Friday, 14 March 2025

Humanity’s 12-year awakening

FWC is always one step ahead

Final Wakeup Call articles are thoroughly researched and written in plain language, but are not advertised. For the truth presented will only be recognised, understood and spread by the truly awake.


A conspiracy between governments and the banks

Many of us now realise that taxing, borrowing and spending does not create wealth and that the current system has failed. Real wages have now fallen so far that the wealth gap has widened many times over.


The conspiracy between governments and banks is now becoming clear, so radical changes are needed to put the economy on the right track.


People will be amazed at how quickly huge hurdles can be overcome with just a few sensible policies.


Imagine what would happen if everyone paid a fixed low rate of income tax and all other taxes were abolished; corporation tax, national insurance, payroll tax plus all local taxes, levies, fines and fees.


People pay only 15% of their income, whatever the source. All other tax loopholes for different business entities and different shelters and rebates are automatically eliminated. Regardless of the source of income – dividends, capital gains, wages, etc. – everyone pays the same flat rate.


Leave regulation to the market. With gold-backed money, there is no need to put your money in a bank. All you have to do is keep it in your own vault. Big changes for the benefit of citizens will make life more pleasant for everyone.


The struggle for the liberation of planet Earth and humanity will soon come to an end. Don’t give up now, but continue with increased energy. We are already in sight of the safe harbour, it is only a matter of sailing in to enter a world of prosperity, abundance and unlimited love. A world of complete freedom, wealth and happiness is our reward.


The truly awakened are now wondering if they are eligible for ascension to the new 5D world? It is expected that at least a third of the world’s population will be able to pass the final 5D test.


All souls incarnated now have an equal chance of taking the 5D test. No top scores are required to pass, even mediocrity has a good chance of passing. The prerequisites are honesty, sincerity, openness to others and unconditional love for fellow human beings, animals and nature.


Be happy with your mind and your life, forget corrupt governments, they will be removed. Some say that money makes you happy, but money only buys matter.


Happiness and real wealth come from within, for example by making real things and providing services, which are the opposite of debt. This needs no further explanation.


Behind the scenes, the Deep State oppressors’ house of cards is collapsing. As a result, more and more woke people are seeing the strings that connect the puppets to their conductors. These are the so-called elected politicians; the people can now see how the puppeteers are directed and posed, the conductors are no longer hidden in the shadows as before.


Everything that comes to us comes at the right time and it is the Cosmic Intelligence that is in charge of all movements in the infinite universe that is also determining the timing of the long awaited breakthrough.

We are living in a wonderful time! And every day that passes brings us closer to the end of a long cycle. This shows us the New Age. What a privilege to be witnessing this at this moment and to be part of the great event of planetary transition!


Planet Earth has arrived at the most important crossroads in our civilisation, while no one seems to notice or care. The globalists, with the help of the political establishment, have wreaked havoc on our society, industry, culture, etc. They are now panicking because their corruption is being recognised and confirmed all over the world.


The last chance

This is the last chance to save our interests and our civilisation. It is now or never, today the whole world should know that the world powers with their New World Order are bent on destroying humanity through Covid poison injections. Promoted with many lies by the corporate media, who are not in the least interested in journalism, but only in promoting the global political agenda; i.e. the destruction of civilisation and humanity.


Repairing the damage done to all the peoples of our planet may take a long time. But everything will be corrected eventually, at least when humanity wakes up en masse and takes back control after the introduction of the new QFS monetary system and the replacement of the prevailing maritime law with land law.


Humanity has surrendered its sanity and responsibility to corrupt governments on a massive scale. Consider the wider implications of this behaviour for human existence. When we give away our sanity and responsibility, we also give away our freedom and, essentially, our lives.


It must be clear by now that the awakened human race will not let this cabal plan go through. And, more importantly, we are prepared to fight for the future of ourselves, our children and future generations.


The dominators, the cheats, the exploiters, the slavers, in short, all power exercised by the few over the masses, will cease to exist. Mother Earth, as the feminine energy source, will give her children everything they need.


When all dominating powers are removed and competition gives way to cooperation; it is finally the time of abundance and prosperity!


The old axiom that has led earthly humanity to believe that everything ends with the death of the physical body is still very strong. However, the dis-incarnation of the soul is a necessary process for it to see that death does not exist. Apart from the physical body, the soul recognises that life continues.


So consciousness is the password to enter the world of the 5th dimension. You have this key the moment your consciousness tells you: do it or fail! At that moment you will be alone! No one will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when it actually happens. It is the end of an era! And the beginning of a new era.


For the first time in the history of mankind there is now an ascension into your existing physical body.

However, this time only the truly awakened will ascend to a new plane of existence, not through reincarnation as has been the case for thousands of years, but into their existing physical bodies.

Just as in the 5D world, through the Medbed Principle, people rejuvenate themselves by 50 years and live at that age for 1,000 years, their lives based on love, joy and unity.


The Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably, speaks to you of the kind of energetic changes that are in store for humanity this year.


In fact, these energetic changes will be quite significant, since now energies will begin to flow to the Earth no longer episodically and in waves, as it was before, but in a single, even stream.


This is explained by the fact that a sufficient number of people will already be able to perceive energies of such high vibrations.


It can be said that the period of preparation for the direct transition of the Earth into the Fifth Dimension is coming to an end. Exactly 12 years have passed since your planet began its journey into the energetic space of higher vibrations.


The number 12, as you already know, is sacred, which is reflected in many aspects of your lives, both on the subtle and physical planes.


The fact that humanity has been given these 12 years to awaken is a real gift to them.


So if the full and final ascension of the Earth had taken place in December 2012, as originally planned, only a small part of humanity would have been able to go with it to the Fifth Dimension, why this great experiment would have lost its meaning.


The key point is to make this transition available to as many human souls as possible, especially those called ‘star seed’.


Unfortunately, even this Divine ‘seed’ has often not had enough time to ‘grow’ to fulfil the mission for which it descended to Earth. This mission is to ascend with planet Earth to a new plane of existence, this time not by reincarnation as has been the case for thousands of years, but in their existing physical bodies.


Unfortunately, these grand old souls have often had insufficient time to prepare not only their physical bodies for the transition, but sometimes even their consciousness.


Only in recent years, when the whole of humanity has been subjected to the most severe moral trials and has literally been on the brink of destruction, has there been a mass awakening.


Now many ancient pure souls have begun to prepare themselves spiritually and physically for the transition to the Fifth Dimension.


They have consciously made this the goal of their lives, sometimes at the cost of considerable sacrifice, including the rejection of age-old customs and traditions characteristic of the three-dimensional world.


Now the vibrations of such people will enable them to painlessly accept new doses of high vibrational energies that will help them to easily cross the boundary between the world of the Third Dimension and the world of the Fourth and then the Fifth Dimension.

Received from Marta on 26 December 2024 and edited by PBM


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