Archon New World Order
Total regime change, stopping environmental destruction and ushering in a new age is our goal, but there is still the threat of the Archon Bloodline fascist New World Order taking over planet Earth to make it their Archon World.
For example, their argument about man-made global warming, which is a fantasy invented by the global warming fanatics themselves. Climate change is happening – as it always has – and it is harmless..
If we the people allow these few (less than 1%) elite to impose their evil on the rest of us, “life” would be neither human nor anything that could be called “life”. – People would merely exist, not live, crammed into tiny high-rise boxes in megacities within the human settlement zones of the megaregions as regulated by Agenda 2030.
The population would be a fraction of what it is today, and people would be denied access to 95% of the world’s surface. Everyone would be microchipped and connected to a computer system that would dictate their thoughts, emotions and health, or more accurately, lack of it.
Surveillance would be 24/7 via microchips, wireless systems like smart grids, in every building, location and mode of transport within and between megacities. Every thought could be accessed and recorded in real time. People would be watched by cameras in their own ‘home box’ via compulsory television. the ‘Orwell’s tele-screens’.
The switch from analogue to digital television was linked to this, which is why it was introduced so quickly, covering all aspects of broadcasting – even car radios and telephones at extra cost to the user.
Before that, it also brought us smart phones, televisions, etc. HAARP and other communication networks are capable of sending the same messages across a country and eventually across the planet when the entire network system is complete. The world’s first fully integrated smart city is called ‘Songdo’, located on an artificial island in South Korea.
In this Archon world, food and water will be ordered by the authorities and provided only to those who comply and obey. Even then, there will be just enough to survive and serve. Food and drink will be contaminated with GMOs, vaccines and chemicals to block thoughts of resistance and prevent people from waking up and becoming conscious.
There will be no organic food, no private cultivation of food of any kind will be allowed, no alternative medicine and no health supplements will exist in an Archon society.
Anyone who bothers to look will see that we are already moving very fast in this direction.

Compulsory drugs will also make people love their slavery, as Aldous Huxley (Rothschild Zionist) put it, with substances like lithium in the water. Huxley said in 1962;
There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their slavery, and producing a dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for whole societies, so that people can actually be deprived of their freedoms, but will really enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda of brainwashing, or brainwashing reinforced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the latest revolution.
This is the world of Agenda 2030. People would exist, not live, in cashless poverty under Agenda 2030, while the few who control them would live in unimaginable high-tech luxury. Children would be owned by the state and beaten up in the way that Aldous Huxley foresaw from his inside knowledge in Brave New World. He wrote;
Parents were father and mother… These are unpleasant facts as I know them. But then most historical facts are unpleasant… In those days… children were brought up by their parents, not in state conditioning centres.
Humanity is so deeply brainwashed that positive has become negative. These sheep live in a world of illusion, where democracy is promoted as freedom, when in reality it is dictatorship; where 51% rule over the other 49%. That is why the meaning of anarchy has been changed to rebellion, because it really means self-government!
The sooner humanity wakes up to the lies and deceit of its authorities, the better it will be for all of us. Don’t be afraid; let it be a challenge for you to join us in reaching our maximum potential.
Our world is filled with a huge amount of toxicity, lies, deception, disinformation, distortion, fake news, half-truths, fraud, untrue representations, deceptive mirages, propaganda and intrusive brainwashing.
Planet Earth is now undergoing a gigantic timeline shift that brings it into the new 5D position. The 5th dimension is orchestrating the salvation and cleansing of Planet Earth, including the restoration of the environment, food and happiness.
Planet Earth is the most beautiful planet in our Universe and therefore has a special place in the Cosmos, as there is no other planet like ours!
It was the Pléiadiens who, thousands of years ago, were the creators of this divine plan for the planet Earth!
An alien intermediary called Martha sends the next part.
Artificial human beings
Today, I would like to return to the subject of so-called “artificial” human beings, in order to talk in more detail about the reality in which they live.
Deprived of the Divine Soul, they are unable to understand anything beyond the material world. And this can be explained very simply:
These creatures are completely devoid of subtle senses because they only have a physical body. As for their consciousness, it is programmed solely for survival in the three-dimensional world.
Like a sponge, these creatures absorb everything that concerns this world: how to succeed in it, how to get maximum pleasure, how to keep up with others, what to do to meet the generally accepted criteria for success.
They are the ones who form the consumer society, who obediently “swallow” the bait that the official media, advertising, films, fashion and other attributes of the three-dimensional world “throw” at them.
They are quite happy with this reality, in which they feel like fish in water, and anything that goes beyond their usual ideas of life causes them condemnation, irritation and sometimes aggression.
Even the plans of the globalists to limit their freedom by “imprisoning” them in the so-called “fifteen-minute cities” do not meet with any resistance from them, since these “cities” do not deprive them of their usual way of life and those primitive entertainments with which they are already satisfied.
That is why, as I said earlier, they are the “locomotive” for all the ideas promoted by the globalists.
Moreover, being artificially created themselves, they are enthusiastic about such “progressive” things as artificial intelligence, digitalisation, being chipped and other technological “benefits” promised to them by the puppets of the deep state.
It is also not possible to convince them or explain to them the true nature of the “benefits” promised to them, because this is exactly what their consciousness has been programmed for from the very beginning.
Therefore, my dear ones, I have offered you meditations aimed at neutralising the influence of biorobots and clones on the process of Earth’s Ascension.
As you do them, the energy background of your planet will begin to level out, raising the vibrations of the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity.
I ask you: do not neglect these meditations, they will not take up much of your time, but the effectiveness of their influence will be truly invaluable.
This is where we will stop today.
You have been spoken to by the Absolute Father and Mother, who love you immeasurably.
“The energetic background of your planet will begin to level out, raising the vibrations of the Earth and the collective consciousness of humanity. Said Father/Mother Absolute.
Increasing vibrations
by Vladis Kulakov
What does it mean for life? An increase in vibrations that will determine destiny;
To live or not to live?
It’s good to have a conscience, at least you can’t eat with it.
On the earth, which is being renewed, you can only be poisoned by evil.
If you lie, you’ll suffocate. Condemnation is an emergency! I don’t talk about gossip,
I’ll just twist my finger…
There is nothing for stubborn people to do in the fourth dimension.
There is such spiritual heat, like strong steam in a bathhouse. Sins glow when the thoughts there are bad.
If you don’t care about your soul, you will rake in a mountain of sorrow. So it’s better to die if you can’t see with your heart. There is no intimacy in the fourth dimension, but there is a spiritual brotherhood.
But the doors of the world are open, where there is no need for an idol, except God alone, who has been living in you for a long time.
God is our Absolute Father and Mother.
And from the souls – greetings to Them!
Being truly awake
Too many internet riders are not really awake. They are the followers who imitate others and have not yet learned to think for themselves.
It is all about connecting the real dots. A lot of supposedly positive information is put out by the cabal to mislead awake followers.
If you keep this in mind, you have become a critical thinker and refuse to pass on information without doing your own research.
It is clear that NOW is the time to rid the world of the cabal whose backs are against the wall.
But as always, the last mile is the hardest, so it is now a matter of perseverance and above all, not running after the wrong flag.
For the record;
Our liberation can only be achieved if the mob wakes up and stands up to protest against, among other things, the false information and the unnecessary and dangerous covid injections. All designed to destroy 90% of the population.
Or, that the fiat money system collapses and the cabal becomes knights on foot.
Remember this, and don’t be tempted to follow other so-called solutions, because there are none!
Share this with everyone you know!
The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.
Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!
To be continued as time will tell us more …
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