Saturday, 21 September 2024

Is Trump About To Set A Precedent? Marker [9], Don’t Worry It Won’t Be Boring Forever – Ep. 3365


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 Is Trump About To Set A Precedent? Market [9], Don’t Worry It Won’t Be Boring ForeverClick On Picture To See Larger Picture
The green new scam is having the opposite effect on CA. CA is the template for the [CB]/[WEF]. Right on schedule now CA wants to tax people for every mile they drive. Biden is losing the people when it comes to the economy. The people are not convinced he has inflation under control, wait for it. The [DS] has done everything to go after Trump to make sure that he doesn't win the election. The [DS] agenda is backfiring on them. The Judge has now given the Jury instructions, the instructions was to find Trump guilty. The only way out of this is a hung jury for the Judge. Will Trump be setting a precedent to go after the [DS] later on. It's starting to seem like it. Don't worry it won't be boring forever.



California mulls per-mile Road Charge to replace gas taxes

  • Fuel-efficient and zero-emission vehicles are cutting into revenues, so the state is trialling a pilot program—should Canada be looking at the same?
  • California is considering countering falling gas-tax revenues with a “road charge” pilot program
  • The program, if implemented, would charge car owners per mile driven, and not factor in the type of fuel used
  • The state hasn’t set a rate yet, but is looking at around US$0.02 to $0.04 cents per mile (CDN$0.017 and CDN$0.034 per km)
  • Now California is proposing what it’s calling a Road Charge, where drivers would be exempt from state fuel taxes and, instead, would pay a fee based on how many miles they drive. The state is asking residents if they’re willing to sign up for a pilot project to assess the viability of such a program.
  • Source:

    Biden’s window for shaking off inflation woes might already be closed

  • Time is running out for President Joe Biden to change the public perception of his economic stewardship, with numerous allies worrying that inflation, regardless of the relative health of the economy, will hamper the president through the general election.
  • For months, if not years, voters have given the president poor marks for his handling of the economy. Just 38% of participants in a May poll from Gallup said they had a “great deal” or fair amount of confidence in Biden’s economic policies, with 46% saying the same of former President Donald Trump, Biden’s 2024 Republican opponent.
  • Meanwhile, a poll conducted by Harris Research found nearly 3-in-5 people believing the country is in a recession despite slow but sure economic growth over the past three-plus years.
  •  Democratic strategists familiar with Biden’s campaign strategy told the Washington Examiner that, with just over five months until November, voters’ economic perceptions of both the president and Trump are unlikely to change.
  • Source:


  •   hours 40 prostitutes were reportedly matched up with wealthy clients as far away as NYC and the Arab Gulf states Clients included Saudi princes, members of Persian Gulf monarchies, arms traffickers, celebrities, etc.
  •  he subjected her to sexually inappropriate behavior, according to a lawsuit she filed. In court, one of the abusive voicemail messages De Niro left for Robinson was played for jurors.

  •   in. The complaint says girls were given only 4 hours to sleep between 4am and 8am each day. The gang lured victims with the promise of a home to work in, an immigration attorney and help getting family into the US. After arriving, victims were then told they’d have to pay the traffickers $30,000 that must be paid off via prostitution. These gangs are the types of people Joe Biden is allowing to flood into our country.
  • According to the complaint, victims were taught how to game the asylum process to gain entry into the country and only found out after arriving that they’d be under constant watch as forced prostitutes to pay a debt to the gang. One victim called investigators in Baton Rouge days after arriving and that started the investigation that eventually broke up this trafficking ring. She informed investigators that the gang allegedly paid a “charity” to fly her to Baton Rouge.
  • No word on who that charity is but it’s VERY interesting given the investigation into NGO’s + “charities” in Guatemala where the AG is looking at ties between the Biden admin, trafficking rings and these NGO’s. As many of you know, the Biden administration is attempting to get that Attorney General fired.
  • The man in the photo is Allbert Herrera Machado, one of the illegal immigrants arrested and accused of being a “handler” of these girls for the gang. Osleidy Vanesa Chourio Diaz and Josmar Jesus Zambrano Chirinos are the other two illegal aliens accused of making threats against the lives of their family members and operating the trafficking ring.
  • IMO,@JoeBidenand his entire administration should be charged as accomplices for allowing our border to be overrun by criminals. 

