Saturday, 26 October 2024

Supreme Court’s Chevron Deference Reversal Drops, Halting the Administrative State

In a WarRoom conversation on Friday, Mike Davis and Steve Bannon discussed the significant Supreme Court decision to overturn Chevron deference, emphasizing its monumental impact on limiting the power of executive branch agencies.

“This ruling is a win for constitutional rights and a pushback against what we perceive as the Biden Justice Department’s politicized actions,” Bannon said in reaction to the news. 

“The Chevron decision is critical in reasserting judicial and congressional oversight over executive agencies,”Davis told Bannon. 

The Chevron deference, a 40-year-old precedent, allowed courts to defer to executive agencies’ interpretations of their statutory authority, often resulting in these agencies expanding their power. Davis highlights that the Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision marks a pivotal change, showcasing the importance of President Trump’s judicial appointments, which shifted the court’s balance.

Bannon and Davis explored the implications of this decision, especially for ordinary Americans. For example, according to Davis, farmers in Iowa previously faced stringent regulations from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that could be crushing. The decision is viewed as a step towards restoring the Founders’ original intent by reining in the administrative state and ensuring that courts, not agencies, interpret statutes.

“We have long sought to control the expansive federal bureaucracy, metaphorically described as the Leviathan,” Bannon said. 

The discussion delves into the broader context of limiting government overreach, with Bannon referencing the long-standing conservative goal of controlling the expansive federal bureaucracy, which Bannon metaphorically describes as the “Leviathan.”

Davis credits figures like Jeff Clark and Neil Gorsuch for their vision and efforts in challenging and aiming to dismantle the administrative state. Davis points out that the Chevron decision is critical in this direction, underscoring its importance in reasserting judicial and congressional oversight over executive agencies.

The conversation touches on other significant Supreme Court decisions. Davis mentioned a case where the court overturned a Ninth Circuit ruling that had prohibited cities from banning homeless camps in public parks, citing it as another example of the court correcting misguided lower court decisions. This ruling is celebrated as a victory for communities affected by such policies.

Bannon and Davis also discuss the broader political and judicial landscape, noting the importance of preventing left-leaning judges like Merrick Garland from attaining lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court. They express relief that Trump’s victory prevented Garland’s appointment, which they believe would have perpetuated liberal judicial activism.

This ruling is seen as a win for constitutional rights and a pushback against what they perceive as the Biden Justice Department’s politicized actions. Davis emphasizes the need to prevent the justice system from being used to target political enemies, contrasting the treatment of the January 6 defendants with that of leftist activists involved in disruptive or violent protests.

For more context, watch these WarRoom segments:

Mike Davis: Chevron Overturning Greatly Hinders “The Dangers Of An All-Powerful Federal Government”

Mike Davis Celebrates Supreme Court Fischer Ruling: “Win For The January 6th Defendants”

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