Friday, 14 March 2025

Until the truth is not widely known, tragedies never end

We will win!

The world is run by overpaid sycophants who would not otherwise be qualified to hold a normal job or be elected to anything else. Their positions are given to them so that they can serve the globalists, not sovereign nations. They are the kind of lackeys who go into public service to get rich quick, individuals motivated by money and prone to selling their integrity to the highest bidder.


The world has to deal with the likes of Kissinger, Bush, Clinton and Soros. Highly visible proponents of the NOW. Soros in particular uses his ill-gotten wealth to subsidise many organisations set up to disrupt societies around the world through his non-profit ‘Open Society Foundations’.


Following the money shows that Soros is one of the leading sources targeting and funding groups that form fractionalising elements around the globe to create distraction and polarisation. Kissinger was using his political power to further the NWO agenda in equally dangerous and fractionalising ways.


Soros is believed to be one of the main sources of money responsible for enabling the migration of so many Muslim immigrants flooding into Europe, creating enormous problems for the people of Europe.


Even more disgusting are the leaders of many European countries, especially the cabal-sponsored prime mover and shaker, former German Chancellor Angela Merkel. These are the facilitators of forcing countries to take in displaced Muslims, Muslims who have no interest in integrating into polarised Western cultures.


This led to the sickening but tragic false flag terrorist attacks in France and Germany. All the perpetrators were killed on the spot by the police to prevent the truth coming out in any subsequent prosecutions.


These attacks were orchestrated by the government to create more fear in order to take away more freedoms from the people. People need to understand that their own government is involved and therefore their worst enemy.


This is the truth, and until it is widely understood, the terrible attacks will continue, each time with greater frequency.


The only way to stop the killing of innocent people is to wake up.


Thanks in part to the tremendous help we are receiving from our alien brothers and sisters, the end of our centuries of oppression is now in sight, prepare for the great breakthrough in our fight against the cabal!


Hello my beloved ones!

I have come to you today to bring peace to your souls that are hurting because of what you perceive. Injustice, greed, aggression, cruelty, human pain and suffering and all kinds of perversions have increased so much in recent times that it seems there is no end in sight.


But the end is near, dear ones.

Everything that is happening on your planet right now is proof of that. As you can see, the Satanists who are now in power in many countries of the world no longer hide their faces and their true intentions. They no longer have the time.


If in the past they gradually introduced their programmes that were destructive to the human soul – with the majority of people not noticing the catch – they are now playing it openly.


Anyone with a pure human soul already sees the whole background of these programmes and knows what awaits man in the event of the eventual introduction of rules and laws in society that are unnatural to man.


As a result, resistance to the actions of the puppets of the Deep State is the unifying goal that will enable humanity to turn its “ship” in the opposite direction of these efforts. This has already begun in many countries around the world.


The ‘rudder’ of this ‘ship’ is already in the hands of Russia – the only country that has managed to retain its deep roots and purely moral principles despite the globalists’ years of trying to destroy it from within.


It is Russia that will become the sanctuary for all purely human souls on Earth – it is Noah’s ‘Ark’ that will save from physical and moral destruction those who have preserved the spark of God within themselves and are willing to defend, even at the cost of their lives, their human dignity and right to determine their own destiny.


Now more than ever, every human being is being tested for the strength of their spirit and their ability to resist the forces of evil. This is especially true for those on both sides of military action who are dead or suffering from what has been brought upon humanity.


I want you to know, my beloved ones, that all human souls who have given their lives in the struggle against the forces of evil for a better future on Earth rest in peace. All the Warriors of Light, all the citizens who suffered at the hands of the Satanists – men, women, the elderly and children – are now under our protection and are aware of the great mission that awaits them on Earth.


All these souls have sacrificed themselves during their physical incarnation to save millions of others – those who, thanks to them, will come to the Light and recognise the Truth that the puppets of the Deep State have been so busy hiding behind the false speeches that have been poured out from everywhere on the politically inexperienced and gullible.


Soon all will be revealed, my beloved, all will be exposed to the utmost – to the deepest depths.


As the sun illuminates the Earth – every corner of it – so the truth will triumph on your planet, exposing the centuries of lies by which the Draco-Reptilians and Reptilians who have held humanity in bondage are now heading for their ultimate destruction, having revealed their hidden dark nature.


Fear nothing and no one, my beloved ones, and know that the most precious thing in the universe is self-respect and love for yourself and your neighbour: True love is limitless and unconditional.


Your current incarnation gives you a unique opportunity: to demonstrate wisdom, love and compassion that will allow you to move to the new earth of the fifth dimension to lead thousands of other pure and luminous souls.


This is exactly why you have come to Earth at this fateful time.


I bless you and I love you very much!

The Virgin Mary has spoken to you

Received from Marta on 13 September 2024


Help spread this message far and wide.

For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and rises up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.

Or that the cabal is crippled by

  • A mass awakening
  • The collapse of the monetary system, or
  • Removal by extraterrestrial intervention
  • Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!

    For the awakened who want to know more about where we have come from and where we are going, the book The Great Awakening has been put online for free in both PDF and e-book formats.





    Share this with everyone you know!


    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.



    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!

    To be continued when time tells us more …


    Watch this video to fully understand what will happen;

    Great Solar Flash: Full memory restored, total civilisation collapse, humans and clones disappear!



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