    Biden’s Catch and Release: Criminal Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S., Charged with Murdering West Virginia Woman
  • An illegal alien charged with murdering a woman in Berkeley County, West Virginia, spent over two decades in an El Salvador prison before getting released into the United States on President Joe Biden’s watch, new details reveal.
  • David Antonio Calderon, a 46-year-old illegal alien from El Salvador, was booked this month in Frederick County, Virginia, after having a warrant out for his arrest in West Virginia for allegedly murdering a woman.New details of Calderon’s past have since been reported by Adam Shaw at Fox News Digital and West Virginia Metro News, revealing that Calderon served time in an El Salvador prison from January 1999 to August 2021 for drunk driving, sexual assault, murder, aggravated robbery, and drug crimes.
  • In March 2023, after being released from prison in El Salvador in 2021, Calderon sought to seek asylum in Canada via the U.S. northern border but was denied. Canadian authorities turned him over to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) custody, and Calderon was released with a Notice to Appear (NTA) before a federal immigration judge.On May 6, law enforcement discovered a 33-year-old woman’s body after firefighters extinguished a couch that was on fire in Berkeley County. The woman had been reported missing from Jefferson County’s home confinement program. .
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    Admiral warns that foreign nationals are breaching U.S. naval bases 2-3 times a week now

  • Not if you hear this sort of thing from the Maritime Executive's report, citing Fox News:
  • The U.S. Navy's base security personnel are catching and evicting a steadily increasing number of foreign nationals – particularly Chinese citizens – who are attempting to glean national security secrets, a top U.S. admiral said in an interview over the weekend. Many of them have proper papers allowing them to visit the United States as tourists or students, but their presence on a military base is not authorized – and in many cases, may constitute a criminal offense.

    “Usually the cover story is 'I'm a student, I'm an enthusiast I want to see the ships,' that type of thing,” U.S. Fleet Forces Commander Adm. Daryl Caudle told Fox and Friends. “We have to turn them around, and typically we will get the [Naval Criminal Investigative Service] involved. We will get biometrics if possible.”

     When Caudle mentions “high volume, low effort,” he is referring to the Chinese intelligence gathering method known as “grain of sand.” The Chicoms dispatch ordinary Chinese citizens, sometimes under threats to their families, to penetrate U.S. military or Naval bases, walk around, take pictures of military personnel for photo analysis back home, get names, gather certain kinds of information they ask for all of which is seemingly innocuous, and which is unlikely to draw full espionage charges if they are caught, given the difficulty of proving such matters.


    Geopolitical/Police State


  •   and over 100 meters away from the strike site—causing the fire that tragically took civilian lives. We are investigating the cause of the fire and will continue to operate in accordance with international law.
  • Hamas Responsible for Suffering in Gaza

  • Hamas commits acts of repression and other human rights violations against the people of Gaza. According to Amnesty International, “Palestinian authorities in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip repressed the rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly. Torture and other ill-treatment were reported in Palestinian detention centers. Members of Palestinian armed groups summarily killed several suspected ‘collaborators’. In Gaza, death sentences were passed, and executions were carried out.”
  • Source:

    IAEA: Iran’s Enriched Uranium Stockpile Is 30x Bigger than Obama Nuclear Deal Allows
  • The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) issued a confidential report on Monday that discovered that Iran’s stockpile of highly enriched uranium reached 30 times the limit Tehran accepted in former President Barack Obama’s 2015 nuclear deal.
  • The IAEA document, which has not been released to the public but was reviewed by Associated Press (AP) reporters, said Iran now has 6,201 kilograms of enriched uranium in its inventory — a dramatic increase of 675.8 pounds from the last IAEA report in February.
  • The IAEA report also complained that Iran is still interfering with its operations by preventing its most experienced inspectors from monitoring nuclear facilities.
  • Source:

    Macron says Kyiv should be allowed to ‘neutralise’ Russian military bases, prompting Putin warning

