Friday, 14 March 2025

Falsified History of Our Fatherland

Our Fake World

Mythology is a genre of folklore or theology that consists mainly of stories that play a fundamental role in a society, such as base stories or origin myths. For historians, philosophers or theologians, this is very different from using the word “myth”, which simply means something that is not true. Instead, the truth value of a myth is not a defining criterion.


Many societies group their myths, legends and history together, considering myths and legends to be true accounts of their distant past.


It is now well known that we live in a fake, manipulated 3D world where nothing is real. A look back into the true history of mankind on planet Earth tells us more and clearly shows how and where today’s mankind has landed. Assume that all of today’s history is a deception and look into the past to see what really happened.


From this perspective it becomes clear where and what we really are. Our generation is deciding the future of humanity on planet Earth. Nothing is as it seems, everything is a lie or an illusion. Uncovering the truth about our world’s past teaches us about good and evil.


We humans are living in a unique time in history because we are witnessing the end of global oppression and the debt-based monetary system. We are pioneers who want a better world for ourselves and future generations.


An amazing future is real and already underway. Expect free energy, natural remedies for healing, interstellar travel, time travel, a gold-backed monetary system, the end of fraud and chronic disease, to name but a few.


Evidence of decline of current culture and civilisation

Less than 500 years ago, Tartaria was the Goliath of technologically superior beings living on planet Earth. Our generations have been deliberately simplified by removing all but two strands of our DNA from our souls.


The organised “Great Mudflow” was responsible for wiping out brilliant architectures of imposing structures on our planet to bury them under a gigantic layer of mud, of which only remnants remained visible here and there.


The technological innovations used then are now phantoms on the horizon. Compare old buildings such as Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris or the Dom Tower in Utrecht with today’s kitschy glass, steel and concrete blocks. It clearly shows the evidence of the decline of our current culture and civilisation!


The territory of today’s Ukraine partially overlapped with the territory of Khazaria, the homeland of the Khazars or Khazar-nep-Jews, to which the Bauer branch, later called Rothschild, also belonged.


The Khazars are pure evil. Originally descended from the Anunnaki, they came from the planet Nibiru and landed in Summer, from where they migrated north. They have always been a strange race of thieves, cheats and murderers, characterised by extraordinary cruelty and sexual perversion. They never obeyed laws or rules. They were masters of deception.


Many people will be convinced when they read this version of our history, which will become popular and widespread in the 5D world, and eventually be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions. Already breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology and Egyptology are tending to support this and other theories based mainly on translations of Sumerian writings.


Urbano Monte maps of 1587

In Africa, in what is now the Sahara, old maps show many rivers, lakes and mountain ranges that no longer exist.


If you look at the maps at high magnification, you can see many cities on the coast of the Gulf of Guinea, on the equator, and also many cities in the depths of Africa. Even today, the settlements there are hardly called cities, but back then…


Surprisingly, the cities on Africa’s Mediterranean coast are not listed. Although North Africa is densely populated on the maps of other authors, there are dozens of cities there.


The map of Asia is surprising, with the Caspian Sea, like other maps of the time, shown in a completely different shape with many rivers flowing into it. Unknown lakes in the east and no Lake Baikal.


There is no Kamchatka Peninsula, no Alaska. And the northern part of Asia is marked with the names of various provinces of Tartary. Many cities are marked, but their names are illegible.


You may also notice that the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf are painted red. Perhaps their waters were actually red because rivers flowed into them after heavy rains, carrying dissolved minerals with them. Or something else may have coloured the water, perhaps micro-algae. The Red Sea was actually an inland sea. Several areas are shown enlarged.


But the most interesting is the central map of the entire known world at that time. The large map also shows a different geography. Antarctica is shown without ice and in green. This continent would not be discovered until 1820. Why the current ice on Antarctica is not shown is not clear, but as you can see, it was already known in the 16th century that this continent existed. On this map, South America and Antarctica are separated by a narrow strait. Now there are vast expanses of sea between them.


Hyperborea was known from the maps of the time, it was at the North Pole, consisted of several large islands, is in its place and is also ice-free. This map is an exact copy of another detailed map of the time, the Urbano Monte of 1587.


It does not include the usual Australia, and Antarctica is included with South America. Or rather, Australia is shown as part of Antarctica. These maps seem to be maps of the antediluvian world.


The continents have changed shape and moved to new places as a result of some major change in the Earth. If this is so, then such geological and geographical changes did not take millions of years, as we are told, but happened in our historical time.


An Alarming Note

  • Has today’s humanity sunk so low that it cannot read or understand that Argentina, as a great country, has kicked out the cabal and is now free to develop as Father/Mother God intended?
  • A country that has freed itself from the oppression of the cabal, as all other countries can do!
  • Just one to the point comment from a French reader shows that the message has been understood!

    Wake up and get to work to free your country and yourselves.

    Now you have the opportunity many of us have been waiting for: ….




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