. Wallnau shared personal experiences of being censored, noting that he lost 250,000 followers on YouTube for not making the "right confession.”

He also pointed to how Christians are being painted as extremists by both media and left-leaning organizations. "The government becomes the god,” Wallnau explained, emphasizing how leftist movements use state power to enforce compliance, even at the expense of personal freedom and religious beliefs.

Christian Voting: A Defense Against the Left’s Agenda

For Wallnau, the solution lies in Christians understanding these dynamics and mobilizing to vote. He stressed that the left’s aggressive tactics should wake up Christian voters to the importance of defending their faith at the ballot box. "The left is gaslighting Christians,” he said, warning that if believers don’t act now, they will face increasing persecution under an administration that elevates secular ideologies above religious freedom.

Wallnau underscored that Christians should be aware of efforts to paint them as dangerous or extreme, such as reports from the violent extremism research group that lump Pentecostals and other devout Christians with radicals. He also mentioned anti-Christian nationalism campaigns, particularly following January 6th, which he sees as part of a broader strategy to vilify Christians.

The Urgency of the Moment

As Wallnau closed his comments, he emphasized the urgency of Christians recognizing these threats and making their voices heard through voting. "We have to get more sophisticated in this,” he urged, calling on believers to organize, vote, and defend the Christian foundations of the country. For Wallnau, this isn’t just a political fight—it’s a spiritual one, and Christians must be prepared to defend their values now more than ever.

In short, Wallnau’s message was clear: Christians must understand the left’s agenda and take action to protect their faith, starting with their vote.

For more of our coverage of Christians Voting:

Christians in Crisis: The Urgent Call to Action Amidst Moral Decay from Steve Bannon’s WarRoom

Reclaiming Our Duty: Christians Have Duty to Vote and Shape the Nation for Good

Christians Who Don’t Vote Allow Evil to Flourish, Warns Royce White

For more context from Pastor Lance Wallnau on Monday’s WarRoom:

Lance Wallnau Calls Out Kamala Harris For Turning Against Christians


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