  • President Vladimir Putin said Tuesday that there would be “serious consequences” if Western countries allowed Ukraine to use their weapons to strike targets in Russia, as sought by Kyiv
  • The warning came as French President Emmanuel Macron said Kyiv should be allowed to “neutralise” Russian military bases from where Kremlin troops are firing missiles into Ukraine, and as President Volodymyr Zelensky urged the world not to tire of the war.
  • Putin’s comments came after some NATO members as well as the alliance’s chief Jens Stoltenberg have called to allow Ukraine to use their arms to step up attacks on Russian soil, after more than two years of war.
  • “This constant escalation can lead to serious consequences,” Putin said during a visit to Uzbekistan.
  • “In Europe, especially in small countries, they should be aware of what they are playing with,” he said, noting that many European countries had “small territory” and a “dense population”.
  • “And this factor, which they should keep in mind before they talk about striking deep into Russian territory, is a serious thing,” he said.
  • He added that even if Ukraine’s forces carried out the strikes, responsibility for them would lie with Western suppliers of the weapons.
  • Source:

  • Cyber Attacks

    False Flags

    Appeals Court Restarts Lawsuit Against Mayo Clinic’s Covid Jab Mandate

  • The ruling opens the door for scores of employees to pursue damages for Mayo’s alleged abuse of religious freedom.
  • In a significant win for religious freedom and a major setback for Covid poke cops, a U.S. appeals court has resurrected a lawsuit charging the Rochester, Minnesota-based Mayo Clinic with discriminating against workers who resisted strict Covid-19 vaccine mandates on religious grounds.
  • The court’s ruling opens the door for scores of employees to seek damages for Mayo’s alleged abuse of equal employment laws, and it comes thanks in part to a federal agency in a vax-happy Biden administration that has pushed Covid shot mandates in the workplace.
  • Officials with the health system told the National Desk that Mayo Clinic will “vigorously” defend itself.
  • ‘Sincerely Held Religious Beliefs’
  • On Friday, the U.S. 8th Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which had asked the court to revisit the claims of former employees of the renowned clinic. Shelly Kiel and Kenneth Ringhofer were among five medical staff members who filed the lawsuit after being fired in 2022. They claim the hospital’s requirement forcing employees to either get the jab or undergo routine Covid testing violated their religious rights and the sanctity of their bodies.
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    Farmers must kill 4.2 million chickens after bird flu hits Iowa egg farm 


  •  More than 4 million chickens in Iowa will have to be killed after a case of the highly pathogenic bird flu was detected at a large egg farm, the state announced Tuesday.
  • Crews are in the process of killing 4.2 million chickens after the disease was found at a farm in Sioux County, Iowa, making it the latest in a yearslong outbreak that now is affecting dairy cattle as well. Last week, the virus was confirmed at an egg farm west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, leading to the slaughter of nearly 1.4 million chickens.
  • Overall, 92.34 million birds have been killed since the outbreak began in 2022, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
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  • Q

    Newly Unsealed Motion Confirms Someone in Trump’s World (Attorney?) Agreed to Become Cooperating Witness for Government in Jack Smith’s Classified Docs Case

  • A newly unsealed motion confirms that someone in Trump’s world, likely an attorney, agreed to become a cooperating witness for the US government in Jack Smith’s classified documents case against President Trump.
  • A reference to a cooperation agreement with the government was mentioned in a motion filed by Trump’s co-defendant Walt Nauta.
  • A previous court filing revealed a lawyer with an attorney-client privilege relationship with Trump proposed to act as an informant for the DOJ.
  • A
  • According to the motion filed earlier this month, a lawyer for Trump was enlisted to act as an undercover informant/source in Jack Smith’s classified documents case.
  • Source:

    ‘End The Weaponization Of Justice’: Ramaswamy Reveals How Either Outcome May ‘Favor’ Trump In Bragg Trial

