Friday, 14 March 2025

Wake up!

Breakthrough to our liberation as the truth emerges

Don’t miss this opportunity. Let everyone know that we’re taking back our freedom.


It is sad that people cannot distinguish between real and fake information. Are we so stupid that nobody stands up for our rights? We are about to break through, and hardly anyone seems to have noticed.


Our world has been put into a coma for years by the media and paid truth tellers to the point where it is impossible for most people to tell the difference between real and fake news.


Once again, we the people are on the verge of a breakthrough to our total liberation. All positive forces are supporting us, but the breakthrough must be made by ourselves, by standing up en masse to take back our freedom!


When the whole world is aware of our efforts to take back our freedom, it will happen.


Don’t let this opportunity slip away, otherwise we will fall back into the old ways and it will be hundreds if not thousands of years before the world has another chance at liberation.


Be aware that for the first time in history the truly awakened will be able to ascend into the 5D world in their existing physical bodies, rather than through reincarnation as has been the case for thousands of years.


In this 5D world, through the Medbed Principle, people can rejuvenate themselves by up to 50 years and live at that age for 1,000 years, while life is based on love, joy and unity, free from the negative forces of the 3D world.


Life in 5D is based on health, while everyone has enough to live on, there is no scarcity.

Be happy to be chosen and qualified to experience this unique transition!


The Consciousness Trap

The most important thing for people to realise is that our 3-dimensional reality is not real. This means that it is nothing more than a mind trap. Who we really are is hidden from us. Our spiritual nature is our only true form. This is why all these dark forces spend so much time and money trying to make people forget.


They use subtle techniques to trap us. This is where the real magic is. If you cannot see this in advance, you are defeated. It is all an illusion.


But soon people will discover who and what they really are, and what happens when they discover their true origins.


On the one hand there are the dark forces who have had almost unlimited free rein on the surface of planet Earth for five hundred thousand years, and on the other hand there are the forces of Light, the Starseeds led by the Galactic Federation, and the Earth patriots who are making great efforts and progress to remove the dark negative forces from our planet for good.


There are nine main areas where the hidden dark forces are heavily infiltrated. These are the military, government, religion, education, management, finance, media, health and science.


In essence, they are everywhere in public life. They hold key positions in all these key areas, aided by a fully controlled and complicit media network, they have full ownership of the financial system and all the major financial institutions, they have virtually covered all the pillars of our society.


The real agenda of the Archon, Anunnaki and Draco cabal

You need to know what they are really trying to achieve here on Earth. For the true motive of the Deep State rulers is darker and more evil than most people can imagine, for it becomes ‘alien’ and then literally transforms, in a surprising way, into the Archon Bloodline Agenda 2030 to rule our world on behalf of the ‘alien’ Anunnaki and Draco Control Matrix.


The Archon Bloodline is deeply involved in the creation of a completely new and even more disconnected human being, completely trapped in the Matrix of the third dimension. These are human beings disabled to a level far below what they were before, but more controllable by computers, leaving these beings with no free will and no choice but what the Cabal demands.


The hypnotic magic lies in the influence of manipulative lies. Based on the illusion of a Creator God about whom no one has any idea of reality or truth.


The reality is that humanity has been deceived and removed from its paradisiacal state forever. And they do not want us to see it. For then the great awakening of humanity on Earth will begin.


The Right to Freedom

Remember; Consciousness and Unity is the weapon to free us from our centuries of slavery. Every human being has the right to freedom, to go and stand where he chooses. There are no laws or rules, only respect and love for others and nature is the basic rule for all. In the 5D world, time is eternity, without haste or time pressure.


In each reincarnation the soul experiences a unique reality as if it is coming to this planet for the first time. Forgetting previous lives is fundamental, otherwise there would be little or no point in being here.


In the period between lives, after passing through the portal of 4D, the soul, already without the physical body, reaches a certain expansion of consciousness, sufficient to remember its previous incarnations.


