Friday, 14 March 2025

The extinction of mankind by higher 5G frequencies

Uninformed public must be informed

It’s certain that these 5G super antennas are silent killers as an extension of the NAZI genocide in WW2. All these steps are being taken deliberately.

The uninformed public must be made aware of the location of every single 5G killer mast in their country and region, and informed of the health hazards.


Failure to do so would be similar to the Nazi experiments on human beings during the Second World War, where many died slowly and painfully.


Take note;

  • 5G your silent killer
  • 5G disrupts human brain function
  • 5G much higher frequencies than today
  • Mobile phones cause insomnia
  • Uninformed public must be informed
  • The worst form of brainwashing
  • What can you do?

    The rollout of 5G continues unabated in the Western world, Japan and China, despite the lack of mandatory health and safety testing. This illegal rollout is concentrated in the largest urban centres and especially in high-profile locations that can be used as advertisements for how ‘great’ 5G is – which it is not.


    Now that the Zionist Deep State is on the verge of losing its grip on humanity, having failed to instigate a nuclear World War III or wipe out humanity with biological weapons a recently with mandatory Covid injections, it appears they are trying to use 5G technology to finish the job.


    This secret effort is why UK Prime Minister sacked Defence Secretary Gavin Williams in early May 2023 for “leaking information that May supported Huawei 5G technology”, which has been confirmed by various intelligence sources.


    5G technology has been promoted by successive governments, particularly Theresa May’s, despite being proven to be extremely harmful. The most devastating problem is the damage it causes to the brain’s mitochondrial system. “The leak by the Secretary of State for Defence was designed to stop this.” Gavin Williams said.


    5G disrupts human brain function

    Frequent readers know by now that the Rothschild Khazarian central bankster mafia is destroying the financial world and then aiming to kill 90% of humanity in order to stay in power.


    The world’s military and intelligence communities are well aware of the Deep State cabal’s well documented attempts to kill us through nuclear war, biological weapons and now Directed Energy Weapons disguised as ‘5G’.


    This technology is already active in many homes and is seriously affecting human brain function, skin and eyes. These shocking findings have been made public by Israeli research studies.


    Understand, you are volunteering your living body in a huge uncontrolled experiment on the human population. Right now, residents of various regions – such as California, Washington DC, the EU, Japan and over a hundred Chinese cities – are living inside a vast experimental millimetre wave network that they neither know about nor have given permission for.


    Tech giants like Apple, Microsoft, Google and Facebook are all part of this sinister plan, which is exactly why each of them is working closely with China (Huawei) to roll out this authoritarian techno-tyranny infrastructure system, with the plan to enslave every citizen of the world, making them powerless and obedient to a globalist technocracy running the “one world government”.


    This is all the more reason to remove the cabal’s control over their main source of financial power, the privately owned central banks around the world.


    Currently, mobile phones, smartphones, tablets and most Wi-Fi routers operate at less than 3 GHz, in the so-called “microwave” region of the electromagnetic spectrum. With wavelengths of about 16 cm.


    A smartphone operating at 800 MHz sends and receives signals with wavelengths of 37.5 cm. When operating at 1.9 GHz, the wavelengths are 16 centimetres. Wi-Fi uses the 2.4 GHz band with wavelengths of 12 centimetres.


    The introduction of 5G will require the use of much higher frequencies, above 30 GHz, with wavelengths of millimetres rather than centimetres. The millimetre wave band from 30 GHz to 300 GHz is called extremely high frequency, and its wavelengths are between 10 millimetres and 1 millimetre.


    The higher the frequency, the shorter the wavelength. Extremely high frequency electromagnetic radiation has not been widely tested and its introduction marks a significant change in the type of electromagnetic energy that will be present in our environment.


    5G is far more lethal than its three predecessors because it significantly shortens the resonance spaces into millimetre pulses and increases the power by at least a factor of 100; standing within the range can be compared to being enclosed in an activated microwave oven.


