Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Twelve strands of DNA are being activated


  • Severing 10 out of 12 strands of DNA cripples our abilities
  • This essay is unique and a real eye opener.
  • Save this information and spread the word.

    You are one of your kind and far more capable than you think, aliens helped genetically engineer the human race, while the Anunnaki later crippled human genetics by severing 10 of our 12 DNA strands, making humanity their slaves.


    The severed strands have been described by mainstream scientists as junk DNA. So, in effect, we lost almost all, or at least most, of our abilities and were genetically re-tuned to produce more slaves, functioning and existing only on our two remaining strands of DNA.


    When all of our 12 strands of DNA are finally restored, we will have truly amazing abilities. We will once again be able to use 100% of our brains according to the original divine design.


    In contrast, at present the majority of human beings are only able to access and use twelve percent of their brains.


    Certainly, aliens would love to have our DNA with our creative and adaptive abilities. They envy us for the God spark we all have, which makes us spiritually immortal. As the Bible says, we are made in the image of our Creator God.


    When Jesus performed miracles he said “and you can do these things too”, suggesting that humanity could do these things before the Anunnaki enslaved us by cutting 10 of our 12 DNA strands.



    This is why the cabal put fluoride in our drinking water to calcify the pineal gland in the brain to destroy our psychic abilities. We have been living a lie, forced into a ‘belief system’.


    When we learn the truth about our heritage, we move into a ‘knowledge system’ set in motion by the coming revelations.


    What to expect and how it works?

    According to current scientific knowledge, we have 2 strands of DNA. However, a popular fringe hypothesis in the alternative community is that humans actually have 12 strands, but the purpose of the other 10 strands is not officially known. These extra strands are said to have a higher purpose, mediating the ability of multidimensional consciousness, our natural spiritual state. Activating the other 10 strands of DNA is said to have the ability to awaken multidimensional consciousness and parapsychological abilities as it leads to the development of a second neural network that is ethereal in nature.



    This second neural network allows us to live in several dimensions at once. We can hear, see and communicate with others in these dimensions. 10 deactivated strands of DNA cause a feeling of isolation from Oneness and staying at a low level of consciousness, a low energy vibration.


    DNA reactivation involves 9 successive levels, each requiring emotional cleansing and spiritual growth.


    Activation means turning on 44 DNA codes that were previously inactive. The process of gradually activating the DNA takes place on the etheric level, in the area of the human luminous body, specifically in the crown chakra.


    As DNA is holographic, it can be altered, attached and activated even during life.

    The activation of the 12 strands of DNA takes place in three steps:


  • Activation of the crown chakra. You will feel this as an itch or pressure in the crown chakra. It is not the same as an itchy scalp.
  • Activating the connection to the source, the higher self.
  • Activation of the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a universal translator, it receives and transmits Law as frequency thought forms, in a universal language.

    The advanced activation of a person’s DNA can be seen from a photograph of their aura and the state of their spiritual body, where there is no stagnant emotional or other destructive energy.


    DNA activation has been proposed as a spontaneous process undergone by the entire planet, including animals. Our entire Solar System and the Milky Way Galaxy have now entered a highly charged part of the Universe. With periods of intense light, we are in the photon belt (menasic radiation).


    We entered it in the late 1990s and will remain here for another 2,000 years. During this remarkable time, the energies of the Photon Belt are triggering a complete change in life on Earth.


    Photon light energy has the ability to lift all life on Earth into a higher frequency dimension. Our body structures are slowly realigning to match these rising frequencies.

    Each of the twelve strands of DNA represents one of the twelve aspects of multidimensional consciousness. Three strands of DNA represent and govern the physical body, another three deal with the emotional body, another three with the mental body and the remaining three with the spiritual body.


    All these aspects are represented in our bodies and have their own energy and nerve pathways. They are connected and nourished by the endocrine system of the body. These glands work in conjunction with the energy centres (chakras) in our body.


    When all the nerve pathways work effectively with the chakra system, they provide access to the higher realms, leading to the knowledge of multidimensional consciousness.


    The human energy system

    We live in a universe governed by the laws of electricity and magnetism. All three-dimensional life forms reflect this principle. Our stars and planets (which are geomagnetic life forms) all have north and south poles and magnetic field lines flow between them.


