Friday, 14 March 2025

Eye-opener: the black aristocracy

This is our true story

Long ago, when the Anunnaki landed on Earth from their planet Nibiru to mine for gold, they ended up creating their own terrestrial slaves to do the work. Nibiru is the 12th planet in Earth’s solar system, with an orbit of 3,600 Earth years. Father Anu and his two sons Enlil and Enki were in charge. Enki was given the task of conceiving the human slave. A long story, good for other articles.


The Anunnaki appointed pharaohs and later kings, the Black Nobility, to control the Earth slaves. Until the early Middle Ages, these pharaohs and kings became inadequate to the task as the Earth’s population grew. They sought other methods. First it was church authority through faith, later in the 18th century it was the monetary system.


It was Rothschild who offered the best solution. They mixed with European royalty through interbreeding. The European nobility were given ceremonial duties to concentrate executive power in secret invisible societies and governments; today known as the Deep State.


Humanity on Earth is on the verge of its liberation.

Now, hundreds of thousands of Earth years later, terrestrial humanity is on the verge of liberation. All the Chosen Incarnates have been placed on Earth to free the planet and its people from this long-standing oppression and slavery.


These oppressors have earned the title of the Black Nobility for their ruthless lack of scruples. They use murder, rape, kidnapping, assassination, robbery and all manner of deceit on a grand scale, and tolerate no opposition to achieve their goals. They all have immense wealth. And in a 3D world, money is power.


The most powerful of the Black Nobility families are based in Italy, Germany, Switzerland, Britain, Holland and Greece, in that order.


Their roots can be traced back to the Venetian oligarchs of Khazar descent who married into these royal houses in the early twelfth century. After a great Khazar victory over the Arabs, the future Emperor Constantine V married a Khazar princess and their son became Emperor Leo IV, also known as “Leo the Khazar”.


The Medici Popes, Pius XII (Eugenio Pacelli) and John Paul II were Khazars. Not all black nobility are royal houses, and many of the royal families no longer have kingdoms.


According to researcher and author Dr John Coleman, a “Committee of 300” was established in the early 18th century, “although it did not take its present form until around 1897”, when the Chinese opium trade was legalised.

There is no documentary evidence of the existence of the Committee of 300, and it may be no more than a convenient term to describe certain key players. The socialist politician and financial adviser to the Rothschilds, Walter Rathenau, wrote in the Wiener Presse – 24 December 1921:


“Only 300 men, each of whom knows all the others, determine the fate of Europe”.


They choose their successors from among themselves. These men hold in their hands the means to put an end to the form of government they consider “unreasonable”.


Exactly six months after its publication, Rathenau was assassinated.


Dr Coleman’s work opens the door to further studies of named members of the ruling elite, particularly in America. While the English have a long history and are very conscious of their ancestry, certain families of “blue blood” in the United States have historic ties to the British through blood and money.


These “noble” families are behind most, if not all, of the so-called pro-environmental movements, which are actually designed to curb the population growth of ALL nations.


Prince Philip and Prince Charles were the most visible symbols of this movement and are a real part of this conspiracy to destroy industry and take the world back to a New Dark Age.


Most, if not all, of the crowned and uncrowned heads of these dynasties enjoy huge incomes from land rents. They’re all in favour of the Global 2000 Report, which is designed to end all industrial progress and eliminate the overpopulation that industry supports through famine, disease and war.


They all oppose nuclear power, which can provide clean, cheap electricity, the key to economic development and prosperity in the Third World. They fervently desire a return to the feudal system where they will once again be absolute rulers.


The oligarchic families profess Christianity, but most of them secretly despise it. Freemasonry is their religious fulfilment. And without faith, they have no belief in reward or punishment in a world to come. They live for the here and now. Many of these oligarchies are involved in the drug and arms trade through distant intermediaries, like so many of the big banks.


In 1815, the Jesuits and their Freemason allies among the crowned heads of Europe held the Congress of Vienna, where Swiss neutrality – already sanctioned by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648 – was guaranteed forever, no matter how many wars are provoked, in which the common man will have to do the fighting, while the money of the nobility in Switzerland will always be free from plunder.


It’s all part of Rothschild’s meticulous long-term planning and why Switzerland still exists today. But that doesn’t mean your money is safe there.