    The 5G waves are of ultra-high frequency and intensity and are easily absorbed by life forms such as your body, trees and buildings. Although mobile phone masts will be smaller, they will have to be placed much closer together for 5G to be effective.


    At present, the Earth is already heavily irradiated from space. There are about two thousand fully operational satellites orbiting the Earth. Some beam down commercial GPS signals, some provide TV reception, some provide mobile phone services, and some bounce radar back and forth to produce images for meteorologists and military surveillance.


    But the 20,000 or more new satellites will mean a massive increase in the number of satellites in the sky above us, and a correspondingly massive increase in the amount of radiation hitting the Earth.


    All ostensibly for the same purpose: to provide global broadband services. The satellites will operate at an altitude of around 210 miles, bombarding the Earth with extremely high frequencies between 37.5 GHz and 42 GHz.


    Other companies such as Boeing, One Web and Spire Global are also launching their own smaller fleets of satellites, greatly increasing the total number of new broadband satellites, resulting in much higher levels of radiation on our planet.


    All of this additional EM smog will dramatically disrupt the daily functioning of human beings.


    For example, all our thoughts, sensations and actions arise from bioelectricity generated by neurons and transmitted through complex neural circuits inside our skulls. Electrical signals between neurons create electrical fields that radiate from brain tissue as electrical waves that can be picked up by electrodes touching a person’s scalp.


    Mobile phones cause insomnia

    Our brain is an electrochemical organ; researchers have identified that a fully functioning brain can generate up to 10 watts of electrical power. Measuring these brain waves in an EEG provides a powerful insight into brain function and is a valuable diagnostic tool for doctors.


    In fact, brain waves are fundamental to the inner workings of the mind. Mobile phone signals alter a person’s behaviour during a call, and the effects of disrupted brainwave patterns continue long after the phone is switched off.


    The researchers used EEG to monitor a person’s brain waves while their mobile phone was switched on and off by a remote computer, and also switched between ‘standby’, ‘listen’ and ‘talk’ modes at 30-minute intervals on different nights.


    The experiment showed that after the phone was switched to ‘talk’ mode, another brain wave pattern, called delta waves, in the range of one to four hertz, remained suppressed for almost an hour after the phone was switched off. Even though the volunteers had been sleep deprived the night before, they were unable to fall asleep for almost an hour after the phone had been left on without their knowledge.



    What you need to know to raise your frequency

    Based on information received from Anne Givaudan

    “Disease has a vibration of 5.5 Hz, it does not exist above 25.5 Hz. The reason for low vibrations can be: fatigue, fear, nervous tension, anger, hatred… That is why we need to vibrate high and not constantly follow negative news to lower our frequency. The earth’s frequency today is 27.4 Hz, but there are places that vibrate very low, such as: hospitals, care centres, some bars, prisons, cellars, etc.


    Here are the situations where the vibrations drop to 20 Hz or less:

  • Pain from 0.1 to 2 Hz,
  • Anxiety from 0.2 to 2.2 Hz,
  • Irritation from 0.9 to 6.8 Hz,
  • Noise from 0.6 to 2.2 Hz,
  • Pride 0.8 Hz,
  • Superiority 1.9 Hz.

    The opposite is:

  • Generosity 95 Hz,
  • Gratitude 150 Hz,
  • Compassion 150 Hz and above,
  • Love for your neighbour and all living beings from 150Hz,
  • Unconditional and universal love from 205Hz…

    So what helps us to vibrate higher?


  • Love – smiling – blessing – thanking = gratitude – playing – painting – singing – dancing – enjoying life – walking in the sun – physical activity.
  • Eat the food the earth gives us: fruit and vegetables.
  • Drink fresh, healthy water.

    All this helps us to vibrate higher!

    “Prayer and meditation raise the vibration from 120Hz to 350Hz!

    So we must sing, laugh, love, live, etc. …”

    Source link