Friday, 18 October 2024

D’s Want Congress To Refuse Certification When Trump Wins, Conditions Met, MI In Control – Ep. 3303


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D’s Want Congress To Refuse Certification When Trump Wins, Conditions Met, MI In ControlClick On Picture To See Larger Picture

Biden's LNG push is now falling apart, the reports are coming out and it contradicts what they are saying. Office vacancies are up. IBM asking employees to lay themselves off. Layoffs are accelerating. Trump will not stop crypto. The [DS] is trapped down the path the patriots set. They will follow it until the end. Their narrative is falling apart, the people do not believe the fake news. There was a poll that was taken and the D's want congress not to certify the election. Nov 3 and then Jan 6 the conditions were met where MI took over the investigations of the three letter agencies. The D's is pushing the idea that the Intelligence agencies will not give Trump a briefing. Since the MI is in control, Trump doesn't need it this time around.



Data Contradicts Rationale Underpinning Biden’s Decision To Halt New Natural Gas Export Hubs

  • Market data undermines one the Biden administration’s central justifications for pausing new approvals of liquefied natural gas (LNG) export terminals.
  • “There is no evidence whatsoever that exporting LNG has had any impact on domestic natural gas prices, other than perhaps depressing them,” David Blackmon, a 40-year veteran of the oil and gas industry who now consults and writes about the energy sector, told the DCNF. “As U.S. exports to Europe ramped up in late 2022, the NYMEX Henry Hub domestic price collapsed from $7 per one million British thermal units to just $2 in a span of just four months.”
  • The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) published a May 2023 report projecting that growth in LNG exports will place upward pressure on domestic prices, whereas reductions in exports would have the opposite effect. However, different EIA data demonstrates that domestic natural gas prices fell significantly in 2023 relative to the year prior, the same period of time in which U.S. LNG exports reached record levels and made America the world’s leading LNG exporter.
  • “What this decision to pause has really accomplished is starving investment capital in natural gas projects going forward and hand the keys over to Qatar,” Dan Kish, a senior research fellow at the Institute for Energy research, told the DCNF. “Would you stop food exports to keep the price of food down?”
  • Source:


  •   buildings is now down nearly 50% from its high. Just last week, a Canadian pension fund just sold its 29% stake in this New York office building for $1. The pension fund had already poured $71 million into the property and the building currently has a $220 million mortgage. Remote work has changed the world.
  • IBM to employees: Raise your hand if you want to leave the company 

  • IBM asks employees for voluntary redundancy in major job cut ..across Europe and departments.   
  •  Source:






    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 030019 No.8572837
    Mar 26 2020 12:07:19 (EST)

    2382.Misprision of treason.
    2383.Rebellion or insurrection.
    2384.Seditious conspiracy.
    2385.Advocating overthrow of Government.
    2386.Registration of certain organizations.
    2387.Activities affecting armed forces generally.
    2388.Activities affecting armed forces during war.
    2389.Recruiting for service against United States.
    2390.Enlistment to serve against United States.

    Trump retruthed this post

    Geopolitical/Police State

    Biden Agrees To Sign Bill That Could Ban TikTok If Congress Passes It

  • President Joe Biden is expressing support for a bipartisan proposal that could ban the video-sharing app TikTok from the United States on national security grounds.
  • The president told reporters outside Air Force One that he would sign the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act if Congress approves the bill.
  • “If they pass it, I’ll sign it,” President Biden said.
  • The House Committee on Energy and Commerce unanimously approved the measure on a 50–0 vote on March 7.
  • Should it become law, it would grant the president the authority to force the divestiture of social media companies operating in the United States that are more than 20 percent controlled by one of four covered nations or their related entities.
  • Those nations are China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia.
  • Foremost among those companies, and named explicitly in the bill, is TikTok, which is owned by the China-based ByteDance.
  • Security experts have long warned that TikTok is a weaponized application that could be used to promote Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda or feed Americans’ data directly to the regime.
  • Source:

    Celebrities Rushed to Mock Trump’s Assessment of Failing Country, Now They’re Deafeningly Silent as Violent Gangs Take Over 

  • The Biden administration is currently having to consider deploying United States Marines into Haiti as gangs have attacked government buildings in Port-au-Prince.
  • Important locations such as the Presidential Palace, the Interior Ministry and a police headquarters were ransacked by gunfire and explosions.
  • The United States military had to run an overnight mission to evacuate staff and add additional security at the U.S. embassy in the chaotic country, per Politico.
  • So what do the leftist and late-night hosts have to say about the deteriorating situation in Haiti that Biden played a part in?
  • Unsurprisingly, nothing.
  • The same people who were quick to cast stones at Trump have kept their lips airtight when it comes to discussion on the unbridled disaster occurring in Haiti.
  • Source:



    Q !A6yxsPKia. ID: 32060e No.2538955
    Aug 10 2018 11:15:09 (EST)
    Anonymous ID: 3bc074 No.2538860
    Aug 10 2018 11:07:09 (EST)
    HRC has taken a number of villages from Haiti


    Re_read drops re: Haiti.
    At some point it will not be safe for them to walk down the street.
    Fake News?
    The World is WATCHING.


