Friday, 14 March 2025

Plasma Technology

Revelations many have been waiting for

Final Wakeup Call articles are thoroughly researched and written in understandable language, but are not advertised. The truth presented will only be recognised, understood and spread by the truly awakened.


Finally, the time has come to present some revelations that many have been waiting for. Waiting has been a difficult decision, but an absolutely necessary one, as the revelations to come will shock many in the population. Especially those who are still in deep sleep. When they awaken from their illusion, they will not even understand the true reality.


For those who are awake and aware, important changes are afoot. Here is a look into the near future to confirm that we are on the right track in our lives. Be assured that everything is going as originally planned by our higher extraterrestrial helpers, the Galactic Federation. This time all the parameters are in place to ensure success. It is about to begin.


It brings us the light for higher levels of action to remove all negative forces and to completely cleanse planet Earth. To then enter the new positively polarised world. This is a huge undertaking, but in the end the triumph will be ours.


Most people have no idea what has happened on planet Earth and have not understood or do not want to understand what the removal of the Deep State means for the whole universe.


They will not and cannot follow the Ascension because they have remained in lower vibrations and at least have not developed their 4th dimensional consciousness to be ready for their Ascension into 5D.


There are also those who do not want to believe in this change on planet Earth and still live in their comfort zone. It is their choice and no one can question it, for it is their soul that has decided it needs more time to develop the spirituality to ascend to higher vibrations.


The Deep State Cabal has collapsed on all levels

Phil Schneider, a US government geologist and engineer with over 17 years’ experience working on black projects, is undoubtedly one of the most important Whistleblowers in modern history.


Phil toured the US in the 1990s, educating the public about aliens living beneath the surface of our planet. He even had a close encounter with a 2.15 metre tall alien called Grey and barely survived.


He has posted a number of videos on the Internet recounting the Dulce Massacre of 1979, in which we lost 60 people and the Greys lost 35. At that time, our rulers decided to make a deal with these aliens to begin an active programme of eliminating these alien races and eventually informing the people of their existence.


With the help of friendly aliens such as the Pleiadians, Arcturians and Andromedans, this battle has recently been won. A war against some 20 million inter-dimensional beings, some of whom disguised themselves as humans to blend in.


Phil Schneider was finally killed in 1996 and left videos for us to watch and learn from.


The Deep State Cabal has collapsed on all levels, the cleansing is in full swing. Great changes are on their way to bring people into the higher consciousness of the 5th dimension as the Light advances.


Time has not been wasted. Earlier actions were needed to put everything in place. To bring our planet to a higher resonance frequency and to encourage people to move on.


The battle of the Global Mafia against the Light is definitely lost. They will have to answer for everything. No one will escape until justice is done. Their backs are literally against the wall. This time the victory is ours.


There is a monumental task ahead of us to prevent the hidden cabal mafias from wreaking havoc when they have to accept defeat. In retrospect, much has been done in recent years. Life on Earth has been seriously threatened until 2012.


We can get extraterrestrial help, but we have to make the changes ourselves, because it is our planet. There will be no more fear psychosis. Planet Earth will become a peaceful, problem-free world where everyone can relax. Be assured that our new era has already begun. Better things are coming; our new lifestyle will be very different.



Fundamental change about energy

There’s talk now of technology that sounds like something out of a Nikola Tesla fever dream, but it’s happening right now, and you won’t believe it until you hear it all.

This isn’t just another fringe idea – this is the real deal, something that could fundamentally change the way we think about energy, the environment and maybe even our place in the universe!


After watching below 20 minute video you will know as much about it as I do. If you look at the bottom of the video you will find links to his website.


From what you see, this technology is just about ready to take off and all it needs is someone to throw money at it. This is going to be BIG, and you can be a part of it and get in on the ground floor.


In the past, anyone who came forward with suppressed technology was killed, but things may be different now.


We will see a lot more new technology coming out soon after the final disclosure.


Future mind-blowing projects

Using the world’s most powerful radar of its kind, Chinese scientists have detected plasma bubbles appearing almost simultaneously over the Egyptian pyramids and the Midway Islands.


Equatorial plasma bubbles are anomalous weather phenomena in low-latitude regions caused by the sudden disappearance of large numbers of charged particles in the ionosphere, part of the Earth’s upper atmosphere.


This electron-deficient bubble-like region can wreak havoc with GPS positioning devices and disrupt satellite communications. They can also reach sizes of hundreds of kilometres in diameter.


But thanks to the Long-Range, Low-Latitude Ionospheric Radar (LARID) built last year, China has become the first country in the world to detect these plasma bubbles on radar.


On 27 August last, the Institute of Geology and Geophysics, a branch of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, published on its website the results of the largest radar plasma bubble detection test to date.


These plasma bubbles, caused by a solar storm, appeared clearly on radar screens in China between 4 and 6 November last year, with the most distant radar echoes detected coming from North Africa and the central Pacific. By analysing these signals, scientists not only observed the detailed formation process of the plasma bubbles, but also tracked their movement in real time.


Help spread this message far and wide.



For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and rises up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

  • A mass awakening
  • The collapse of the monetary system, or
  • Removal by extraterrestrial intervention
  • Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!


    For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.




    Share this with everyone you know!


    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.

    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


    To be continued when time tells us more …


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