Sunday, 16 March 2025

Pure human souls

Book of Wisdom of Perun

Very little is known of our past history. More is found in the Slavic culture, because the cabal was not able to intervene in it for lack of knowledge, as it did in the West? Fortunately, therefore, much more has been preserved than originally thought!


In order to raise a worthy generation of offspring, we are taken through a special initiation course where our souls are placed in mortal bodies under the worst possible conditions to train them, provided there is always a balance of power.


This article has attempted to combine much unknown knowledge and science with Western insights to provide a clear understanding.


The Perun Vedas Santies, the Book of Wisdom of Perun, is one of the most ancient Slavic-Aryan sacred legends, preserved by the Sages-Keepers of the Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church, in short ARYC.


Santies, in its original form, could only be called a book in a figurative sense, because Santies are plates, made of noble, non-rusting metal, on which Ancient H’Aryan Runes are inscribed.


Ancient runes are not letters or hieroglyphs in our modern understanding, runes are secret images that store vast amounts of information. This ancient form of runic writing hasn’t disappeared like many other ancient alphabets and remains the main form of writing used by the Wise Ones of ARYC.


In ancient times, H’Aryan runes were used as the basis for the creation of various simplified forms of writing: Ancient Sanskrit, Devanagari, Anglo-Saxon and Germanic-Scandinavian runes and various other runic inscriptions.


In order to preserve the H’Aryan runic script for our descendants, it is taught in the theological seminaries of the ARYC, so that the ancient wisdom doesn’t disappear in hard times and is passed on from generation to generation.


To imagine what Santies look like, remember that each Santy consists of 4 plates. Each plate has 4 shlocks (2 on each side) and each shlock has 9 lines. Each line has a single upper “heavenly” line under which 16 runes are written. 9 Santies on 36 plates form a circle, and these plates, containing 144 shlocks, are held together by 3 rings. 9 circles of Santies, containing 1296 shlocks, or 11664 lines, or 186624 mutually controlled H’Aryan runes, make up the pictorial collection called VEDA, since ancient times.


The Norse word Edda probably comes from the word Veda, but this is not confirmed.


The content of the Book of Wisdom of Perun is in the form of a dialogue and was written almost 40,000 years ago. In the First Circle it is told what commandments God Perun gave to the nations of the Great Race and the Heavenly Kin; about the forthcoming events in the time of the Svarozhich Circle and the 99 Circles of Life [40176 years]; and many others.


The Book of Wisdom of Perun is only a small part of the Aryan heritage. There are many more Santies, but they are kept hidden by the Keepers of the Wisdom because they contain strategically important information that can’t be released to the public at this time.


The first translation into modern Russian, from H’Aryan Karuna [ancient H’Aryan language], was done by Slavic sages in the summer of 106772 [1944 AD], since the founding of Irian Asgard. Since then it has been republished several times, but in a very limited number of printed copies, available only to the communities of ARYC.


The last edition was published in the summer of 7507 [1999 CE]. But it was not until the 2000s that the book was distributed over the Internet, where it gained great popularity and approval among Russian-speaking truth seekers.


If you’re a white man, it’s your duty to know your roots, your true gods and the Aryan way of life. White people will never win this war without the true knowledge given to us by the Aryan Gods, our creators.


The Ancient Russian Yngliistical Church [ARYC] is an association of people who follow one of the branches of the Old Faith called Yngliism. People who follow it are called Ynglings. The Ynglings are mentioned in the “Heimskringla” – “Ynglinga Saga”. [According to the ARYC word, Yngliism comes from the word Yngliya. Rough translation – Primary Divine Fire].


It is the faith of our white ancestors [Indo-Europeans] that was dominant until the time of Christianisation. It is also known as the Norse religion. Although it is not a religion, it is a code of knowledge.


In ancient times, when we [white people] lived as one race, called Tartarians, and spoke one language, our culture spread all over the planet and left its mark on many nations, including Hindu. Even now, when all languages are confused, we can see obvious similarities, such as the word ‘Veda’. In both Hindu and Russian it means “knowledge” [the Russian verb “ведать” means “to know”].


Foreign enemies have been destroying Aryan knowledge since the Christianisation of our lands, and they are still doing it. That’s why it is hidden. Besides, no one can prove the authenticity of other holy books like the Bible.


