Monday, 17 March 2025

Our new timeline

The divine process has begun and is unstoppable

Nowadays, transformation is actually a timetable of events and sequences of events called a timeline. Humanity is now on a timeline where something significant is about to happen; that is, important events are now taking place in this Universe Age, which can be described as a historical turning point.


Planet Earth is making its transition from 3D to 5D, many of the current incarnated souls on Earth are now also making their Ascension. It is the most important moment in the entire planetary or even universe history, but above all it is the greatest moment on Earth with the awakening of humanity.


The old prophecies of Armageddon will not come true! We are going to see incredible times. However, there is still a major obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself; but at this moment, this is the most decisive moment for humanity on planet Earth.


Two new well-defined timelines will determine the future: one will take part of humanity to the new 5D Earth; the other will take the rest into exile on another 3D planet.


Only one third of humanity is capable of making and completing the ascension necessary for this transition; the other part is not. Eventually a new cycle and a new earth will emerge. Where there is no authority or superior to influence our free will and choices. Everyone will be their own judge. No one will interfere with the individual preferences of others.


The light has won. Where everyone creates their own reality. The fate of humanity has now been finally decided. The wheat has been separated from the chaff. Only 5-dimensional beings will go to the New 5-D Earth. This process is expected to be completed, cleared and settled around 2025.


The light will become more intense, making it impossible for the sleepers to sleep through. It is certain that many, even if awakened by the high intensity of the light, will choose another dark planet to continue their deep soul sleep there. Therefore, this article is only for those who are truly awake and have chosen the path of the New 5D Earth.


An exterrestrial reader adds;

This information is from higher and more advanced realms regarding these events that are now arriving on planet Earth. Special abilities will become the norm as all 12 strands of DNA are restored to humanity.


“When all 12 strands of DNA are activated, what no longer will happen is as profound as well what you will be able to do.


When you reach what many consider to be the prime of life, the 30s, you will remain in that state and older people will begin to get younger until they reach it because the full complement of strands doesn’t contain the programming for ageing into old age or death.


There is no 12-strand DNA programming for physical deformities, mental illness, temporary or chronic diseases, allergic reactions, addictions, defective organs, reduced energy levels, loss of teeth or limbs, blindness, deafness or other sensory impairments. Life in the fifth and higher densities has none of these conditions. All attitudes, ideologies and beliefs are aligned with the divine sovereignty of souls.


The abilities that will gradually emerge are your birth rights, ingredients of the Love Light energy composition of the soul. These include telepathic communication, manifestation through focused thought, levitation, teleportation, dematerialisation, astral travel and travel at the speed of thought, remote viewing and memories of various beginnings, in quantity and clarity.


People will be able to grow new limbs, teeth, organs and bones to replace mechanical implants, dentures and prostheses. And when you feel that you have grown spiritually and consciously as far as life on Earth can take you, you can dematerialise your body and materialise one that suits the advanced world in which you choose to spend your next physical life.


This divine process of evolution has already begun and cannot be stopped.


Change depends on our choices

Below is a great video from which a short extract has been made.


Dr Sam Mugzzi explains what we are going through at this time. She explains the direction we are going on our timeline, which is totally dependent on our choices and frequency.


She tackles a difficult subject as it deals with the way we might reincarnate – whether we go UP to 4D & 5D, whether we are ‘recycled’ or continue on a 3D path in another place to learn to evolve further.


These thoughts of hers are shared with you. Dr Sam talks about ‘reincarnation’ that could happen when we are hit by the next solar flare and perhaps the pole shift of planet Earth, implying that we may ‘die’ or move to another plane of existence.

Some people call it “following a particular timeline”.  Others may call it ‘death’ or ‘evolution’, while others may call it ‘Armageddon’ or ‘rapture’.


But apparently we are approaching a real and “really big” astronomical event where the Earth enters the photon belt.


Dr Sam informs us that our Archangel Michael is actually the Yeshua Christ Consciousness in which Yeshua has reincarnated to inspire and guide us through these unusual times.


We must be very close to a time called:  “Ascension”. The event or cause seems to be a solar flash that will happen in the near future.  When we enter the photonic realm. The video below explains this very well.


What is the Photon Band?  — Alexander Quinn – Starseed explains


Be grateful for all the sharing and help from other Galactic Angels, Guardians and God Sparks all around who have been helping us all along, including Val Thor and an infinite number of souls who want to help lighten our world.


You will discover that the whales are now doing something fantastic!  You just have to follow the video to see something absolutely sublime!


What timeline are we on now?”


Dr Sam explains the separation of the two timelines in this video.


Only you can decide your next steps into a multi-layered wonderland of possibilities. It is all up to you.


You can choose to emerge from the lake of the underworld.  There is a Satan timeline, a frequency timeline and a God timeline which is another frequency timeline.  It is all about frequency and energy and the 963 frequency that Tesla talked about. It has to do with the frequency of light.  From today’s base timeline; we split into either a Satanic timeline or a God timeline; either negative or positive depending on where you are with your lessons and your learning and your spiritual personality development. That will determine where you are going. Be aware that you can’t stop it.


No one else can stop you.  You are on your own, no one can guide you, even if they want to mentor someone else.  Everyone has to decide for themselves what, when, where and how. All we can do is set an example. And maybe look at you and say, ‘Yes.  That’s who I want to be.


What is called the Satanic timeline are people who are energetically aligned with these attributes such as ignorance.  Ignorance is the biggest one, because when you are ignorant you don’t know how to do certain things.  Then you can be very easily deceived in your life, whether it’s getting your car serviced, whether it’s ordering a pizza, whether it’s building a house, etc.


If you don’t have some basic knowledge of these things then it’s very easy to be deceived, it’s very easy to be deceived into thinking that something is a law when it’s not really a law.


So the more you know, the more you align yourself with the God Timeline.  On the contrary, the less you know, the more you align with the lower level because you are in victim mode and people hurt you and it makes you angry. Because you didn’t know better, because you didn’t teach yourself.


Remember, the more unhappiness, the more stress – the more the body will self-destruct.  Because you are not living your life according to the higher timeline that you aspire to as a spiritual being.


We thank Jane Yust for having contributed to this.


For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or, that the fiat money system collapses and the cabal becomes knights on foot.

Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!



Share this with everyone you know!


The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.


Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


To be continued as time will tell us more …


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