In an interview with Piers Morgan, acclaimed actor Kevin Spacey shared a never-before-seen look into his deep personal and financial troubles. Visibly emotional, Spacey revealed that his Baltimore residence, where he lived while shooting the popular series “House of Cards,” is being foreclosed.

“Where do you live now?” Morgan began the interview, probing into the actor's current circumstances. “It's funny you ask that question, because this week, where I have been living in Baltimore, is being foreclosed on. My house is being sold at auction. So I have to go back to Baltimore and put all my things in storage,” Spacey responded, his voice filled with distress.

The financial difficulties stem from mounting legal bills, as Spacey admitted to Morgan during the interview. “Because I can't pay the bills that I owe,” he said.

The discussion took a deeper dive into Spacey's financial state as Morgan questioned, “Are you facing bankruptcy?” Spacey revealed that while he had considered bankruptcy, he had managed to avoid it thus far. “Been a couple of times when I thought I was going to file, but we've managed to sort of dodge it, at least as of today,” he said.


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Spacey, a prominent actor once celebrated for his roles in film and television, faced backlash starting in October 2017 when allegations of sexual misconduct surfaced. Actor Anthony Rapp accused Spacey of making a sexual advance toward him when Rapp was just 14 years old. The accusation opened the floodgates to multiple other claims from various individuals, detailing a pattern of predatory behavior, mostly directed at young men and male minors.

In the wake of these allegations, Spacey's career suffered greatly. He was removed from the final season of the Netflix series “House of Cards,” where he had played the lead role of Frank Underwood, and his scenes in the completed film “All the Money in the World” were re-shot with actor Christopher Plummer replacing him. Beyond Hollywood, Spacey faced legal challenges; he was charged with indecent assault in Massachusetts, although the case was eventually dropped after the accuser pleaded the Fifth Amendment.

Spacey also faced charges in the UK related to allegations of sexual assault against three men between 2005 and 2013, during the time he was the artistic director at London’s Old Vic Theatre. Despite his attempts to return to the public eye, including some film roles and stage appearances, his reputation remains significantly tarnished, and he continues to be a controversial figure in the entertainment industry and beyond.

In 2022, a jury acquitted Spacey of sexual battery charges in the civil lawsuit filed by Rapp. In 2023, during a criminal trial in the UK, Spacey was acquitted by a jury on nine charges related to the assault of four men.

Despite the dire circumstances, Spacey expressed a resolve to overcome his challenges. “Get back on the horse,” he repeated to Morgan.

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