Friday, 14 March 2025

The current system has failed

FWC always one step ahead

Big changes that benefit citizens will make living better for all.

People will be amazed at how quickly huge hurdles can be overcome with just a few sensible policies. Imagine what would happen if everyone paid a fixed low rate of income tax and all other taxes were abolished; corporation tax, national insurance, payroll tax plus all local taxes, levies, fines and fees.


Think logically

Many now realise that taxing, borrowing and spending does not create wealth and that the current system has failed. Real wages have now fallen so far that the wealth gap has widened many times over. The conspiracy between governments and banks is becoming clear, so radical changes are needed to put the economy on the right track.


Once people pay only 15% or less of their income, whatever the source, and all other tax loopholes for different business entities and different shelters and rebates are abolished, as everyone pays the same flat rate, then the sky will be the limit.


With gold-backed money, there is no need to put your money in a bank. All you have to do is keep it in your own vault.

A world of total freedom is your reward

The struggle to liberate planet Earth and humanity is coming to an end. Don’t give up now, but continue with increased energy. We are already in sight of the safe harbour, it is only a matter of sailing in to a world of prosperity, abundance and unlimited love. A world of complete freedom, wealth and happiness is our reward.


The truly awakened are now wondering if they are eligible for ascension to the new 5D world? It is expected that at least a third of the world’s population will be able to pass the final 5D test.


All incarnating souls now have an equal chance of taking the 5D test. Top scores are not required to pass, even mediocrity has a good chance of passing. The prerequisites are honesty, sincerity, openness to others and unconditional love for fellow human beings, animals and nature.


Be happy with your mind and your life, forget corrupt governments, they will be removed.


Some say that money makes you happy, but money only buys matter. Happiness and real wealth come from within, for example by making real things and providing services that are the opposite of debt. This needs no further explanation.


Behind the scenes, the Deep State oppressors’ house of cards has collapsed. Finally, more and more people are seeing the strings that connect the puppets to their conductors. These are the so-called elected politicians; the people can now see how the puppeteers are directed and posed, the conductors are no longer hidden in the shadows as before.


Everything that comes to us comes at the right time and in the right place, and it is the Cosmic Intelligence that is in charge of all movements in the infinite universe that is also determining the timing of the long-awaited breakthrough.


It’s all about intuition and logical thinking.

Consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You have this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it! or fail! In that moment you will be alone! No one will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when it actually happens.


It is the end of an era! And the beginning of another. When people are in good health, the body is in complete harmony and is able to heal itself and increase its vitality.


Furthermore, measurements of the Schumann Resonance have finally revealed a frequency of exactly 7.83 Hz, which is even more interesting, this frequency applies to mammals, but is in the increase to 40 Hz for entry into the 5D world. This frequency transforms strange negative forces into positive energies through the body’s chakra system.


“Chakra” is a Sanskrit word that literally means “wheel or disc”.


To visualise a chakra in the body, imagine a spinning wheel of energy where consciousness and matter meet. It is believed that they are recharged by contact with the flow of cosmic energy in the universe.


Each chakra is associated with a specific gland, organ and body system, as well as a specific colour vibration frequency. In addition, each energy vibration has an important function in creating our energetic balance. These energy centres vibrate at different levels depending on the individual’s awareness and ability to integrate the characteristics of each into their life.


The openness and flow of energy through your chakras is necessary to become fully self-aware and live in harmony with your spiritual nature, creating physical, mental and emotional health.


Though, the majority of humanity is unable to activate the impulse in the higher heart by activating the 4th DNA strand that has been severed during the period from adolescence to adulthood; caused by chemicals in chemtrails and food that distort the DNA pattern over time; associated with the creation and spread of disease due to emotional and physical imbalance.


It is unnatural when an individual cannot activate the mind and cannot access the 4th strand of DNA; consequently the soul identity cannot be activated.


As a result the mind is unaware of why they have incarnated on earth, what their higher purpose is and cannot connect with or listen to their Higher Self; commonly known as intuition and logical thinking because the higher sense perception has not been activated.


Ascension, by definition, is the path of those who choose to consciously move to a higher level of Light. It can only be found when the consciousness is truly expanded enough to understand each lesson presented during successive incarnations.


The moment the inoculated majority discovers that they have been deceived by their government, worldwide liberation will become a reality.


There is no programme for ageing or death in the 5D world.

Here is information from higher and more advanced realms about upcoming events coming to planet Earth.


In our new 5D world there will be no programme for aging or death. Special abilities will become the norm as all 12 strands of DNA are restored to humanity.


When you reach what many consider to be the prime of life, your 30s, you will remain in that state and older people will begin to become progressively younger until they reach that mark.


This is because the full complement of 12 strands doesn’t contain the programming for aging into old age or death. Once the increase to 40 Hz for entry into the 5D world is passed.


As there is no 12 strand DNA programming for physical deformities, mental illness, temporary or chronic illnesses, allergic reactions, addictions, defective organs, reduced energy levels, loss of teeth or limbs, blindness, deafness or other sensory impairments.


Life in the fifth and higher densities has none of these conditions. All attitudes, ideologies and beliefs are aligned with the divine sovereignty of souls.


These forthcoming abilities will gradually emerge as these are your birth rights. They are ingredients of the Love Light energy composition of the soul. They include telepathic communication, manifestation through focused thought, levitation, teleportation, dematerialisation, astral travel and travel at the speed of thought, remote viewing and memories of various beginnings, in quantity and clarity.


When you feel that you have grown spiritually and consciously as far as life on Earth can take you, you can dematerialise your body and materialise in one that suits the advanced world in which you choose to spend your next physical life.


Be assured that this divine process of evolution has already begun and cannot be stopped.


With this knowledge, enjoy your life in full happiness, and is the best way to wish you a happy and healthy future with intense love for others.


The best possible start for all the new things that are to come!

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