Saturday, 15 March 2025

The new energy

An Awakened Consciousness is the Next Evolutionary Step for Humanity

Awakened consciousness is not understood by sleeping minds living under collective MSM hypnosis. There are no issues or arguments that can help anyone to awaken. This language can only be understood by awakened souls amongst themselves.

Humanity has surrendered its sanity and responsibility to corrupt governments on a massive scale. Realise the far-reaching consequences of this behaviour for human existence. When our sanity and responsibility is surrendered, our freedom is also surrendered, and with it, essentially, our life.


Since the declaration of the Covid pandemic, we live in a dangerous world. The satanic Luciferians and their highly paid minions will not let you go easily, they have deceived the whole world with a fake pandemic in order to fulfil their eugenic agenda; i.e. the extermination of 90% of humanity.


The Cabal hates humanity because they fear it, they know the true capabilities of humanity and that is why they are going all out to destroy us. Through toxic covid injections, toxic pills, mafia health care that thwarts healing, poisoning through fluoridated water, pre-cooked food with harmful preservatives, soft drinks with harmful sugars, chemtrails that destroy the environment, education based on lies, to name just a few facts. They want followers, not independent thinkers. They don’t want people to question anything, when we should be questioning everything!


To awaken is to be enlightened! Let the light not only enter your room, but into every cell of your body. The process is much deeper than you think. It is so profound that it will actually change the consciousness of every awakened person. In fact much has already changed! And it is this change that disturbs the unawakened.


Your patience and steadfastness in the Light will be well rewarded with welcome changes on the horizon and many wondrous changes in the distance! All the Light Beings of this Universe are encouraging us to move forward and supporting us with an unparalleled power of unconditional love.


The Earth has become a real battleground for every awakened person

Your attention is now being drawn to another manifestation of new energies that is clear evidence of the change in the energy background of the Earth.

Many of you have probably noticed how your sleep patterns have changed.


Where once most people slept through the night into the morning without waking, now many people’s sleep has become intermittent and restless. This is no accident. The point is that it is at night that the main energy work is done on you.


For on the subtle plane there is a real battle going on for every human soul. And since it is not easy to do this during the day, when there are too many distractions, at night, when a person’s soul and consciousness are separated from their physical body, they become part of the subtle world and can easily interact with its inhabitants.


Why is it so important to put on energy protection before going to bed?

Firstly, because it is the only way to protect yourself from the influence of lower astral beings and other representatives of the dark forces.


As for the messengers of the forces of light, your protection will not be an obstacle for them – on the contrary, you will become “visible” to them, which will allow them to do their energy work with you more effectively.


Why do your defences sometimes fail and your sleep becomes a nightmare?

Incidentally, this happens even to people whose vibration level is quite high.

Most of the time this is explained by astral battles between those who are greatly hindered by your light and those who support you on the spiritual path.


At present the subtle plane of the earth has become a real battleground for every awakened person. And although these battles remain invisible to you, they are no less important for the salvation of humanity than the battle on the physical plane against the Deep State and its puppets in power.


It is believed that many of you, upon awakening, will intuitively feel who has won this night in your personal energy space and, depending on your feelings, will attempt to correct your condition on the physical plane.


This can be done in a number of ways: through cleansing, meditation, situational awareness, or ‘untangling’ knots in your relationships with loved ones, relatives and friends.


Try to pick up the clues from your nightly ‘guests’ – both the light and the dark – so that even your sleep becomes your assistant on the path to Ascension.


Next is an explanation of how the consciousness and bodies of people whose vibrations are too far out of tune interact with the high vibrational energies now coming to Earth.

This includes both inoculated and uninoculated inhabitants of planet Earth.

The inoculated may include clones, biorobots, young human souls, low vibrational beings embodied in human bodies. In other words, all those who are still fully immersed in the three-dimensional world and live exclusively according to its laws, norms and patterns.


The unconsciousness of these inhabitants of your planet is not able to restructure itself in such a short time, to lift their physical bodies to a new level of vibration. As a result, they become hostages to their old habits and perceive surges of high vibrational energies with hostility: neither their consciousness nor their physical bodies accept them.


