Saturday, 15 March 2025

Light has triumphed

Final stage of change

The long awaited times have finally arrived! Although it is not yet as visible as everyone would like, everything in the Earth timeline is sealed. Many millennia have passed! Many epochs have also passed! Hundreds of successive incarnations! And you are here now to be a part of this great phenomenon, the transformation of planet Earth!

Aside from this great event, which is the most important in the galaxy, it will still stand or fall with the ascension of a portion of humanity. Glorious times lie ahead, and nothing can stop what is to come!


For this final stage of change, we have entered an unchanging timeline; the ancient prophecies of Armageddon will not come to pass! We are about to see incredible times. However, there is still one major obstacle that undoubtedly concerns the fate of humanity itself;


The most crucial moment for humanity on planet Earth is today. There will be two well-defined timelines: one will take part of humanity to the New Earth; and the other timeline will take the other part into exile.


Only one third of humanity will be able to make and complete the Ascension necessary for this transition; the other part will not. In the end we will have a new cycle and a new earth. No authority is superior to our free will and choices. Everyone will be their own judge. No one will interfere with another’s individual preferences.


Light has won where everyone creates their own reality. The destiny of humanity has been decided. Because of the separation of the wheat from the chaff, only 5-dimensional beings will go on to this New Earth. It is expected that all will be completed, cleared and settled between 2025 and 2030.


Education and upbringing has been degraded.

To what extent do they meet expectations: interests and needs, from kindergarten to school to higher education? If you look at this over the last few decades, you will probably see a huge difference between your own experience and what you will see in your children and grandchildren.


In almost every country in the world there has been a colossal decline in education and training, and with it a change in the consciousness of the generations of people who received it.


Have you ever thought about why this has happened?


It would seem that technological progress, which has touched every aspect of your life, should be for the good of mankind. But in reality, the opposite is happening: not only is man becoming callous in spirit, but his mental faculties are weakening noticeably.


All this is a link in the chain with which the Deep State has “entangled” humanity, with the aim of degrading the human personality in all its manifestations.

It understands perfectly well that it is impossible to drive a fully educated and highly spiritual person into a single obedient herd. Therefore, the main task is to minimise the educational process and to wean people away from thinking for themselves.


And as you can see, they have been very successful at this. The Deep State puppets have not only minimised the curriculum in schools and universities, but have also succeeded in distorting scientific and historical facts, rewriting textbooks to suit their needs and interests.


Truly objective and truthful information about all areas of knowledge is now only to be found in ancient literature, accessible to only a few, and in alternative sources of information, which are gradually being collected for you by the FWC and other caring people, who are often ridiculed and sometimes threatened by representatives of official science.


And yet many people prefer to ignore this and go with the flow, leaving themselves and their children at the mercy of socially oriented educational institutions.


Only a small number of consciously awakened people, having felt the danger emanating from these institutions, are trying to find alternative ways, such as Montessori education, for the upbringing and education of their children and grandchildren, in order to keep their souls and minds pure.

Being awake is often related to modern society in solitude.


You are probably all familiar with the expression “Man is a social being”. And this is indeed true. But why do so many people on earth suffer from loneliness?

Why do people in huge, densely populated cities often feel lonely?

The main reason is energetic disunity.


Imagine the different energies that people living in big cities give off.

Not only do they vibrate at different frequencies, but it’s much more complicated than that.


When there is a large concentration of people, there is a mixture of biological species, different races, creatures from different planets and different dimensions. And in addition to this natural energetic diversity, the air is filled with the emotions and thought-forms emitted by all these creatures, mostly of a negative nature, as few people manage to maintain harmony and spiritual purity in the hustle and bustle of ‘megalopolises’.


To complete the picture, we must not forget the entities of the lower astral plane that feed on the negative energies that literally swarm the energy spaces of large cities.


What can a person feel when immersed in such energies? Much depends, of course, on their level of vibration. For example, young human souls who are just beginning to experience life in the three-dimensional world may feel quite comfortable in such an environment, as everything is interesting and curious to them.


The same can be said of bio-robots and clones programmed to live in large cities, as well as low vibration beings embodied in human bodies whose vibrations resonate with the negative energies of the crowd.

But a person whose vibrations have reached the level of at least the fourth dimension will feel lonely and lost in such a society. He will feel like a black sheep, an outsider, a visitor from another world.


Probably many of you have experienced a similar feeling in large cities. But now that the old and new worlds are rapidly ‘undocking’ energetically and mentally, the same is happening with people who belong to different worlds with their own vibrational levels and mental components.


This is why it is so important to step out of the society of the three-dimensional world, which no longer matches your vibrations, your vision of the world or your true needs.


Only in this way can you move forward quickly and confidently, without returning to the three-dimensional world, which you have already ‘outgrown’, as a child outgrows its baby clothes.


The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, has spoken to you.

Received from Marta, end of August, 2024


Help spread this news far and wide.



For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

  • A mass awakening
  • The collapse of the monetary system, or
  • Removed by alien intervention
  • Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


    For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.


    E-Book: https:/

    Share this with everyone you know!


    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.

    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


    To be continued when time tells us more …


    Watch this video to fully understand what will happen;

    Great Solar Flash: Full memory restored, total civilisation collapse, humans and clones disappear!



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