Monday, 17 March 2025

Remembering the Golden Age of Earth

This essay explains in more detail why it is the descendants of the Russians

who are most able to interact with the new high vibrational energies.


Genetic memory

Because, it is facilitated by their genetic memory. Despite the fact that these ancient souls have incarnated on our planet many times in different eras, in different social classes, in male and female bodies, they have carried through in all their incarnations the memory of the Golden Age of the Earth, when lived in love and complete harmony with each other.


These souls perceive the energies coming to Earth as something native, although long forgotten. Their awakening is happening much faster than that of other inhabitants of our planet.


Many of may perceive these messages on our site not with their mind, but with their soul. It may seem that you have known all this for a long time, and now you are just remembering what was long forgotten and stored in your deep memory.


If you have such feelings, then you are undoubtedly the descendants of the Rusichi – those who have already lived in a higher dimension and are now returning home to their origins.


Those who perceive such messages as something alien, hostile and completely incomprehensible, are most likely either deeply material young souls who have just begun to incarnate on Earth, or low vibrational beings incarnated in human bodies.


This is why the messages of this site immediately touch the soul of some and they seem to be immersed in indigenous energies, while others, who are not yet ready to receive such unusual knowledge, feel deep rejection and even aggression.


The same is happening with the perception of what is happening on Earth at this moment. Some people intuitively sense the lies and hypocrisy of the ruling elite and the official media under their control, while others take everything on faith without even trying to compare the facts to form their own opinions.


As a result, the former begin to seek out alternative information and try to get to the bottom of the truth, while the latter are hostile and suspicious of anything beyond their understanding.


As a result, in recent years the population of our planet has been divided into so-called “conspiracy theorists” and obedient, gullible ordinary people.


Although there are far fewer of the former than of the latter, their energetic and mental potential is so great that it more than covers the low vibrational energy of the grey mass of the rest of the Earth’s inhabitants.


Material versus Spiritual World

How to help young human souls overcome the barrier that separates the material world from the spiritual world.


Spirituality itself is the perception of everything that happens in your life and in the lives of those around you, not with the mind, but with the heart and soul.


It is these subtle Divine sensory organs that will never deceive a person, unlike the mind, whose sophistication knows no bounds.


Surely many of us may have experienced this more than once. Usually, the soul’s clues come at the very first moment when you come into contact with some information, or when you cast your very first glance at a person you don’t know.


If you are able to catch this signal – very briefly, as a ‘glimmer’ of awareness – then fate will protect you from trouble or disappointment, or perhaps it will vindicate your confidence and confirm that you are right.


If you don’t miss this opportunity, in time you will inevitably see everything and everyone in their true light and gain the experience you need.


This is how intuition works – the voice of your soul, which is the only one capable of protecting you from unnecessary pain and worry, sorrow and anxiety.


In fact, intuition is inherent in almost every living being, even low-vibration ones, as it is one of the ways to survive in the three-dimensional world.


Only biorobots and clones lack this natural gift, being of artificial origin.


Therefore, the first step in overcoming the barrier that separates the material world from the spiritual world should be a person’s desire to use their intuition as an “instrument” for understanding the world.


If you want to, you can develop your intuition. But you have to get rid of stereotypical thinking and behaviour, you have to stop going with the flow, you have to start approaching things consciously.


Many people equate mindfulness with living with the mind. In fact, there is a huge difference between the two.


Mindfulness is the desire to understand truth with the soul, not the mind.


In other words, it is the ability to use your subtle senses to understand reality.


Living with the mind is the search for truth through logical thinking and comparing different opinions. It is a purely material approach to life, based on the thoughts and conclusions characteristic of the inhabitants of the three-dimensional world.


What follows is an explanation of what a person needs to do to change their perception of the world from the material to the spiritual.



In fact, restructuring your perception of reality to move from the material to the spiritual world is not that difficult, because the spiritual principle lives within every human being, even if they are not aware of it.


For example, if something bad happens to your friend, what will be your first impulse?

Probably to help him, and in this case it doesn’t matter what kind of help it will be – the main thing is that you have such a wish.


Once the mind starts to discard all the material thoughts: if you help this person, will it harm you, will it be excessive, does this person deserve this help, will they be able to thank you, and so on and so forth, then it is very important to understand that if you want to help this person, you have to do it with true compassion.


It is very important to understand that if you do something sincerely and from the heart, you should not expect gratitude for it. Only then you will not be disappointed in that person and you will not regret your actions.


The most important thing is to understand that it was the command of your soul, not your mind, which means that you have taken a spiritual approach to life.


Another is to be able to listen to your intuition: how useful will your help be to that person, will it upset their destiny, will it prevent them from learning their own life lessons?


But this is already the “highest level” of feeling people and situations, which is still accessible to few.


In any case, a sincere, spontaneous desire to help one’s neighbour is already a manifestation of spirituality. On the other hand, indifference and complete lack of compassion for others is a sign of lack of spirituality, which is characteristic of purely material people, many of whom are low vibrational beings embodied in human bodies.


They are the ones who, when they give help, do it selflessly, expecting gratitude and appreciation from the person and constantly reminding them of their ‘good deed’.


The first thing to look at in such situations is what thoughts and emotions are driving you when you are helping others. These will shed light on the spirituality of your intention and its basis: is it the command of your soul or of your mind?


Keep following this and feel free to share this information with everyone you know: The world is changing in unimaginable ways!


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