Friday, 14 March 2025

Draining the swamp to turn the tide

A mass awakening is a must

If you really want to live in a world that is “sophisticated” enough to be run by a world government, more specifically by the bloodline Deep State elite controlling the global bankers, then by all means continue to read the MSM mainstream media and believe all the information presented to you.


However, if the idea of a select coterie of a global high finance elite running the world does not sound like the ideal society for humanity’s future, then we citizens need to WAKE UP to stop the brainwashing and shine the light of publicity on the actions of powerful individuals and institutions, casting a critical eye on their ideologies and movements, fighting the tide of misinformation and discovering the New World Order.


Most people aren’t suspicious enough, because suspicion helps you connect the dots. A little more suspicion – or at least doubt, combined with contemptuous disrespect – would help you understand how society works.


Draining the swamp must be done from the top down. It is already apparent to those who are awake that the power structure of the Deep State is waning and beginning to fail in the most spectacular way, as can be seen with the election fraud in the USA. This stimulates the growing motivation for our bottom-up consensus power.


Everyone is born with a brain, many never use it.

The only unlimited resource we have on the planet is the human brain, to discover that the current strategy of globalist capitalism is failing because it is killing the goose with the golden eggs on many levels. Everyone is born with a brain, but unfortunately many of us never use it. Wake up and start questioning your situation and everything that is happening around you.


Now is the time to narrow the knowledge gap between the awake who know and the sheeple who sleep. Tell your local government that you feel betrayed by them on every level, especially with their tyrannical, anti-Covid, anti-freedom actions.


Nothing is what it seems’ and this must become common knowledge among the general population. There is no pandemic and the Covid virus doesn’t exist as no scientist has been able to locate it.


You are being prepared to be depopulated by your own government, which is bribed and under the control of the Satanic Deep State. This satanic control is the result of a very well organised long term conspiracy to establish the New World Order based on the Luciferian Revolution against God and Nature.


The super-rich are surrounded by sycophants and hypocrites, including your government and the corrupt politicians whose continued employment requires them not to question the ideas they are told to convey.


But we the people can easily break them up by being disobedient. Let them know that you are unhappy with their treatment. Send them the important news from the alternative media and ask them why they are not acting to protect their citizens.



We the people need to move away from political ideologies and party systems as these have had a denigrating influence on us. We must and can run our own local society.

Truth and solidarity are essential to turn the tide. The first step in a global movement is a well-oiled “counter-propaganda” machine.


The ultimate goal of Big Money is to transform nation states – with their own institutions and national economies – into “open economic territories”.


This was the fate of Iraq and Afghanistan. But now, without sending in troops, by simply ordering subservient proxy governments combined with corrupt politicians to shut down their economies on humanitarian grounds, the so-called “Responsibility to Protect” act, can be completed without the need for military intervention.


This is an imperial agenda. What do the global financial elites want? To privatise all nations? To own and privatise the entire planet? It is the final step in the completion of the New World Order society.


Few people really understand what is going on. But the injustice is there for all to see.


And then, thanks to low interest rates and fake money printing, debt increased. Both businesses and households switched from saving ‘just in case’ to borrowing ‘just in time’. The result? Over $30 trillion of new debt has been added to the economy in the last 10 years, and the mouth-to-mouth economy is now more fragile than ever.


Revisiting the Past

Fear is something the Sirians feed on and it became important to create this kind of survival emotion in ignorant people who didn’t have the wisdom of the shamans and high priests.

The problem with elitism is that power corrupts, so the Lemurian cultures, or many of them, were quite unique in the sense that they could still maintain a good relationship between the priesthood and the people.


Not so in many other parts of the world; there it was the exception rather than the rule that this unique relationship prevailed. Soon, and as part of the plan, the shamanic leadership began to use the power they felt they had due to the knowledge and wisdom they possessed and began campaigns to dumb down the people.


This was part of EA’s genius; he understood the human mind because he had created it. So he didn’t have to be there for this particular elitism to develop; it was largely a natural process. By whispering secrets to a select few, they automatically felt that they were ‘God’s chosen people’ and therefore above the rest of humanity.


Once this was achieved, fear, uncertainty and confusion could be instilled in these societies. The priesthoods told people that there were dangers out there in the woods; that other tribes were hostile and could come and kill or kidnap you at any time; that there were monsters and invisible forces everywhere that could devour you, and the list goes on.


The people became very superstitious and gave their power to the Priesthood, who became their ‘protectors from evil’. The Priesthood became more powerful, and this power was in turn used by the Sirians, who stole it from the Priesthood, feeding on the vibrations of fear in the general population, and sucking energy from the Priesthood, just enough to keep them feeling that they were more than the people…


Once this basic structure was in place, the rest was easy. The kings, whether they were direct hybrid sons of EA or second or third generation hybrids, could easily manipulate the masses.


The best way to feed on fear and terror is through war and conquest. So wars and conflicts became commonplace, and the Atlantic Empire, with its ten major kingdoms, began conquering other parts of the world to expand its empire.


Urgent need for people to rise up now

No criminal against humanity will go unpunished. Every accomplice from top to bottom, including those involved in the fake COVID pandemic, will be arrested and executed. Including the nurses who handled the syringes.


A mass awakening must bring about the reversal. All those who are not awake or not awake enough will eventually be removed from planet Earth.


Gradually the frequency of the earth will be raised to about 40 Hz to prepare the awakened among us for the 5D world.


All alien criminals such as the Draco’s and Grays cannot live on a higher frequency and will be automatically removed.


The cabal has been defeated, what is happening now is a rear-guard action by the smaller puppets who do not yet know that their leadership has been eliminated and that they have lost.


They fear the light because it burns and hurts them. Nothing stands in the way of the cleansing and transformation of our planet.


Take note and see how easy it is to reclaim our freedom


Imagine a world where everything is free

If everyone who is awake awakens two souls by informing them that from now on everything is free, good health guaranteed, total happiness without any control, clean air and water, friendships without attachment, this should set people in motion to do the same, each in turn informing two more souls, and so on.


Within weeks everyone will be rising together to free our world from centuries of oppression by the dark forces.

  • Pass the word far and wide.
  • Remember, if everyone contributes, our world will be free.
  • Simply spread this important message widely!

    Try your best and spread the word …


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