The place of Freemasonry in the power structure of the elites is quite evident when they carried out Adam Weishaupt’s conspiracy to avenge the Jesuits after they were abolished in 1773 by the short-lived Pope Clement XIV as “immoral and a threat to the Church and the Faith”.

By fomenting the French Revolution and orchestrating Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe, and by fomenting anti-clerical revolts in Mexico and Latin America, they cut off the Vatican’s income.


Nathan Rothschild’s financing of Britain led to the defeat of Rome’s enemy Napoleon and was the source of his wealth and influence!


Since Gregory XVI awarded Kalman Rothschild a papal decoration for lending the Vatican five million pounds in a time of need, the Rothschilds have been the Vatican’s fiscal agents. With the Vatican’s interests at heart, the Rothschilds expanded their financial and political dominance in the United States.


The Vatican’s interest in the U.S. was made clear in the secret Treaty of Verona of 1822 between Austria, France, Prussia and Russia, in which the Jesuit Order promised, as the price of restoration, to destroy the “works of Satan” they had established by revolutionising representative governments such as the republics and “democracies” of France and the U.S. and replacing them with the only “democracy” in the world. And replacing them with the only form of government sanctioned by the Church, rule by “divine right” as declared by the Vatican (Daniel 2:42-43; Revelation 17:12-13).

As Senator Robert Owen pointed out to the U.S. Senate in 1916, the primary target at which the Vatican and the “Holy Alliance” have directed the subversive and destructive activities of the Society of Jesus is the United States and other republics in the Western Hemisphere. Some US$280 billion a year in flight capital and drug money flows into the Swiss accounts of the Black Nobility. This conspiracy, he claimed, was the target of the Monroe Doctrine.


What the Senator failed to realise is that the Monroe Doctrine protects the interests of the City of London.


The Rothschild-Vatican cabal tried unsuccessfully to gain control of the power of the purse in the US through the First and Second Banks of the United States. They were established under emergency powers granted to the President by the Constitution, as temporary institutions to tide the country over the periods of financial stress caused by the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812.


But the conspirators’ goal of establishing a banking monopoly was thwarted by the Constitution. Until after the FED was created.


It is said that the Black Nobility promised a neutral Germany if Soviet Russia allowed East and West Germany to reunite. And that Russia promised to see to it that all the royal houses were restored to their rightful heirs if they would free Europe from the American alliance.


The imperial nobility enjoys a higher status than the nobility of the German successor states and even the Italian states. The descendants of the Italian titles of the Holy Roman Empire have formed an association to which all male descendants of anyone ennobled by Imperial Patent are entitled to belong.


Thus the Principality of Liechtenstein has also claimed the ability to confirm succession to imperial titles and has confirmed the right of a Spanish nobleman to inherit such a title for the purposes of Spanish law, which requires the successor state to confirm that the claimant to a particular title is in fact the heir. A residual jurisdiction therefore exists, although no imperial titles have been granted since 1806.


The Black Nobility are part of the “Committee of 300” which controls the UN. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands had the power to veto the Vatican’s choice of Pope. This may explain the premature end of Pope John Paul I’s 33-day pontificate. The prince has veto power because his family, the Habsburgs, are directly descended from the last Roman emperor. – The Habsburg Frederick III was the last emperor to be crowned in Rome; his great-grandson Charles V was the last to be crowned by a pope. This is the civil equivalent of the pope’s claimed ‘apostolic succession’ from St Peter.


Prince Bernard was the leader of the Black Families, and he also claimed descent from the House of David through the Merovingian dynasty, a claim that was recognised as valid by the Carolingian dynasty that replaced them, by other monarchs, and by the Roman Church of the time. He could therefore truly say that he was ‘related to Jesus’.


Prince Bernard’s House of Orange originated in France. The Habsburgs are related by marriage to the Merovingians, who are said to have descended from the tribe of Benjamin, who went into exile after the war with the other eleven tribes – see Judges chapter 21.


The exile took them to Arcadia in the central Peloponnese in Greece. Here they allied themselves with the royal line of Arcadia and, towards the beginning of the Christian era, migrated up the Danube and Rhine, producing by intermarriage the Sicambrian Franks – the immediate ancestors of the Merovingians, who were ultimately of Semitic origin, and descendants of King Saul.


