Friday, 26 July 2024

From Bloody Biden Head To Code Pink 'War Criminal' Display, White House Protest Gets Heated

Update (2000ET): Thousands of demonstrators surrounded the White House on Saturday to protest President Joe Biden's response to Israel's military strikes on Gaza.

Chants of "Free Palestine!" , "Genocide is our red line" , and "Israel bombs, your taxes pay" could be heard from protesters - many of whom were bussed in from over two dozen cities.

Footage posted on X shows protesters getting roudy as police attempted to make an arrest. As a crowd chants "let her go!" officers deployed pepper spray (at 17 seconds).

The woman was not arrested, and the cops were chased away, with one protester saying "get out of here motherfuckers."

The demonstration featured a coalition of groups, including the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and Code Pink, which featured protesters dressed as Biden, Antony Blinken, Netanyahu and Israel's Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant.

It was a diverse crowd to say the least...

One pro-Hamas group even featured a Biden mask covered in blood.

Smoke bombs were lit:

And protesters threw bottles at a police officer, breaking into a chant of "Fascist!"

Oh and there was a giant pride parade a few streets over.

*   *   *

President Biden loves taxpayer-funded walls, except for former President Trump's southern border wall. The elderly president has a beautiful taxpayer-funded wall around his beach home in exclusive Rehoboth Beach (a destination for rich liberals), where the poors and illegal aliens are not allowed. On the topic of walls this weekend, another taxpayer-funded wall was quietly erected around the White House in recent days.

Biden's 'White House Wall' was erected on Friday ahead of ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), an anti-war group founded three days after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks, along with other activist groups, including CODEPINK and the Council on American Islamic Relations, who are all planning to surround the White House for Palestine on Saturday. 

Photo: Craig Birchfield

ANSWER posted on X numerous videos that show busses of pro-Palestinian protesters en route to Washington, DC, Saturday morning. 

"In preparation for the events this weekend in Washington, DC, that have the potential for large crowds to gather, additional public safety measures have been put in place near the White House complex," a US Secret Service spokesperson told Reuters. 

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