The power to issue money
The power of issuing money should be taken out of the hands of the banks and returned to the people where it rightfully belongs,” said Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States from 1801 to 1809.
The money markets are the global financial system. It is where banks and other financial institutions borrow and lend money on a short-term basis. These webs of debt and credit have always been fragile in times of panic, spreading problems from one part of the global economy to another.
The reason is simple: if one link in this very sophisticated chain breaks and defaults on certain debts, creditors can become dangerously short of funds and unable to guarantee the loans of other institutions.
In this way, the consequences of one failure can ripple through the entire money market.
WAKE UP and be aware of what is going on, how our society is being controlled and dominated by the central banksters, in reality gangsters, through the issuance of our money.
These satanic gangsters – of the Archon bloodline – called the Cabal for short, don’t want a strong nation. They need dependent nations with a dependent population, ‘on welfare’, who are candidates for participation in political turmoil and thus more receptive to the introduction of the New World Order, NWO for short.
The plan is to weaken each nation through unemployment, the higher the better, as is currently happening in the EU and America; to steal wealth; the name of the game is POWER.
Our ‘elected’ leaders, who are bribed puppets of the criminal cabal, aren’t allowed to solve this crisis. They are corrupted to lower people’s living standards and make their citizens dependent on government handouts to make them more willing to accept the implementation of their New World Order.
Booms and busts, wars and peace, price rises and even strikes are carefully designed on the basis of energy output, input and consequence.
Silent Weapons – a top secret document dated May 1979, found in a second-hand photocopier bought at a surplus sale in 1986 – highlights the dangers of intelligent people becoming aware of how the system works and to what end. It reads,
“The speed with which they can get their warning to the public will depend largely on how effective we have been in controlling the media, undermining education and distracting the public with matters of no real importance.
Indeed, this is proof of why the mainstream media won’t touch these matters, and when internet sites like this one report on them, they are declared conspiracy theorists.
Silent weapons
As Edward Bernays 1891-1995 – Rothschild Zionist ‘father of public relations’ said:
“Those who manipulate this invisible mechanism of society constitute an invisible government, which is the real ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical consequence of the way our democratic society is organised…
“… In almost every act of our lives, whether in politics or economics, in our social behaviour or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of people… who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires that control the public mind, who harness old social forces and devise new ways of binding and directing the world.
Simply put, it is the human population that is cracking under the pressure of the silent weapon of social engineering.
Meanwhile, Edward Bernays’ theory of “propaganda” has been perfected.
The wish list
Below is part of the wish list they have been working on since 1920: If you recognise what is already part of our daily lives, you will be amazed at how successful they have been so far.
The points about ‘mass immigration to destroy national identity’ – ‘teaching sex to young children’ – ‘undermining the authority of teachers’ – ’emptying churches’ – and ‘controlling the media’ are clearly evident throughout the western world.
Total control
It is interesting to observe and analyse the economic models by which the public tries to escape its problems and reality, using the mathematical theory of Operation Research.
It is possible to program computers to predict the most likely combination of created events that will lead to the total control and subjugation of the public through the subversion of the public economy.
This is what happened in 2008 and is now manifesting itself as an ever-deepening economic chaos with social catastrophe in America and the EU, especially at this moment in countries like Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland and Cyprus, with many more to follow.
The situation in Spain is worsening due to austerity measures, while the money received from the EU has been used to bail out the banks, which continue to repossess homes, instead of helping the people in need.
The effect on the rest of the world, which is dependent on the US and EU economies, is equally if not more disastrous.
Silent Wars lists the areas of human affairs that the criminal cabal seeks to control most directly. Detailed in the following issues.
Silent Weapons: The Future Is Now
The essence of the cabal’s strategy is to influence our lives. It is their silent war against us, the people:
The blame lies entirely with the cabal. Who makes decisions about our lives, such as.
This is the creation of a false reality; the reality in which we live.
Some of the methods used to achieve depopulation and the daily assaults we are subjected to that are used as weapons against humanity are outlined below.
Principles of power of the criminal cabal:
Rothschild, one of the main agents of the Khazarian – Archon bloodline, discovered that the basic principle of power, influence and control over people could best be applied by means of economics.
He further discovered that currency, or deposit accounts, inherently provided the necessary veneer of power that could be used to induce people to surrender their real wealth in exchange for the promise of greater wealth – rather than real compensation.
People would put up real collateral in exchange for a promissory note loan. On the principle that “if you give the appearance of power, people will soon give you power”.
Money – whether it’s a tangible piece of paper or a number on a screen – is intrinsically worthless, yet it drives the modern world.
The ultimate control of money lies with the private cartel of central bankers, the Federal Reserve System, the ECB, the BoJ, the BoE, etc.
This system is detrimental to the citizen, so it’s important to understand how this shadowy – private – organisation works and how its ultimate goal is to enslave us forever in an ever-increasing mountain of debt from which we will never be able to escape.
All this will be explained in detail in the following essays. First, the reader must understand the meaning of GOLD, its history, its importance to the criminal cabal, how it works and the massive fraud in which gold’s dominant role is being eroded.
The Gold Trail
For thousands of years, the Silk Road was the interconnected trade route that stretched 6,000 kilometres from Europe to China and Indonesia. This land and sea route served as the world’s most important passageway for economic and social interaction and exchange.
The currency widely accepted by the Chinese and other Southeast Asian nations was gold.
Gold was mined extensively throughout the Roman Empire.
From 1492, the Spanish amassed vast quantities of gold and treasure by plundering the ancient indigenous peoples of the Americas, the Inca and Mayan civilisations. They too were active traders along the Silk Road.
Gold became their medium of exchange. Over thousands of years of trade along the Silk Road, the Chinese accumulated vast quantities of gold. China and other Southeast Asian nations managed to accumulate a staggering 85% of the world’s gold during this period.
To be continued in future FWC articles
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