Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Moving from 3D to 5D


Negative forces

The dark forces of the Anunnaki, who have enjoyed unrestricted freedom on the surface of planet Earth for hundreds of thousands of years, are now facing the forces of Light, the Digital Soldiers and Patriots, who are making great efforts to remove these negative forces from planet Earth as quickly as possible.


The negative forces have made it impossible to break the isolation with positive initiatives. But that is now definitely over.


The sooner people wake up to the lies and deception, the better for all of us. Do not be modest; let it be a challenge for everyone to help each other reach our maximum potential. Our world is filled with an enormous amount of filth, lies, deceit, disinformation, distortion, fake news, half-truths, fraud, false images, deceptive mirages, propaganda and brainwashing.


The awakened who have now accumulated enough higher frequency energy can continue to prepare themselves for the transition from the 3D to the 5D world during the course of this year. If people think that this is a natural and automatic right, they are wrong. Not only is a positive attitude required, but the body must first be thoroughly cleansed of all the toxins that have accumulated over the years.


It is not easy for anyone to participate in this process, which has no end in sight. When liberation comes, it brings long-awaited relief: in itself it cannot last too long. The wait is for the collapse of the debt system that makes the cabal knights on foot. It is important to have faith in this Divine Plan! Don’t give up now, the worst is over.


Symptoms of the frequency shift

The energetic adjustment, mainly of the physical body, needs to be done to change the carbon based body into a crystalline one. Many souls have already made the plan for the necessary incarnation and have chosen not to go through this process, dis-incarnating before the change takes place.


Others, however, have chosen to complete the transformation from material life to spiritual life, now that every symptom of the frequency shift is taking place, not only in themselves, but in everything else on our planet.


It does not make you sick. It is a series of symptoms that are actually closely related to the adjustment to the higher frequency that each person is experiencing. And this is what is happening now.


Everyone is going through this change, there is no escaping it. Even those who have not chosen to ascend in this incarnation. Even for them the day will come when they will feel the energetic vibrations opposite to their own.


Extraterrestrial Anunnaki beings have assisted in the genetic manipulation of humanity by severing 10 of our 12 strands of DNA to limit our potential, thereby enslaving humanity for the elite. These severed strands, fortunately still present and intact, are referred to by scientists as junk DNA.


The energy that will be generated in the coming period for the opening of the 5D portal will modify and purify the DNA of the physical body through a thorough detoxification.


Various symptoms are already being experienced, such as pain and discomfort in the stomach and intestines, a swollen belly, a burning sensation in the stomach after meals, liver, gallbladder and bile problems, some kidney problems, temporary diarrhoea, nausea and vomiting, extreme fatigue, sleep irregularities and a few others too numerous to mention here.


Most of these symptoms are digestive. Many people cannot eat certain foods that they used to enjoy. They cause a certain aversion because the body does not accept them. The amount of food eaten is now much heavier than before, so less is eaten.


The moment of the turning point is approaching! Everything will become more intense and more alive. This process cannot wait! Those who are ready cannot wait either! Energies from above and below are penetrating the earth and are now coming together. This is the long awaited moment for many centuries. And with it we are on our way to the new earth!



Multi-Vibrational Realities

From Father Absolute


  • Events in the world viewed from a slightly different angle.

    Now, at the intersection of two eras, each inhabitant of your planet is beginning to live in their own reality – the one that corresponds to their mentality and level of vibration.


    The higher a person’s vibrational level, the brighter the colours in which they see both their own future and the future of your planet. And this is not explained by the fantasies of such people or their exaggerated optimism, but by the reality of their future existence that they are creating.


    These pure human souls do not even allow the thought that humanity could once again plunge into the darkness of the dark reality created by the globalists, leading people into a digital concentration camp and your planet to death and destruction.


    Such people have already removed this scenario from their consciousness and energy space, which means that they now live in joyful anticipation of the coming changes and do everything they can to promote their speedy implementation on the physical plane.


    As for those who are still in the old dark energies of destruction, they habitually focus their attention on the negative events, of which there are still many on Earth.


    The globalists and their henchmen in power continue to work off the ‘fee’ they have received from their masters in the form of outrageous privileges that they find so difficult to part with. Just as the official mass media, which they have bought, offer ‘old tunes’ through inertia, not daring to ‘change the record’, which is more suited to the coming changes on Earth in all areas of human life.


    Therefore, the inhabitants of your planet, who can only exist in low vibrational energies, still have enough “food” consisting of negative energies of fear, hatred, aggression, judgement and other low vibrational “food sources”. But gradually they will lose this “feeding trough” as positive news begins to regain its positions on all information channels. Difficult times will then come for these beings, for few of them will be able to withstand such a bright light.


    They will begin to leave your planet quickly unless they can rebuild their consciousness in a new way that will automatically raise their vibrations and help them to stay afloat.


    The process of rethinking life priorities and energy shifts has already begun and this year will be a real survival test for every inhabitant of the Earth.


    Remember this and try to avoid any negative information that could throw you back on the path of Ascension that your soul has chosen.


    Shocking News

    How to respond to the rapidly changing situation on planet Earth.


    Everything has to happen step by step. Exposing all the crimes of the Deep State at once would be too shocking.


  • It is important not to explain world events according to one’s own vision or according to someone else’s opinion.

    The fact is that many of the processes that are currently taking place are still invisible, because a full disclosure of all the crimes of the Deep State would be too much of a shock for the vast majority of the Earth’s population.


    So everything is being revealed in stages – step by step, so that people’s consciousness has time to assimilate new information without harming their psyche.


    Remember how aggressively ordinary people reacted to the so-called ‘anti-vaxxers’, condemning them more than the authorities.


  • This is explained by their blind faith that their governments won’t act against the people!

    Imagine what would happen if these people were suddenly bombarded in one fell swoop with all the information about the crimes of the deep state and its plans to destroy humanity.


    Add to this the documentary evidence of satanic rituals and sacrifices by Draco reptiles and their minions, paedophilia and human trafficking, cloning, biological and climate weapons, and many will simply not be able to absorb such shocking news.


    That is why events on Earth are developing in a gentle mode.


    Don’t speed them up by pushing them with your thoughts and wishes.


    Trust in the Divine Plan that holds the proper distribution and alignment of all processes – energetic and physical – for the highest good of all.


    It is important to observe what is happening with calm and restraint, and not to react emotionally to those events that are beyond our control. Only take action when it is in your power to change something for the better.


    Imagine, or rather feel with your whole being, the changing image of our world, based on love, unity, equality and brotherhood.


    Feel the changing atmosphere, radically different from that of the three-dimensional world, and try to stay in this high vibrational space as long as you can, not just with your consciousness, but with your whole being.


    For those who aspire to ascend to 5D.

    Watch this video


    𝐔𝐧𝐛𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞!! “𝐆𝐞𝐭 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐓𝐨 𝐄𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝟓𝐃 𝐏𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥!! ”

    𝐒𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐬!


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