Aryans are mainly people with white skin. Actually there are many other genetic factors, but white skin is the main one.


The swastika is the oldest and our most sacred symbol on earth, it has nothing to do with Nazis. However, the Aryan faith shares many aspects of Nazi ideology, especially in terms of racial purity. Not because of politics, but because of common sense. And also because our gods said so.


What does the swastika mean? Where does it come from? It’s certainly a cosmic symbol, but you have to understand its meaning for yourself.


Alexander Hinevich is the leader of ARYC. He is the man behind the last publication of the Slavic Aryan Vedas. He hasn’t translated any runic texts, but he has written explanations for old and unknown words. He is considered by many Old Believers in Russia to be the unofficial leader, but Hinevich never agreed to this.


Summarised; this is not just a book. It is an instruction given to us directly from the Gods in the case of the events now taking place on Midgard (planet Earth). It is unlikely that the white men will succeed without this knowledge.

When you have read the book and understood its meaning, you should spread it as far and wide as you can and propagate it wherever you can. You may not get the approval of many people around you, but you will undoubtedly find those who are able to understand the truth.


Before you start reading, you should understand the main points of the story.


There is an advanced alien civilisation we call the Aryan Gods. We don’t know exactly when or where they came from. But we do know that they were behind the creation of the white race on this planet. In ancient times there was a continent at the North Pole called Daaria [also known as Hyperborea, Thule, Avalon]. And those Aryan gods and the first white men lived there.


Then something happened and the continent was destroyed [the details are in the book]. So most of the inhabitants moved to the Eurasian continent. The Book of Wisdom of Perun describes the events that happened after the destruction of Daaria.


The world is held by truth

Be truthful with your soul and mind. The worlds are held by truth. Their gates are truth, for it is said that on truth rests immortality. After turning away from sins, it is necessary to perform vows and commandments. Such conduct, created by the Unified God, leads to immortality through the Truth… People, keep the holy scriptures unchanged.


Man’s awakening takes place only in understanding, and the eye of knowledge saves him…. After attaining knowledge, the human child again looks to the Vedas, and again the pursuit of spiritual life becomes the duty, the conscience becomes the guide of all actions taken…. When conscience is listened to, it hates all evil, this makes conscience strong, and man creates his happiness, and in this happiness man himself is created….


The legacy of Tartary

The impact of new high vibrational energies on individual countries. Another example are countries where pure human souls rule, which means that the spiritual component also plays an important role in these countries.


Especially in the Slavic countries where the Rusji have lived since time immemorial – pure divine souls who once made up the majority of our planet’s population.


The land on which these peoples live has absorbed their elemental spirituality, which has undoubtedly influenced their energy.


Warmth, cordiality, compassion and hospitality have long been the hallmarks of the Slavic peoples.

These universal values are embedded in their culture and traditions, which have survived to the present day.


The majority of the Slavic peoples lived in the area where the great Tartaria once lay – a highly advanced civilisation whose traces the Draco reptiles who have taken over our planet are so keen to erase from human memory.


It was Tartaria that was the main centre of spirituality on Earth, and the centre of attraction for all pure human souls. With its disappearance, much has changed, which has naturally affected the energy of these lands.


But the Draco reptiles have still not been able to completely eradicate the divinity that was originally embedded in them. Now, the spirit of the Russian land itself is purifying, although the composition of the population of Russia and other Slavic countries has changed significantly. To this day, in percentage terms, the largest number of pure human souls are born here, coming from incarnation to incarnation to preserve the purity of the human race.


Of course they are born in other lands, but even there they remain committed to the values originally established in this sacred land. It is such souls who have been mentioned in previous messages about the Rusichi.


Pure souls who have kept the Divine Principle within them, regardless of the country in which they have incarnated at this time. Now, at the junction of two eras, it is the Russians who have been given the main role in helping humanity to move to a new level of consciousness and development.


That is why Russia causes such hatred among the Draco reptiles and their henchmen in power in many countries of the world. And why they have started a fratricidal war between Russia and Ukraine, using the dirtiest and most inhumane methods to achieve their main goal: the physical destruction of as much of the Slavic population on our planet as possible.


Further analysis suggests a strong possibility that your author was a Tartar in a previous life, given his familiarity with this history. Part of this question is supported by information from Father Absolute.


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