    Trump's plan to end the Ukraine war is to totally cut off funding, says Putin's closest EU ally

  • Trump “will not give a penny” more to Ukraine if he becomes president, Hungary's prime minister said.
  • That's how Trump plans to end the war, Viktor Orbán, who met Trump at Mar-a-Lago, said.
  • Source:

    Defiant Netanyahu Vows To Cross Biden's Rafah 'Red Line': “We Are Not Getting Off The Gas”

  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hit back at Biden after the US president issued a “red line” warning against a military ground attack on the refugee-packed city of Rafah in Gaza's south.
  • Starting Sunday Netanyahu responded by vowing to press forward with the planned offensive on Rafah, believed to be imminent, when asked about the Biden red line statement. “We'll go there. We're not going to leave them. You know, I have a red line. You know what the red line is? That October 7 doesn't happen again. Never happens again.”
  • Biden had told MSNBC on Saturday that an attack on Rafah is a red line for the administration, but as we underscored earlier he didn't attach any potential consequences to such an action. “But there’s red lines that if he crosses them — you cannot have 30,000 more Palestinians dead as a consequence of going after” Hamas, Biden said. “There’s other ways to deal with, to get to, to deal with the trauma caused by Hamas.”
  • Source:

  • Joe Biden Says the Quiet Part Out Loud-Ceasefire in Gaza Would Allow Hamas to “Survive and Rebuild”(Video)

  • After Thursday’s partisan and angry State of the Union Address, Joe Biden was caught on a hot mic boasting that he told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, “You and I are going to have a ‘come to Jesus’ meeting.”
  • In full damage control, Biden sat down Saturday with MSNBC‘s Jonathan Capehart,  where he said the quiet part out loud about who really benefits from a potential ceasefire in Gaza.
  • Capehart asks, “Who actually wants a deal? Do you think Hamas actually wants a ceasefire?” 
  • Biden’s response is telling.
  • “Well, I think Hamas would like a total ceasefire across the board because they (unintelligible garble) can then have a better chance to survive and maybe rebuild. But that’s not what …. I think the vast majority of people think … you have to…look…”

  • Biden and his cronies push for a ceasefire as a “humanitarian effort” becomes less palatable when he publically admits that a terrorist organization is the primary beneficiary.
  • Source:

    Cyber Attacks

    False Flags

  • New York Gov. Kathy Hochul banned the use of long guns by National Guardsmen she sent to check bags at Big Apple subway stations — as she continued to defend the controversial deployment.
  • Hochul issued the ban on military-grade rifles “immediately after” 750 troops were deployed to the subway system, a spokesperson told The Post Sunday.
  • After the deployment began last week, straphangers entering the subway were greeted by camouflaged and gun-toting soldiers at bag-search checkpoints in a sight reminiscent of the city after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
  • “Stop the theater!” wrote former Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik in a post on X, adding that “the NYPD knows their job” and should be left to do it. 
  • Source:

    Crime Pays in New York: Proposed Bill Would Pay Inmates $2600 After They Leave Prison

  • In New York, crime pays.
  • A new bill introduced in Albany would offer inmates leaving prison around $2,600 in “an effort to help them get back on their feet.”
  • State Senator Kevin Parker and Assemblyman Eddie Gibbs introduced the legislation, which would allow inmates to collect around $400 each month over six months once they leave prison, and have asked that 25 million dollars be set aside for the initiative.
  • Source:

  • Q

  •   WSJ.
  • 11

    Anonymous ID: Eka5Om1K No.147175452
    Oct 29 2017 22:20:11 (EST)
    Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
    No approval or congressional oversight
    State Secrets upheld under SC
    Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
    Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies?
    What conditions must present itself?
  • The Insurrection ACT allows POTUS to use military (&National Guard) as police force in the event of terrorist act, natural disasters and disorder that state police cannot contain ALL OF WHICH HAVE HAPPENED IN THE FIRST 8 MONTHS OF TRUMP'S PRESIDENCY. Specifically, the Las Vegas massacre was a great opportunity to impose these powers — 911 style, esp. since the cover story crumbled so quickly. The fact they didn't intervene suggests there is something going on behind the scenes.
  • Why is this so VERY important?
    Who surrounds POTUS?
    They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

    EXC: 57% of Democrats Want Congress to Refuse Certification if Trump Wins.

  •  A stunning 57 percent of likely Democrat voters have told pollster Rasmussen Reports that Congress should refuse to certify the result of the 2024 election in the event of a Donald Trump victory, The National Pulse can exclusively reveal.
  • Source:

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