  •   Vivek Ramaswamy argued whatever the outcome within Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s trial may “favor” former President Donald Trump.
  • “I think either outcome is going to favor President Trump and here’s why. Once that outcome is behind us people will see in the not guilty case that it was a sham trial. This is a trial where Alvin Bragg made a commitment to voters saying that he was going to go after Donald Trump. You name the man, I’ll show you the crime —that was his [Bragg] mentality, that’s exactly what he did,” Ramaswamy stated.
  • “In the case where he’s [Trump] convicted, nobody in the United States of America could still possibly tell you what exactly was the crime that Donald Trump committed. If he’s being sentenced on the basis they will see the injustice of that as well. So this has backfired, backfired as it should and thankfully we will be able to end the weaponization of justice when Trump wins that next term.”
  • source:



    The Sixth Amendment guarantees the rights of criminal defendants, including the right to a public trial without unnecessary delay, the right to a lawyer, the right to an impartial jury, and the right to know who your accusers are and the nature of the charges and evidence against you.




    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 4e4d4a No.7538264
    Dec 17 2019 17:03:45 (EST)
    First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
    First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
    They will fight but you are ready.
    Marker [9].

  •   subject to the whims of corrupt judges who explicitly say the Constitution doesn’t apply, and throw you in prisons where guards disappear and cameras magically don’t work if you become an obstacle to total regime power in this country.
  • 3787

    Jan 23, 2020 3:32:58 PM EST
    Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: dce435 No. 7889231 


    Corrupt [D]s fighting for their lives to keep media/gov focused on POTUS.
    Don't worry, it won't be BORING forever.

  • Precedent established.
  • Hollywood Star Dennis Quaid to Vote for Trump in 2024 Election, Cites ‘Weaponization of Justice System’ as Reason (VIDEO)

  • Hollywood star Dennis Quaid has announced his support for Donald Trump in the upcoming presidential election.
  • Quaid, who is starring in the upcoming Reagan biopic, made the announcement during an interview with Piers Morgan.
  • Quaid, navigating the discussion about his role as Reagan and their common background in acting, did not hesitate when asked about his political leanings for 2024.
  • “I think I’m going to vote for him,” Quaid announced, signaling his support for Trump. The response came as a surprise to Morgan, who probed further about the potential backlash.
  • Quaid said that he was initially hesitant to vote for Trump but that he changed his mind after seeing the “weaponization of our justice system” and the “challenge to our Constitution.”

  • Source:

    JUST IN: DNC Announces New ‘Workaround’ to Get Joe Biden on Ohio Ballot Despite Democrats’ Registration Failures

  • The Democrat National Committee (DNC) announced it will virtually nominate Joe Biden to get him on the Ohio ballot despite failing to register him on time.
  • “Through a virtual roll call, we will ensure that Republicans can’t chip away at our democracy through incompetence or partisan tricks and that Ohioans can exercise their right to vote for the presidential candidate of their choice,” Harrison said.
  • Ohio Republicans bent over backwards to accommodate Joe Biden and the Democrat party while radical Democrat judges and state supreme court justices work to ban Trump from the 2024 ballot.
  • Source:

  •   Michelle Obama   created announced a coordinated campaign last week to target and register likely-Democrat voters ahead of the 2024 election.
  •  the Obama-founded When We All Vote initiative launched its “Culture of Democracy Tour,” a summer-long effort to “register, educate and engage thousands of voters and volunteers.” This tour, according to the group’s press release, aims to bring “voting to popular culture through events, sweepstakes, campaigns, voter registration drives and more in partnership with the organization’s thousands of volunteers and partners.”
  • The campaign appears to be part of When We All Vote’s “Culture of Democracy Collective,” a network of more than 200 organizations and businesses focused on “registering, educating and mobilizing voters.” Many of the initiative’s partners are well-known groups and corporations, such as the far-left Southern Poverty Law Center and Lyft. According to When We All Vote’s presser, the rideshare company has committed to “offer[ing] discounted rides to the polls during primaries, early voting and on Election Day across the country, as well as help riders, drivers and team members register, prepare to vote and understand voting ID requirements.”
  • Source:

  •   Just like we are all screaming we don’t want China owning our farm land but the State/CIA overthrew multiple countries when they enacted land reform that limited foreign ownership bc State and CIA doesn’t work for the citizens of US, they work for the companies who owned the land like United Fruit.

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