This is largely why the behaviour of such people changes so dramatically for the worse: they become more aggressive, irritable and susceptible to all kinds of fear. They habitually seek protection and salvation from the leaders of their countries, blindly believing that they are acting in their best interests. As the emotions of these people are mostly negative in nature, their subtle bodies are increasingly destroyed, causing various kinds of diseases in their physical bodies.


  • Thus, people who cannot tolerate the vibrational frequencies of the renewed Earth will become foreign bodies in its energy space.

    Such energetic disunity will inevitably lead to the removal of this category of inhabitants of your planet from the earthly plane, which is a natural and logical process that no one can influence. You just have to take a philosophical approach to it, my dears!


    These are the laws of nature: every living thing thrives in conditions that are favourable to it and dies in conditions that are unnatural to it.


    This is exactly what is happening on Earth.

    Those who have managed to remember their true origin and purpose are finding the new energies a blessing, while those who are far from it are finding them destructive.


    High frequency energies

    The inoculated inhabitants of Planet Earth perceive these high vibrational energies coming to Earth from within and without as unnatural.


    As a result, the foreign genome introduced into their bodies by the experimental Covid drug, sometimes more than once, creates an energetic chaos within their physical bodies, which has a detrimental effect on all their internal organs.


    This can be compared to a poisonous liquid entering a vessel of crystal clear water, changing the structure of the water and turning it into a toxic mixture. This is exactly what happens to vaccinated people, first on an energetic level and then on a physical level.


    Another thing is that the human body has such colossal natural reserves that it can resist even such unnatural conditions for quite a long time. But in any case, when the so-called “vaccine” enters the human body, the process of its destruction is started.

    This “time bomb” can “explode” at any moment, which is what most often happens.

    This explains why there are so many sudden and unexpected deaths, even among young, apparently healthy people.


    Now imagine what happens to a vaccinated person when, in addition to his “internal problems” associated with a foreign genome slowly destroying his body, he is also hit by completely unfamiliar energies of the highest vibrations with which neither his consciousness nor his physical body resonates.


    The result is that such a person finds himself in an energy “funnel” that pulls him down – into even lower vibrations. In other words, his energetic mismatch with the new higher vibrations of the Earth, which are increasing many times over, is hitting his physical body, which is now in a constant mode of lowering its vibrations. In order to break out of this vicious circle, a person must make enormous efforts, especially of a spiritual nature, to become fully aware of the situation in which they find themselves.


    Often this process takes place unconsciously – at the level of the soul, which, unlike the human mind, senses energies that resonate perfectly and easily with those that correspond to the current vibrational level of its earthly “carrier”.


    The Absolute Father, who loves you immeasurably, has spoken to you.

    Received by Marta on 29 August 2024


    Help spread this news far and wide.



    For the record;

    Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

    Or that the cabal is crippled by

  • A mass awakening
  • The collapse of the monetary system, or
  • Removed by alien intervention
  • Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


    For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.





    Share this with everyone you know!


    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.



    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


    To be continued when time tells us more …


    Future Energy Projects – Highly recommended to watch

    “I am Exposing the Whole Damn Thing!” (MIND BLOWING!!!!) | Randall Carlson

    “I’m the biggest sceptic around and what I saw can’t happen. What I saw is impossible, but I saw it.”

    I’m talking about technology that sounds like it’s straight out of a Nikola Tesla fever dream, yet it’s happening right now, and you won’t believe it until you hear it all.

    This isn’t just another fringe idea—this is the real deal, something that could fundamentally change how we think about energy, the environment, and maybe even our place in the universe!!

    After you watch this 20 min video…you will know as much about it as I do. If you look under the video you will find links to his website.


    From what is seen, this technology is about ready to take off and all it needs is somebody to throw money at it. This will be BIG…and you can be a part of it and get in at the ground level.


    In the past they killed anybody coming forward/public with suppressed technology…but now maybe things are different.

    We will see lots more new technology coming out soon after disclosure.


    Source link