School history describes world events as the result of machinations concocted by powerful, hidden cliques of secret organisations consisting of the world’s elite; i.e. bankers, wealthy families such as the Rothschilds and Rockefellers, unofficial organisations such as Bilderberg, the Council of Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, organised crime, shadowy institutions within government, secret societies such as the Jesuits, Freemasons, Skull and Bones, and so on.


Behind all these groups is another, even more secret group, consisting of the real rulers of planet Earth, who use Prime Ministers and Presidents as their direct puppets.


Some theorists say these Illuminati pulling the strings are human; others say they have alien allies.

They are a secret society within a secret society, backed by a banking elite led by the Rothschild dynasty, who have the ultimate plan for the abolition of all religions except the promotion of their own satanic religion, and the removal of all civil governments to eventually centralise and globalise everything under their own control, in effect the New World Order.


Who are the black aristocratic families today?

The main ones, according to Prepare for Change, are

  • House of Bernadotte, Sweden
  • House of Bourbon, France
  • House of Braganza, Portugal
  • House of Grimaldi, Monaco
  • House of Guelph, Britain (the most important)

    The House of Welf (also Guelf or Guelph) is a European dynasty that includes many German and British monarchs from the 11th to the 20th centuries and Emperor Ivan VI of Russia in the 18th century.


  • House of Habsburg, Austria
  • House of Hanover, Germany (second most important)
  • House of Hohenzollern, Germany
  • The House of Hohenzollern is a noble family and royal dynasty of prince electors, kings and emperors of Prussia, Germany and Romania.
  • House of Karadjordjevic, former Yugoslavia
  • House of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein
  • House of Nassau, Luxembourg

    The House of Nassau is a diverse European aristocratic dynasty. It takes its name from the lordship associated with Nassau Castle in modern-day Nassau, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The Lords of Nassau were originally titled “Counts of Nassau” and then elevated to the princely class as “Princely Counts”. Early on they split into two main branches: the older Walramian branch, which gave rise to the German Emperor Adolf, and the younger (Ottonian) branch.


  • House of Oldenburg, Denmark
  • House of Orange, Netherlands

    The House of Orange-Nassau, a branch of the European House of Nassau, has played a central role in the politics and government of the Netherlands and Europe. Read more at


    Here are a few that are on the Gitmo list for execution:

  • Beatrix Wilhelmina Armguard(Netherlands)..
  • Carl Xavi Gustaf King of Sweden.
  • Charles Windsor(Britain)..
  • David Cameron(U.K. Prime Minister)..
  • Edouard Macron(French President)..
  • Erna Solberg M. Norway.
  • Felipe Vi (Spanish King)..
  • Francois Legault (P.M. Quebec).
  • Frank-Walter Steinmeier (German President).
  • Angela Merkel former German Chancellor and Hitlers Daughter.
  • Harry Windsor (Britain).
  • Juan Carlos X-King of Spain.
  • Kyriakos Matsutakes Greece P.M..
  • Leo Eric Varadkar (Ireland P.M.).
  • Letizia Ortiz Rosolino Spain Queen
  • Lynn Forester De Rothschild
  • Mark Rutte Netherlands P.M.
  • Mark Zuckerberg (Rockefeller).
  • Panagiotis Pikrammenos Greece deputy P.M..
  • Pedro Sanchez Spain P.M.
  • Phillip Windsor (Britain).
  • Pope Francis Vatican.
  • Prig Wendigo Cymru Wales P.M.
  • Queen Elizabeth( Britain).
  • Queen Sonja (Norway)
  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkish P.M
  • Sanan Marin (Finland P.M.).
  • Saul Niinistö (Finland President).
  • Silvia Renate Sommerlath Gustaf (Swedish Queen).
  • Stefan Lovin (Swedish P.M.).
  • Willem Alexander Claus George Ferdinand King of the Netherlands.

    They are all the bloodline of Cain who killed his brother Abel.

    The modern elites and Rothschild bankers don’t want humanity to ascend to the 5th dimension and beyond. They are blood drinkers, drug dealers and Satanists who worship Lucifer.


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