Friday, 14 March 2025

Peace and Harmony from the Heart

Earth is the most beautiful planet in the Universe

The entire past history of our planet is known, for everyone in the Universe knows exactly what we on Earth have gone through throughout history. Despite all the suffering due to many deliberately created problems, such as wars and floods, caused by so-called duality, there has always been an attempt to find peace and harmony from the heart.

Originally Planet Earth was created as the most beautiful planet in the Universe, very diverse and natural, as were the creatures that lived there. Again and again the opportunity arose to maintain the planet as Mother Nature intended.

From the position of orbiting the planet it was possible to clearly observe what was happening to the people on the planet and how much damage was being done. It was clear that we had been taught what the ‘great goal of the Deep State cabal’ was to destroy planet Earth.

Unfortunately, few people today enjoy the beauty and nature of the Earth. As a result, many do not appreciate its beauty as it is meant to be.

Every other planet in the universe where people live is beautiful in their own way. But a beauty equal to that of planet Earth is extremely rare in the entire Universe.

It was decided by the Galactic Federation that our planet should be saved from the hands of the Satanists, who have terrorised the planet and its inhabitants for more than 450,000 years, and that its people should be told the real truth.

Finally, all 4.5 billion elite star beings decided to voluntarily go to Earth for this long-term Earth Liberation Mission!

Then the order was given to send a rescue mission to Earth as soon as possible! For some time they all gathered in the great halls of the Galactic Federation and began to prepare for their mission to Earth!

On great tables they opened the scrolls and writings of the Light and began to make a plan for the journey to Earth! They made blueprints and cosmic contracts and agreements for their mission to Earth!

And that is why most of the Awakened came here, to take part in this cosmic rescue operation.

Stay tuned, there is more to come …


The following message is received from Ashtar Sheran

Addressed to those of you who doubted our help and support for the inhabitants of planet Earth.

Now, as the Deep State loses more and more of its power each day, it is trying to aggravate the situation as much as possible through military conflicts on your planet.

What we have spoken of more than once is happening right now: the Draco reptiles are trying to unleash a nuclear war, and they are doing it openly.

But rest assured, this will not be allowed to happen under any circumstances.

Many of you have probably noticed our increased presence in many corners of your planet.

The Galactic Federation of Light fleet is closely monitoring the radioactive levels on Earth to ensure that they do not rise above a dangerous level for human health.

And there is more news to share with you.

Very soon we will be ready to show ourselves openly to the humans.

There are already those on Earth who are mentally, emotionally and most importantly vibrationally ready to begin communicating with us.

These are mainly what are commonly referred to as ‘star seeds’.

Most of these people are living with blocked memories, but for some the blockage is already being removed so that they can perceive the new reality without fear and distrust.

These Starseeds will act as intermediaries between us and the rest of awakened humanity as we work together in the near future to create a new society on Earth that is in harmony with the realities of the Fifth Dimension.

But now it is very important not to succumb to the provocations of the Deep State who are hatching plans to present you with a holographic image of an invasion of Earth by aliens hostile to you.

So, be very vigilant and always remember that the representatives of the Galactic Federation of Light will respond to you at the sixth chakra and above.

Anything that vibrates below that has nothing to do with us.

I hope this message will help you to feel the vibrations emanating from it and to tune into the wave of friendly extraterrestrial civilisations.

Loving you,

Ashtar Sheran speaking to you on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light


Note; Ashtar – sometimes called Ashtar Sheran – is the name given to an alien being or group of beings that a number of people claim to have channelled.



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