Friday, 14 March 2025

Your slavery chains

The people are slaves to the private bankers

All countries are stuck. They have built their economies on counterfeit money and counterfeit interest rates. Soon they were competing with each other to devalue their currencies in order to prolong the circulation of the fake money, but this futile action yielded nothing.


Private central banks issued the public currency as loans against interest. That is why every nation today is drowning in deliberately created but unnecessary debt. The aim is to enslave the people to the private bankers. This is the cause and reason for ever-increasing taxes and declining economies.


In order to perfect their slavery, the rights and freedoms of the people are being taken away step by step. These are the chains of your slavery. People are forced by the government to pay taxes at the risk of being thrown in jail if they refuse to use the bankers’ counterfeit money to pay the interest on it that the bankers demand.


Meanwhile, the central banks try to “tighten the vice” further by creating new money, thereby restarting the whole boom-and-bust cycle.


This is not to say that in a free market no one can experience economic difficulties. Companies and even entire industries will still close down because of changing consumer tastes, new competitors with superior products or bad business decisions. There can even be bubbles in a free market because some investors misinterpret trends as permanent changes in consumer preferences.


But these downturns will be shorter and most will occur in specific industries and markets, not across the economy.


Central bankers; instead of doing the right thing by letting Mr Market set prices and interest rates, you keep repeating your old tune and expecting better results; that is the definition of insanity.


Faced with the next crisis, all central banks will do what everyone expects them to do. They will tighten the screws on savers more than ever. They will buy bonds and cut interest rates, all to pump fake money into bubble markets.


Fiat debt money concept

The ability of central banks to control the uncontrollability of a monetary system based solely on fiat currency is diminishing. Trump openly accused the Fed of this, indicating an erosion of trust and respect for the Fed’s means.


Agreeing to audit central banks and introduce gold and silver as legal tender is the only correct approach. There is no doubt that the people are witnessing the last days of not only all central banks, but more importantly the end of the fiat debt money concept.


Those who know the true nature of this are invited to do all they can to inform others so that today’s crisis leads to a return to constitutional governance structures, the termination of the EU, genuine free markets, sound gold/silver backed money and policies of peace and free trade.


Your slavery chains

by Father-Absolute, who loves you immeasurably

Accepted by Marta


People are driven into financial slavery by the desire to make money.

Now that we have looked at the extent of people’s dependence on religion and its role in their lives, I would like to talk about a person’s financial dependence, which is no less important in their lives.


Nowadays, few people on earth manage to live completely free from the state, except perhaps wild tribes living in the jungle and rare hermits, which means that almost everyone has to deal with money in one way or another.


How did the financial system come about and who was its creator?


It appeared on Earth with the appearance of the Draco reptiles, who understood perfectly well the role that money could play in the enslavement of mankind.

It all began gradually: with the replacement of the natural exchange of goods by monetary transactions.


And since money as such had no value, the Draco reptiles resorted to trickery and created an artificial system of payment based on the denominations they created.


What was a denomination?


It was a fixed price for a particular product, but one that could vary according to market conditions.


This is the basis of the financial speculation that the representatives of the Draco-Reptiles have always used and still use today.


A clear example of this is food, which has one price in times of peace and good harvests, and a completely different price in times of famine, war or bad harvests.


On the basis of such speculation, financial corporations were created which gradually took over the whole world and began to dictate their terms to entire countries and peoples.


“Money solves everything” was and is their motto.


  • How many personal human tragedies have been caused by money, not only by its absence, but also by its excess!
  • How many wars have been unleashed because of the desire to get rich by taking possession of other people’s natural resources and material values!
  • How many temptations they hide within themselves!
  • And how difficult it is for human beings to find that balance, that golden mean that allows them to live in peace and happiness.


    The overwhelming majority of the world’s population, in their desire to earn as much money as possible, voluntarily drive themselves into financial slavery, which we have spoken about more than once.


    And this happens because, in parallel with the creation of the financial system, the Draco-reptiles worked hard to create a consumer society, so that the main goal of people would be the acquisition of various goods, sometimes unnecessary, but prestigious.


    And they really have succeeded.



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