Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Globalisation is the world’s tyrant

Globalism ruled by a dictatorial few


Everything is changing, either on one’s own level or in the world at large. Everything happens in cycles. The time for positive global change has arrived. The Great Experiments have once again failed, as they should.


The current form of ‘globalism’, the greatest consolidation of power the world has ever seen, is anything but free. Far from opening markets and promoting free trade for all, globalism has centralised world decision-making in a few hands.


Ordinary people around the world have reached the point where real questions of self-determination have become too acute to ignore. Certainly, many people are waking up and putting their handcuffs on the wall.


At its core, globalism has always meant rule by dictatorial elites under the guise of mass democracy. It has always been decidedly anti-democratic and anti-freedom. Familiarise yourself with the tricks politicians use to get you where they want you to be.


Globalisation is worldwide tyranny It is not, as its proponents claim, simply the inevitable result of modern technology applied to communication, trade and travel. It is not the world getting smaller. In truth, it is an ideology and a worldview that can only be imposed by tyrannical means.


Globalisation has made the financial elite who donate to politicians very, very rich, but it has left millions of our workers with nothing but poverty and heartache.


The masses have been robbed and cheated.


There is no need for poverty. No need for war. No need for debt. No need for repossessions. No need for sickness. No need for unhappiness or bad teeth or hunger. None of that.


You don’t have to be poor or in debt. You’ve been robbed. It’s as simple as that. You don’t have to be unhealthy. You’ve been poisoned. Deliberately. For profit.


You don’t have to be unemployed. You’ve been hung out to dry because the slave masters could force some other poor blighter in Asia to work for less.


You have not only been robbed, you have been fleeced in a totally deliberate and intentional way, by an automated and institutionalised process that has been fully described, trademarked and patented as the ‘material’ that works your whole life, your substance, your life cycle, your energy, your education, everything is patented by the cabal.


It is all laid out in embarrassing detail, exactly how they process you as raw material to be fed into their machine from the moment you are born until the moment you die, and how they profit from every aspect of everything you need and everything you do and everything you achieve at every point in between.


They have even set it up to profit from the life insurance policies they take out on you, and from your estate, in perpetuity, even after you die. It is all there for all to see, in the public records of the US Patent and Trademark Office.


Knowing the future by studying the past

Several episodes in the history of mankind on Earth have been marked by alien colonies exerting their territorial and cultural influence on the planet.


The historical archives hold many answers to the frequently asked questions of ‘who we are’, ‘where we came from’ and ‘how we evolved’ to become the beings we are today.


The origins of life go back much further in time than is generally known – and even further than episodes in human history.


Acts of heroism begin beyond the boundaries of this planet, originating in Star Kingdoms, Galactic Federations and the extraterrestrial civilisations of Atlantis, Lemuria, Mu and most recently the Tartarians, who are only now being discovered.



Total regime change is necessary to stop the environmental destruction and usher in a new age, which is our goal. But there is still the threat of the Deep State bloodline fascist New World Order who want to take over planet Earth to make it their Archon World.


If we, the people, allow these few, less than 1% elite to impose their evil on the rest of us, ‘life’ will no longer be human, nor anything that could be called ‘life’.


People would merely exist, not live, crammed into tiny high-rise boxes such as those being built today in megacities within the human settlement zones of the megaregions regulated by Agenda 2030.


Partly as a result of the fake Covid injections, the population will be a fraction of what it is today, as in the near future humans will be denied access to 95% of the world’s surface.


Everyone would be microchipped and connected to a computer system that would dictate their thoughts, emotions and health, or rather lack of it.


There would be no cars in this Archon world, and the only means of transport would be local rail systems linking homes and workplaces, and high-speed trains between mega-regions.


People would need permission to travel, and even then they would sit in carriages surrounded by wireless mind control fields and guarded by the uniformed thugs of the state.


People would work where they were told, without choice. The word ‘choice’ would be dropped from the vocabulary, along with others like freedom, just as Orwell imagined from his inside knowledge.



There is a massive attempt to programme people to make them easier to control and to put an end to any vestige of the spiritual, religious, conscious human being. The so-called ‘post-human race’ is being developed as slaves in the world of Agenda 2030.


Mind-meddling technology is already being developed to connect brains into a multi-functional unit and transfer thoughts and perceptions between them for download.


If you like this prospect, stay asleep, otherwise wake up and join forces to remove the Deep State from our planet once and for all!



Here follows the true picture of events as they are currently unfolding on Earth.


Inevitable outcome

Our planet is currently going through a period that is fateful for it in all its forms.

The same is happening to humanity, which can be roughly divided into two categories:


  • Human beings as such, who are of divine origin, and
  • Biological beings of all kinds, who can be called intelligent, but who have a completely different origin and level of consciousness.

    And since there are many more of the latter on Earth, many get the impression of the hopelessness of the situation and our helplessness in it, seeing that these beings are not able to awaken and resist the last and most severe onslaught of the globalists.


  • But despite this imbalance, pure human souls are still setting the tone in this final battle between Light and Darkness, and they are doing so very successfully.

    Surely many have noticed that the globalists’ arsenal is already depleted, and they are playing the same “plots” like a broken record, trying to intimidate the population of the Earth with non-existent threats: be it another “deadly” virus, or far-fetched military threats and climate change, without any real basis.


    And with many ‘people’ still falling for these tricks, there seems to be no end in sight.


    But in fact the end is already near, especially for all non-divine beings living on Earth.


    The energy component of our planet is now changing rapidly, and very soon only pure divine souls who have managed to raise their consciousness and subtle bodies to the level of the fourth dimension will be able to withstand it and adapt their physical and mental states to it.


    Everyone else will begin to leave the planet quite quickly through physical death, for which we must be prepared.


    All have had the same chance and time to realise who is doing mad acts and inhuman experiments on human beings and for what purpose.


    Most of the pure and ancient souls who came to Earth to have the unique experience of Ascension have taken this chance. Their destiny is predetermined and nothing can be changed.


    Be calm and wise about what is to come and know that those who manage to make the transition will have a truly wonderful and happy life in the circle of a galactic family who sincerely love us and will effectively support us in all areas of our lives and help us to adapt to the new realities that are coming.


    For the record;

    Our liberation can only be achieved if the masses wake up and stand up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

    Or that the fiat money system collapses and the cabal becomes knights on foot.

    Remember this and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


    Share this with everyone you know!


    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.


    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


    To be continued as time will tell us more …








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