    Our human bodies (bio-magnetic life forms) are aligned with this bipolar magnetic field, with the top of our heads representing our bodily North Pole and the soles of our feet representing the South Pole.


    The energetic lines of force moving between the head and the feet completely surround the body in the form of an etheric structure or human torsion field.

    Imagine this doughnut-shaped energy field completely surrounding your entire body. This is your aura. It acts as your extended antenna for interacting with the outside world.


    The ability to awaken multidimensional consciousness and parapsychological abilities that lead to the development of a second neural network is ethereal in nature.


    This second neural network allows us to live in several dimensions at once. We can hear, see and communicate with others in these dimensions.


    The progress of activation on a person’s DNA can be seen from a photograph of their aura and the state of their spiritual body as stagnant emotional or other destructive energy disappears.


    DNA activation has been projected as a spontaneous process that the entire planet is going through, including animals.


    We are now moving from a three dimensional body – corresponding to the atomic frequency and spin of carbon – to a five dimensional or higher crystalline body, called a light body. One that corresponds to the atomic frequency and spin of crystal.


    The bodies of animals, plants and everything else on and in the Earth, as well as our entire galaxy, are going through the same process.


    As the process of rebuilding the bodies of light continues, we will slowly begin to notice that we are becoming more conscious and multidimensional. When all 12 strands of DNA are finally fully activated, we will experience life in a constant awareness of multidimensionality.


    For example, you may find that when you meet another person for the first time, you are attracted to them and feel compassion for them. This happens when both auras vibrate in sympathetic resonance.


    The same is true when you feel uncomfortable in someone’s presence. Then your electromagnetic fields repel each other.


    At the centre of any bipolar magnetic field is a magnetic core that runs from north to south. In the case of a simple bar magnet, this is a magnetised piece of metal. In the case of the bio-magnetic human body, it is the central channel, which can only be observed in the subtle body. It is a pranic channel or governing meridian. It is in this core that the life force of the being is channelled.


    Every spiritual tradition in the world identifies and acknowledges this life force, but gives it a different name. In Chinese spiritual teachings it is called qi or chi. The Japanese and Koreans call it ki. Indian and Tibetan traditions call it prana. The Christian tradition calls this life force divine grace or blessing. Physicists call it a subatomic or quantum field. Spiritual people with a developed sixth sense perceive it as light.


    If you move among people in a large city, you can notice and identify many who suffer from limited access to the life force. It shows in their deteriorating health, psychological openness, self-confidence and even in the way they treat others and themselves. We all need to have full and complete access to the life force.

    Our chakra system can absorb and transform this energy. Chakra is originally a Sanskrit word translated as ‘spinning disc’ or ‘wheel’. It is the biophysical connection to our soul and etheric body. Each person has seven main energy centres located in the centre of the governing meridian.


    Our physical body is further controlled by extremely complicated neuro-electrical circuits with many special centres where these circuits converge. Each of these centres is controlled by nerves connected to the central nervous system and the brain.


    References FWC Archive, and https://aluska.org/aktivace-dvanacti-vlaken-dna-pri-pruchodu-planety-fotonovym-pasem-co-ocekavat-a-jak-to-probiha/



    It is disappointing to see that very few readers understand the deeper meaning of what has been published in this series of some 20 articles on our spiritual well-being.

    Apparently very few understand that we can only succeed in freeing ourselves from centuries of oppression if our true history is known and properly understood.

    Most people are looking in the wrong direction for the future, when they should be learning about our past in order to understand what needs to change to improve our future.

    What is striking is that very few readers look into our true recent history, which took place less than 150 years ago and finally ended during the Second World War in 1940/45 with the mass destruction of old buildings in cities like Berlin, Dresden, London and Rotterdam.

    After reading this article, ask yourself how many awakened people you know. You will be surprised to find that very few fit the criteria.

    Share this with everyone you know!


    The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! It is clear to see that governments are obsolete. It is pointless to continue with the current cryptically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing. Stay tuned daily for new developments on our Telegram page.




    Many may ask: when will the change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but surely! There is no going back, the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!


    To be continued as time will tell us more …

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