After a period of time, which is different for each soul, the soul begins to understand this process and its previous incarnations. Based on the personal history, the soul makes a new plan for a new incarnation.


Once reincarnated, the veils again cover its consciousness and make it forget its own current project. But the divine laws are wise and never abandon anyone. Being on earth in matter creates infinite possibilities for each soul every day. According to their choices, they are given the appropriate tools to accomplish the necessary tasks.


It does not matter what one does or does not do during his material life. What matters is how they use the tools given to them.


If the 3D-earth is a school planet, then all subjects must be learned. This is the condition for the soul to gain recognition and ascend to a higher level.


The Higher Level

Evaluating the whole process, the basic question now is: have we become so numb that good news no longer penetrates the mind?


Good news has been published here, but few have been able to understand or read it.

Only in recent years, when the whole of humanity has been subjected to the most severe moral trials and has literally been on the brink of destruction, has an awakening begun.


Fortunately, many ancient pure souls have begun to prepare themselves spiritually and physically for their transition to the Fifth Dimension.


They have consciously made this choice for their lives, sometimes at the cost of considerable sacrifice, including the rejection of age-old customs and traditions characteristic of the three-dimensional world.


Now their vibrations will enable them to painlessly accept new doses of high vibrational energies that will help them to easily cross the boundary between the world of the Third Dimension and enter the world of the Fifth Dimension.


Once again we the people are on the verge of a breakthrough to our total liberation. All positive forces are supporting us, but the breakthrough must be made by ourselves, by standing up en masse to take back our freedom!


When the whole world is aware of our efforts to take back our freedom, it will happen.


Don’t let this opportunity slip away, otherwise we will fall back into the old ways and it will be hundreds if not thousands of years before the world has another chance at liberation.


For the first time in history, the truly awakened will be able to ascend into their existing physical body, not through reincarnation as has been the case for thousands of years.


Life in 5D is based on health, love, joy and unity, free from negative forces, while everyone has enough to live on, there is no scarcity. Be happy that you have been chosen and qualified to experience this unique transition!


Take this on faith, stand up, roll up your sleeves and get to work en masse to remove the last vestiges of our oppression.


The Shocking Truth

The Khazarian Mafiosi have set their sights on total control of the world’s population and possession of all the Earth’s resources, in which trillions have been invested.


Gold, silver and oil are the main goals of these Illuminati, in addition to absolute control over oil resources, water and fertile land, which are the preferred resources they need to further their agenda.


Anyone who opposes this is eliminated, as in the case of Hugo Chavez, the President of Venezuela, who was deliberately killed by infected cancer cells.


Wars are created and fought to get their hands on huge amounts of resources; Iraq and Libya are two known and obvious examples.


The attitude is that no country should own its resource wealth. Countries that are not served by the New World Order and stand up for their own sovereignty are crushed.


Tomorrow the FWC channel will be presenting a 40 minute video explaining the Khazarian Mafia’s crimes against humanity.


It is recommended that you take the time to learn first-hand about our global evil that can and must now be eliminated by We the People with the help of our Galactic brothers and sisters.


Remember, it is now or never. So stand up and be counted in this process, for together we are the strongest force for the Khazarian removal from planet Earth.


Spread this message far and wide.

Encourage everyone to join in, for it is now or never!



The whole world is controlled by these Khazarian Mafia families.

The key takeaway from this well-concealed history is that the current global economic and financial system was built around these Northern Italian Black Nobility – NIBN banking houses and original corporations, all set up throughout Northern Italy under the protective umbrella of the Roman Catholic Church. 


This obscured fact of history is a highly significant development because it is how the NIBN oligarchs and their Khazarian henchmen have secretly established the corporatocracy that wraps around the planet like a bloodsucking octopus. 


This means that the CORPORATION is the primary means by which the Khazarian-controlled Northern Italian Black Nobility today continually rapes, pillages and plunders the world community of nations with virtually absolute impunity.

Please watch this video to the end. It’s not only the best history lesson you’ll ever get, it will give you a good understanding of everything that’s going on around the globe today.




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